Piano Literature - Book 1: Developing Artist Original Keyboard Classics

Book Description

(Faber Piano Adventures ). This collection of 21 authentic keyboard works represents the major periods of music - from Baroque to Contemporary - and serves as an excellent introduction to classical keyboard literature. Contents: VON DER HOFE: Canario * PRAETORIUS: Procession in G * TELEMANN: Gavott in C * MOURET: The Highlander * HOOK: Bagatelle * Minuet * TURK: Little Dance * DIABELLI: Morning * HAYDN: Quadrille * ATTWOOD: Sonatina in G * J.C. BACH: Adagio and Allegro * SCHYTTE: Little Prelude * Melody for Left Hand * SPINDLER: Two Preludes * WOHLFAHRT: Waltz for Four Hands * GURLITT: The Hunt * LYNES: Tarantella * ALT: On the Ocean Floor * DUBLIANSKY: The Busy Machine * SALUTRINSKAYA: Shepherd Pipes * FABER: Pantomime

Preparatory Piano Literature: Developing Artist Original Keyboard Classics

Book Description

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Includes a CD of Accompaniments. Contents include: Allegretto (Kohler) * Ancient Dance (Praetorious) * Circle Dance (Beyer) * Country Ride (Kohler) * Echoes (Kohler) * Five-Note Sonatina (Bolck) * The Hero's March (Vogel) * In an Old Castle (Beyer) * Little March (Turk) * Melody (Beyer) * Ponies (Low) * Sonatina (Wilton).

Piano Literature - Book 3: Developing Artist Original Keyboard Classics

Book Description

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Consists of carefully selected repertoire from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern periods. Contents: KRIEGER: Minuet in A minor * DUNCOMBE: Fanfare in C Major * LULLY: Minuet in D minor * ANNA MAGDALENA BACH NOTEBOOK: Musette in D Major * Minuet in G Major * Minuet in G minor (PETZOLD) * March in D Major (C.P.E. BACH) * J.C. BACH: Solfeggio in D Major * GOSSEC: Tambourin * HASLINGER: Sonatina in C Major * HAYDN: German Dance in D Major * Minuet in G Major * Allegro in F Major * CLEMENTI: Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36, No. 1 * DIABELLI: Sonatina in G Major, 1st Movement, Op. 168, No. 2 * Rondo for Four Hands, Op. 163, No. 6 * BEETHOVEN: Two German Dances * LEOPOLD MOZART: Allegro in A Major * GURLITT: A Little Flower * BURGMULLER: Arabesque, Op. 100, No. 2 * Ballade, Op. 100, No. 15 * Harmony of the Angels, Op. 100, No. 21 * SCHUMANN: Wild Rider, Op. 68, No. 8 * Melody, Op. 68, No. 1 * ELLMENREICH: Spinning Song, Op. 14, No. 4 * HELLER: Avalanche, Op. 45, No. 2 * REINECKE: Gavotte, Op. 183, No. 1 * REBIKOV: Chinese Figurine * Playing Soldiers, OP. 31, No. 4 * FABER: The Moons of Jupiter * MCKAY: Song of the Range Rider * Cowboy Song * JACOBY: Sonatina

Accelerated Piano Adventures for the Older Beginner: Lesson Book 1

Book Description

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Book 1 covers fundamental rhythms, all the notes of the grand staff, C position, G position. Contents include: Aloha Oe * Amazing Grace * Bagpipes * Bus Stop Boogie * Camptown Races * Chant of the Monk * Chant of the Monks * Chinese Dragon * Chord Crossings * Dreamscape * Eine Kleine Nachtmusik * English Minuet * Fife and Drums * Forest Drums * French Minuet.

Artist Development Essentials

Book Description

As a constantly evolving and developing industry, the music business environment continues to establish new standards in terms of operational efficiency, dynamics between the different parties involved in the professional cycles, and constructing and performing methodologies in the process of achieving the desired results that all the participants in the music world have to adapt to in order to establish a sustainable career. Hence, the main purpose of this book is to provide practical advice suitable to both aspiring music professionals and artists that need detailed guidance in the process of developing the basis of a fruitful, promising, and sustainable profile, not only in terms of business performance, but psychologically as well.

Hanon-Faber: The New Virtuoso Pianist

Book Description

(Piano Adventures Supplementary). While nearly every pianist's training includes the renowned exercises of Charles-Louis Hanon, the power and weight of the modern grand requires an updated approach. This unique edition introduces vital pianistic warm-ups and routines that ensure correct gesture and relaxation. The pedagogical sequence omits inefficient and potentially damaging exercises and presents a long-needed pathway for dexterity and gesture that newly advances the virtuoso pianist. * Includes selected exercises from Hanon's The Virtuoso Pianist, Parts 1 and 2 * New transformative warm-ups develop gesture, dexterity, and virtuosity * For students in Levels 3A, 3B, and above

Artist Development

Book Description

Piano Literature - Book 2: Developing Artist Original Keyboard Classics

Book Description

(Faber Piano Adventures ). Each of these pieces is a proven favorite with students and is easily accessible at this level. Contents: CLARKE: King William's March * PETZOLD: Minuet in G Major * RAMEAU: Menuet en Rondeau * SPEER: Air in D minor * GRAUPNER: Bourree * J.C. BACH: Prelude in A minor * MOZART: Dance in F Major * Minuet in C Major, K. 6 * BEETHOVEN: Russian Folk Dance * Ecossaise * Sonatina in G Major * HUMMEL: Polka, Op. 280, No. 2 * SZYMANOWSKA: Mazurka * GURLITT: The Return, Op. 117, No. 24 * In the Garden, Op. 140, No. 4 * SCHUMANN: Soldier's March, Op. 68, No. 2 * The Happy Farmer, Op. 68, No. 10 * TCHAIKOVSKY: Old French Song, Op. 39, No. 16 * MCKAY: Long Gone Blues * REBIKOV: The Bear * FABER: Waltz Macabre * POE: Yiki Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.

Women Writing the American Artist in Novels of Development from 1850-1932

Book Description

In nineteenth- and early twentieth-century artist novels, American women writers challenge cultural, social, and legal systems that attempt to limit or diminish women’s embodied capabilities outside of the domestic. Women writers such as E.D.E.N. Southworth, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Kate Chopin, Willa Cather, Jessie Fauset, and Zelda Fitzgerald use the artist novel to highlight the structural and material limitations that women artists face when attempting to achieve critical success while navigating inequitable marriages and social codes that restrict women’s mobility, education, and pursuit of vocation. These artist-rebel protagonists find that their very bodies demand an outlet to articulate desires that defy patriarchal rhetoric, and this demand becomes an artistic drive to express an embodied knowledge through artistic invention. Ultimately, these women writers empower their heroines to move beyond prescribed patriarchal identities in order to achieve autonomous subjectivity through their artistic development, challenging stereotypes surrounding gender, race, and ability and beginning to reshape cultural notions of marriage, motherhood, and artistry at the turn of the twentieth century.

Piano Sonatinas - Book Three: Developing Artist Original Keyboard Classics

Book Description

(Faber Piano Adventures ). An ample collection of complete sonatinas and selected movements. Contents include: Sonatina in F (Beethoven) * Sonatina in A Minor (Benda) * Sonatina in D (Camidge) * Sonatina Op. 36 No. 2 & 3 (Clementi) * Sonatina Op. 55 No. 3 (Kuhlau) * Sonatina Op. 20 No. 1 (Kuhlau) * Sonatina Op. 49 No. 1 (Lichner) * Sonatina in C (Mozart).