The Supporting Roots of Trees and Woody Plants: Form, Function and Physiology

Book Description

This publication comprises the proceedings of the first International Conference devoted to the structural roots of trees and woody plants. 'The Supporting Roots - Structure and Function,' 20-24 July 1998, Bordeaux, France. The meeting was held under the auspices ofIUFRO WPS 2. 01. 13 'Root Physiology and Symbiosis,' and its aim was to bring together scientific researchers, foresters and arboriculturalists, to discuss current problems in structural root research and disseminate knowledge to an audience from a wide disciplinary background. For the first time in an international conference, emphasis was placed on presenting recent reseach in the field of tree anchorage mechanics and root biomechanics. The way in which tree stability can be affected by root system symmetry and architecture was addressed, as well as how movement during wind sway can influence the development and shape of woody roots. The role of different nursery and planting techniques was discussed, in relation to effects on root system form and development. Root response to different environmental stresses, including water, temperature, nutrient and mechanical stress was addressed in detail. The structure and function of woody roots was also considered at different levels, from coarse to fine roots, with several papers discussing the interaction between roots and the rhizosphere. One of the conference highlights was the presentation of new methods in root research, by a series of workshops held at LRBB-INRA, Pierroton, on the northern border of the Gascony forest.

The effect of long term CO2 enrichment on the growth, biomass partitioning and mineral nutrition of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr).

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Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Pong.) Carr.] seedlings were grown for 3 years in an outside control plot or in ambient (similar to 355 mu mol mol(-1)) or elevated (ambient + 350 mu mol mol(-1)) atmospheric CO2 environments, within open top chambers (OTCs) at the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Edinburgh. Sequential harvests were carried out at the end of each growing season and throughout the 1991 growing season, five in all. Plants grown in elevated CO2 had, (i) 35 and 10% larger root/shoot ratios at the end of the first and third season, respectively, (ii) significantly higher summer leader extension relative growth rates, which declined more rapidly in early autumn than ambient grown plants, (iii) after three growing seasons a significantly increased mean annual relative growth rate, (iv) consistently lower foliar nutrient concentrations, and (v) after two growing seasons smaller total projected needle areas. Plants grown inside OTCs were taller, heavier and had a smaller root/shoot ratio than those grown outside the chambers. There was no effect of CO2 concentration on Sitka spruce leaf characteristics, although leaf area ratio, specific leaf area and leaf weight ratio all fell throughout the course of the 3 year experiment.

Sitka Spruce, Picea Sitchensis (Bong.) Carr

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Irish Forestry

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Sitka Spruce

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Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests

Book Description

This substantially updated new edition reflects the growing recognition that large areas of forests are degraded globally. This edition describes forest restoration in the context of rapid social, economic, environmental, and climate change. Covering the last decade's significant advances in forest restoration concepts and practice, this edition has 16 new chapters and 19 thoroughly revised chapters. This book is an excellent source of information for researchers, managers, policymakers, and graduate students in forestry and ecology.