The Disaster of the Absence of Moral and Religious Education in the American Public Schools

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Thomas Aquinas, in his philosophy of religion, said that man is a religious being (homo religiosus). By this he meant that man is a being that naturally stretches to the beyond, to the unknown outside of himself. He yearns and reaches out for an infinite peace, joy, and happiness. He does all within his power to grasp an endless happiness, a joy that knows no end. This has been his instinctive, conscious, and unconscious aspiration. He tends to pursue and grab that which captures his attention and wins his admiration. Many a time, he ends up grabbing a shadow, an illusion of real happiness, an illusion of the source of true and lasting happiness. When he grabs that shadow, he settles to worship it as the ultimate source of an infinite happiness. It will not be long before he discovers that it is all a mirage. This ultimate joy and happiness is not found within mans immediate environment, because whatever he clings to seems to fail in providing such ultimate joy, peace, and happiness, which men, by nature, tend to yearn and long for. Man has always interpreted peace, joy, happiness, and their sources differently. Thus, his beliefs and objects of worship, devotion, and dedication vary one from anotherhence the reason for different world religions and creeds today (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, atheism, etc.). To say that man is a religious being implies that naturally man always believes in and worships something. Hence, there can never be an atheist in the real sense of it. Not to believe is to believe. For example, not to believe in the existence of God is to believe that God does not exist. Even though some people do not believe in the existence of a personal God or god, they still believe in something, which could be anythingmoney, freedom, wealth, riches, power,beauty, achievement, talent, name it. Just as our ancient fathers believed in carved idols as gods and worshipped them, so do people in the modern time hold on tenaciously to all kinds of idols in the form of money, beauty, wealth, riches, power, achievement, talent, etc., and worship them as gods and hope that someday these might give them an endless peace and happiness, which have been the ultimate end of mans endeavor or pursuit on earth. This false hope of mans longing to achieve endless peace and happiness from material possessions or natural endowment explains itself in some ancient cultures whereby the dead are buried along with some of their possessions, including gold, money, slaves, etc. The fact that people of outstanding talents, riches, and wealth have committed suicide has put a big question mark to this erroneous ideology that happiness could be achieved through material possession. What was wrong in the lives of those affluent and talented people who killed themselves contrary to all instincts of self-preservation? What was missing in their lives that none of their material acquisitions or achievements could satiate or afford? Man longs for lasting happiness. He has the capacity to conceive and yearn for infinite happiness. Hence, he does not want to be happy today and sad tomorrow. But how would he achieve that joy or happiness that has no end, which has always remained mans unrealized dream? No branch of discipline or knowledge has been able to provide an answer and a remedy to mans natural longing for endless joy, lasting peace, and happiness, but religion. Religion has an answer, a remedy, and a hope. In this book, I will demonstrate how religion provides an answer, a remedy, and a hope for mans ultimate search and yearning for lasting peace and happiness in his life and in the society in which he lives. I will explore the idea that man is a spiritual as well as a religious being. I will also delve into how his natural endowment with freedom, intellect, and will enables him to express his religiosity. I will further demonstrate how the misinterpretation and misapplication

Holy Eucharist: the Beauty of Catholicism and the Glory and Essence of the Catholic Priesthood; the Scandal of Its Abuses

