The Development Dimension Policy Coherence for Development

Book Description

This publication considers examples of good institutional practice among OECD countries which is designed to promote policy coherence in support of development objectives. It examines the lessons to be learned from peer reviews of OECD countries, specific case studies and recent workshops; as well as looking at practical ways forward for mustering political will, building analytical capacity, improving co-ordination mechanisms, and taking action in specific priority areas.

The Development Dimension Reconciling Development and Environmental Goals Measuring the Impact of Policies

Book Description

This book presents scenarios showing numerical results of changes to individual environment/development policies as well as policy packages implemented simultaneously by OECD and developing countries, confirming the need for policy coherence.

Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development 2018 Towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies

Book Description

The 2030 Agenda is a universal, collective responsibility that covers all levels: global, national and territorial. To address global policy challenges in a complex and interconnected world, policy coherence will be key. A more coherent multilateral system will be essential to reconcile ...

The Development Dimension Fostering Development in a Global Economy A Whole of Government Perspective

Book Description

What does policy coherence for development mean? Increasing global integration through trade, capital and labour mobility brings increasing mutual responsibilities and mutual policy repercussions. These realities call for greater coherence between ...

The Development Dimension Agriculture and Development The Case for Policy Coherence

Book Description

Agriculture and Development, OECD 2005, discusses the extent to which OECD country agricultural and agricultural trade policies are coherent with, and supportive of, the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the elimination of extreme poverty and hunger.

Policy Coherence and EU Development Policy

Book Description

The principle of policy coherence has been the object of a contentious debate in the European Union’s external relations, though discussions have been mainly limited to its foreign policy and its ability to speak with one voice in the international arena. Despite being institutionalised in the Treaty of Maastricht, policy coherence for development (PCD), which implies taking into account the needs and interests of developing countries in non-aid policies, failed to make headway in the European Union, remaining the unheeded concern of some NGOs and a small group of Member States. A change of direction occurred in the early 2000s when the European Commission, taking advantage of a number of favourable conditions and using an astute strategy, managed to set an ambitious agenda for the European Union. This volume analyses the linkages between aid and various non-aid policies, namely trade, agriculture, fisheries, security, migration, and the social dimension of globalisation. Its aim is to shed new light on the EU’s policy-making process, by looking at the nexus between various policy sub-systems, and on the role that the EU wants to play in the international arena, by looking at the impact of its policies on international development. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of European Integration.

The Development Dimension Fostering Development in a Global Economy A Whole of Government Perspective

Book Description

What does policy coherence for development mean? Increasing global integration through trade, capital and labour mobility brings increasing mutual responsibilities and mutual policy repercussions. These realities call for greater coherence between ...

The Development Dimension Fishing for Coherence Proceedings of the Workshop on Policy Coherence for Development in Fisheries

Book Description

This publication is a compilation of papers and records of the Workshop on Policy Coherence for Development in Fisheries, hosted by the OECD's Committee for Fisheries and Development Assistance Committee in April 2006.