The Divine Defense

Book Description

It’s what you can’t see that can hurt you The temptation that regularly assaults you, the depression or illness that pulls you down, the discord in your relationships, the private doubts you harbor about God… These are not just a natural part of life–they’re battles in a behind-the-scenes war against your faith, family, and future. From a balanced perspective, Robert Jeffress lifts the curtain of everyday existence to reveal these invisible but very real battles in the war Satan wages against followers of Christ like you. Because you don’t have to be spiritual road kill… Using the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6, The Divine Defense outlines six practical strategies you can use through every day to defeat Satan’s vicious and destructive plan: ·Recognize and replace destructive thoughts (the belt of truth) ·Do what you know you should do (the breastplate of righteousness) ·Make God’s business your business (boots of the gospel of peace) ·Move forward in spite of doubts (the shield of faith) ·Remember your power to win (the helmet of salvation) ·Strengthen your resolve to resist (the sword of the spirit) Together, these strategies form The Divine Defense that will help you live victoriously in the unshakable power of God.

Appreciating the Divine Nature of God: Divine Defense

Book Description

One thing the devil hopes you never realize is that you are never alone. God is your divine defense. The world's fierce winds blow. Temptations are sharp and keen; have a peace in knowing the Savior stands between; He stands to shield you from danger when all your friends are gone. He promised never to leave you, never to leave you alone. God is our protector. God is our shield. God is our Divine Defense.

The Armor of God

Book Description

Series of sermons on the Christian life developed from Paul's letter to the Ephesians 6:10-18.

The Unbreakable Divine Defense

Book Description

A divine defense is the highest form of protection and security, you can get from God. God is in the business of protecting his children from harm's way. God will do everything to secure and protect the health and safety of his people. Your protection is of more concern to God than you could imagine. Your health and wealth are the best protection you could ever receive from God. You need health and wealth to actualize your dreams in life. In this book, I will be teaching you how to enjoy God's protection on all sides.

Divine Teaching and the Way of the World

Book Description

Samuel Fleischacker defends what the Enlightenment called 'revealed religion': religions that regard a certain text or oral teaching as sacred, as wholly authoritative over one's life. At the same time, he maintains that revealed religions stand in danger of corruption or fanaticism unless they are combined with secular scientific practices and a secular morality. The first two parts of Divine Teaching and the Way of the World argue that the cognitive and moral practices of a society should prescind from religious commitments — they constitute a secular 'way of the world', to adapt a phrase from the Jewish tradition, allowing human beings to work together regardless of their religious differences. But the way of the world breaks down when it comes to the question of what we live for, and it is this that revealed religions can illumine. Fleischacker first suggests that secular conceptions of why life is worth living are often poorly grounded, before going on to explore what revelation is, how it can answer the question of worth better than secular worldviews do, and how the revealed and way-of-the-world elements of a religious tradition can be brought together.

In Defense of the Bible

Book Description

Noted scholars (William A. Dembski, Darrell L. Bock, etc.) address and respond to all major contemporary challenges (philosophical, historical, ethical, scientific, etc.) to the divine inspiration and authority of the Bible.

The Divine Default

Book Description

JJ Dyken takes commonly-asserted religious claims and applies each of them to modern-day examples to demonstrate the often fallacious nature of religious belief. He uses a mixture of common sense and scrupulous logic to mount an attack on not only religion itself but also upon the religious pseudoscientists who try to justify their assertions with faulty science.

Hell and Divine Goodness

Book Description

Within the Christian theological tradition there has always been a variety of perspectives on hell, usually distinguished according to their views about the duration of hell's torments for the damned. Traditionalists maintain that the suffering of the damned is everlasting. Universalists claim that eventually every person is redeemed and arrives in heaven. And conditional immortalists, also known as "conditionalists" or "annihilationists," reject both the concept of eternal torment as well as universal salvation, instead claiming that after a finite period of suffering the damned are annihilated. Conditionalism has enjoyed somewhat of a revival in scholarly circles in recent years, buoyed by the influential biblical defense of the view by Edward Fudge. However, there has yet to appear a book-length philosophical defense of conditionalism . . . until now. In Hell and Divine Goodness, James Spiegel assesses the three major alternative theories of hell, arriving at the conclusion that the conditionalist view is, all things considered, the most defensible position on the issue.

Sense and Goodness Without God

Book Description

If God does not exist, then what does? Is there good and evil, and should we care? How do we know what’s true anyway? And can we make any sense of this universe, or our own lives? Sense and Goodness answers all these questions in lavish detail, without complex jargon. A complete worldview is presented and defended, covering every subject from knowledge to art, from metaphysics to morality, from theology to politics. Topics include free will, the nature of the universe, the meaning of life, and much more, arguing from scientific evidence that there is only a physical, natural world without gods or spirits, but that we can still live a life of love, meaning, and joy.