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1. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the development of the Eucharistic adoration in the Catholic Church are explored to harvest the rich insights and contributions of the saints, sacred theologians of the Church, the Popes and a host of others including the laity ad the clergy through their sacred writings and exemplary pious devotions to the Blessed Sacrament. 2. The Holy Eucharist is God in our midst. This book relates a number of miracles that individuals have received directly from the Eucharistic Lord by visiting the Blessed Sacrament or by participating in the Eucharistic adoration. 3. The Holy Eucharist is a healing tool par excellence in the ministry of a Catholic priest. How the priest can deploy its healing resources in his daily ministrations to those who approach him with all kinds of problems, is fully explored in this book. The implications of what it means for the priest to engage himself and Gods people with visit to the Blessed Sacrament are fully developed in this publication. 4. How can a Catholic priest access the healing resources in the Holy Eucharist and employ those healing resources in the healing of those who approach him with all kinds of life issues and problems which could be spiritual, moral, social, physical, material, mental, psychological, etc? That is part of what this book is all about. What constitute the abuses of the Holy Eucharist? Could we still receive favors from the Eucharistic Jesus when we knowingly abuse the Holy Eucharist? In what ways do we abuse the Holy Eucharist thereby insulting the Eucharistic Jesus without knowing? These issues are dealt with in this book where the author identified and discussed some of the abuses of the Holy Eucharist. This book, therefore, is about how to visit the Blessed Sacrament and receive favors from the Eucharistic Lord and how to avoid abusing the Holy Eucharist. 5. The Real Presence: Fact or FancyWhat Lies Concealed in the Sacred Host? Some classical Eucharistic miracles which took place through the centuries especially in the 20th, 13th and 9th centuries are narrated in this book to help unravel the hidden divinity in the Sacred Host after consecration.

Self Publishing Platforms Explained

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Alright, let's dive into the world of self-publishing with a fresh perspective. Imagine you're at a cozy coffee shop, chatting with a friend who's just spilled the beans on their secret dream to become an author. You pull out this book, "Self-Publishing Platforms Explained," and their eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. This isn't just another dry how-to manual. It's like having a savvy mentor in your back pocket, ready to guide you through the twists and turns of the publishing jungle. We kick things off by tackling the elephant in the room - copyright. Don't worry, we won't bore you with legalese. Instead, think of it as learning the rules of the game before you start playing. Now, picture yourself standing at a crossroads. Each path leads to a different self-publishing platform, each with its own quirks and perks. We'll walk these paths together, starting with the behemoth that is Amazon KDP. It's like the New York City of publishing - if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. For the polyglots among us, Babelcube is your ticket to reaching readers in languages you never thought possible. It's like finding a magic wand that turns your words into a universal language. By the time you finish this book, you'll feel like you've just completed a crash course in publishing, taught by your coolest professor. You'll know the ins and outs of formatting, pricing, and marketing your book across multiple platforms. It's like being given a Swiss Army knife for your writing career - versatile, practical, and always handy. Remember, in this brave new world of publishing, you're not just an author - you're a literary entrepreneur. This book is your trusty sidekick, ready to help you conquer the publishing world, one platform at a time. So grab your pen (or keyboard), pour yourself another cup of coffee, and let's turn that manuscript into a published masterpiece. The world is waiting for your story - let's give it to them!

Self Publisher Paperback Publication Guide

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Unleash your inner author! This guide dives deep into the ten best platforms for self-publishing your paperback masterpiece. We'll uncover the secrets of getting your words out there, from worldwide distribution to pricing sweet spots and top-notch print quality. Whether you're dreaming of conquering global markets or simply want your book in the hands of eager readers, this guide has you covered.

Critical Issues in Education

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Critical Issues in Education examines three questions that are at the core of the education debate in the United States: What interests should schools serve? What knowledge should schools teach? How do we develop the human environment of schools? When answering these queries the authors advocate the use of critical thinking, which includes dialogue and dialectic reasoning. Dynamic and interactive, dialogue requires listening and assessment, while dialectic stimulates the development of a creative response that encompasses both sides of an issue. When applied, these approaches engender an informative and stimulating discussion. In order to explore the depth of current educational issues, the Ninth Edition considers 15 topics, providing supporting evidence and reasoning for two divergent views. These issues include violence in schools, the role of technology, gender equity, multiculturalism, inclusion and disability, and school choice. Both civic and professional discussions regarding improvements will have consequences for students, teachers, and society. As a result, educational views and the social landscape in which they reside deserve critical study.

School Life

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Committee Prints

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