Telephone Companies in Paradise

Book Description

In 1986, the state of Nebraska completely discarded traditional utility regulation, deregulating rates and profits of its local telephone companies. The Nebraska experiment has become a benchmark for reassessing the role of state regulation in the future of telecommunications. Using comparative data from five midwestern states, Mueller shows how deregulation affected rates, investment, infrastructure modernization, and profits. He uncovers both positive and negative results. Mueller found established telephone companies to be basically conservative, not aggressive and expansionist, and concludes that new competition, not regulation or deregulation, is transforming the telecommunications industry.

Telephone Companies in Paradise

Book Description

Computerization has generated dra­matic advances In telecommunica­tions, such as mobile telephones and video conferencing. Coupled with this are major changes in regulation, as telephone companies face new compet­itors. States are experimenting with new forms of utility regulation and de­regulation in order to cope with the demands of rising competition. Here Mueller examines in detail the results of a radical telephone regulation law.In 1986, the state of Nebraska com­pletely discarded traditional utility reg­ulation, deregulating rates and profits of its local telephone companies. The Nebraska experiment has become a benchmark for reassessing the role of state regulation In the future of tele­communications. Using comparative data from five midwestern states, Mueller shows how deregulation af­fected rates, investment, infrastruc­ture modernization, and profits. He uncovers both positive and negative results. Mueller found established telephone companies to be basically conservative, not aggressive and ex­pansionist, and concludes that new competition, not regulation or deregu­lation, is transforming the telecommu­nications industry.This book is the first systematic em­pirical study of the controversial Ne­braska law and its broader effects. It will be a significant addition to the much debated issue of telecommuni­cations deregulation. Economists, pol­icymakers, and telecommunications managers will find in this volume a substantial resource. According to Robert Atkinson, senior vice president of Teleport Communications Group: "Nebraska's experiences with telecom­munications deregulation - the good, the bad and the ugly - need to be un­derstood by all telecommunications policymakers across the country so that they can emulate Nebraska's suc­cesses and avoid its mistakes. Mueller provides the roadmap."

Deregulating Telecommunications

Book Description

This volume critically examines the transition from monopoly to competition in the U.S. and Canadian telecommunications industries. it looks at the history of the telephone industry, its regulation, and over a century of related public policy.

Deregulation of Network Industries

Book Description

Although the airline, railroad, telecommunications, and electric power industries are at very different stages in adjusting to regulatory reform, each industry faces the same critical public policy question: Are policymakers taking appropriate steps to stimulate competition or are they turning back the clock by slowing the process of deregulation? This volume addresses that issue and identifies the next steps that policymakers should take to enhance public welfare in the provision of these services. Each chapter identifies the central policy issues that have arisen in each industry as it undergoes transformation to a deregulated environment. The authors reveal the flaws in the residual regulations and make the case for faster and more comprehensive deregulation. A concluding chapter identifies how interest groups continue to exert influence on regulatory agencies and on Congress, potentially undermining deregulation. The papers included here were initially presented in December 1999 at a conference sponsored and organized by the AEI–Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies.

Universal Service

Book Description

This book revisits the critical period of unbridled competition between the Bell System and independent telephone companies early in this century.

Talk is Cheap

Book Description

The rapid pace of technological change is placing the world's telephone companies in a very difficult position. Fiber optics cables, wireless telephones, digital signal compression, and sophisticated new switching equipment are lowering the cost of providing service and opening the gates to new competition. At the same time, these new technologies are providing the telephone companies with a wide array of new market opportunities. Unfortunately, their status as regulated carriers makes it difficult to exploit these new opportunities and to fend off competitive assaults on their traditional telephone business. As long as they are regulated, they can be accused of using their monopoly services to cross-subsidize new competitive ventures. But partial deregulation and open entry would be a catastrophe for them unless they were allowed to revise their rate structure. There is a widespread misconception that the U.S. telecommunications industry has been "deregulated" and that Canadian authorities are following the U.S. lead. In fact, most services remain regulated, even though some markets, such as long-distance services, equipment sales and rentals, and local services, have been opened up. This book reviews the recent changes in the structure of U.S. and Canadian telecommunications industries and the changes in regulatory policy on both sides of the border. The authors analyze the effects of these changes in regulation on telephone rates in both the local and long-distance markets with particular emphasis on the impacts of regulatory reforms and competition on long-distance rates. They use their results to suggest how regulation should be structured to allow competition to replace monopoly on the road to the information superhighway. The authors contend that for decades misguided regulation of the telephone sector in both Canada and the U.S. denied consumers the benefits of competition, distorted local and long-distance telephone rates, and blocked en

Marketplace for Telecommunications

Book Description