The Dharmakaya Sutra

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"A Sutra that reveals the maxim that 'To know thyself before the arisal and cessation of all things' is the key to unlocking the mystery of the nirvanic entrance into the eternal kingdom of your own True Nature: the Dharmakaya; a breakthrough that inspires a deeper realization of the Buddhadharma."--Back cover.

The Diamond Sutra

Book Description

In this brilliant new translation and commentary on The Diamond Sutra--one of the sublime wisdom teachings of Mahayana Buddhism--Mu Soeng integrates this ancient wisdom teaching with current scientific and psychological thought. His clear and readable commentary traces the connections between these teachings and contemporary theories of quantum reality, explores the sutra within the framework of Buddhist meditation practices, and provides a comprehensive historical survey of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Mu Soeng's goal throughout is to reveal the inspiration and wisdom of The Diamond Sutra to today's reader in an accessible, engaging, and modern manner.

The Lotus Sutra

Book Description

The Lotus Sutra is regarded as one of the world's great religious scriptures and most influential texts. It's a seminal work in the development of Buddhism throughout East Asia and, by extension, in the development of Mahayana Buddhism throughout the world. Taking place in a vast and fantastical cosmic setting, the Lotus Sutra places emphasis on skillfully doing whatever is needed to serve and compassionately care for others, on breaking down distinctions between the fully enlightened buddha and the bodhisattva who vows to postpone salvation until all beings may share it, and especially on each and every being's innate capacity to become a buddha. Gene Reeves's new translation appeals to readers with little or no familiarity with technical Buddhist vocabulary, as well as long-time practitioners and students. In addition, this remarkable volume includes the full "threefold" text of this classic.

Studies in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra

Book Description

The title Lankavatara might mean entering Lanka (Perhaps referring to the temporary Mahayana period of Ceylon), suggesting that the doctrine of this scripture are possibly consistent with earlier Buddhism preserved in the Pali language. Suzuki has greatly helped the reader of the basic scripture by discussing the main ideas. He tells how to study this scripture, compares it with the popular Zen Buddhism discusses such typical and important doctrines as Mind-only the Triple body of the Buddha and many minor topics. Suzuki is both an exacting scholar and an understanding exponent of these difficult concepts. He adds a Sanskrit-Chinese-English Glossary, and also an Index. This work is essential for grasping the main ideas of the scripture.

The Vimalakirti Sutra

Book Description

One of the most popular Asian classics for roughly two thousand years, the Vimalakirti Sutra stands out among the sacred texts of Mahayana Buddhism for its conciseness, its vivid and humorous episodes, its dramatic narratives, and its eloquent exposition of the key doctrine of emptiness or nondualism. Unlike most sutras, its central figure is not a Buddha but a wealthy townsman, who, in his mastery of doctrine and religious practice, epitomizes the ideal lay believer. For this reason, the sutra has held particular significance for men and women of the laity in Buddhist countries of Asia, assuring them that they can reach levels of spiritual attainment fully comparable to those accessible to monks and nuns of the monastic order. Esteemed translator Burton Watson has rendered a beautiful English translation from the popular Chinese version produced in 406 C.E. by the Central Asian scholar-monk Kumarajiva, which is widely acknowledged to be the most felicitous of the various Chinese translations of the sutra (the Sanskrit original of which was lost long ago) and is the form in which it has had the greatest influence in China, Japan, and other countries of East Asia. Watson's illuminating introduction discusses the background of the sutra, its place in the development of Buddhist thought, and the profundities of its principal doctrine: emptiness.

The Diamond Sutra

Book Description

A masterful translation of the Diamond Sutra—with insightful commentary and helpful historical information for parsing this essential Zen Buddhist scripture Zen Buddhism is often said to be a practice of mind–to–mind transmission without reliance on texts—in fact, some great teachers forbid their students to read or write. But Buddhism has also inspired some of the greatest philosophical writings of any religion, and two such works lie at the center of Zen: The Heart Sutra, which monks recite all over the world, and The Diamond Sutra, said to contain answers to all questions of delusion and dualism. This is the Buddhist teaching on the perfection of wisdom and cuts through all obstacles on the path of practice. As Red Pine explains: The Diamond Sutra may look like a book, but it’s really the body of the Buddha. It’s also your body, my body, all possible bodies. But it’s a body with nothing inside and nothing outside. It doesn’t exist in space or time. Nor is it a construct of the mind. It’s no mind. And yet because it’s no mind, it has room for compassion. This book is the offering of no mind, born of compassion for all suffering beings. Of all the sutras that teach this teaching, this is the diamond.

The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra: Introduction

Book Description

Describes the setting for the speaking of the Sutra, the assembly that gathered to hear it, the Buddha's emission of light, the questions asked by Maitreya Bodhisattva, and the response given by Manjushri Bodhisattva.

The Jing Si Dharma Essence of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra Chapter 1: Introductory Chapter

Book Description

Introduction (內容簡介) The Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra teaches the Bodhisattva Way, which is the original intent of all buddhas in opening the provisional to reveal the true. It is the Middle Way where matters and principles are in harmony; it is the perfect teaching of wondrous existence in true emptiness. It is the king of all sutras, the ultimate reality of the One Vehicle, and the one teaching that leads to buddhahood. The Lotus Sutra consists of Twenty-Eight Chapters, divided into three parts: Preface, Main Teachings, and Transmission. The Introductory Chapter is the Preface. The Jing Si Dharma Essence of the Wondrous Lotus Sutra combines the wondrous meanings of the sutra text with Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s notes as she explains the Dharma. The two parts connect and complement each other, skillfully explaining the Dharma in subtle and wondrous detail and revealing the wondrous state of the extremely profound true Dharma. 《妙法蓮華經》旨在教菩薩法,乃開權顯實之諸佛本懷,是事理圓融之中道,是真空妙有之圓教,為諸經之王,一乘實相,成佛唯一之教。 《法華經》共二十八品,入文為三︰初序分,二正宗分,三流通分。本書〈序品第一〉為序分。 《靜思法髓妙蓮華》融會經文妙義與證嚴法師之講法手札,此兩部分相連貫、互呼應,宛轉委曲、微妙細膩,顯示法華經真實甚深法藏之奧祕境界。


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