The Divine DNA

Book Description

This book will give you an exciting new perspective on how God’s “blueprint of life” has been placed into both your physical and spiritual being. Even more, you will discover how, as a born again believer, you have a genetic heritage that transforms you into the image of God. As you will learn, the Creator has placed sacred strands of His being into you, waiting to be activated. His touch can transform your emotions, quicken your mind and heal your physical body. Says author Pitre, “I want to show you how receiving Christ stamps His DNA on your very soul and gives you His life-changing characteristics.”

Our Spiritual DNA

Book Description

• Investigates the roles, energies, and essence of 12 Ascended Masters and how each of them holds a strand of our spiritual DNA • Traces the reincarnations of Ascended Masters Mother Mary and St. Germain through history, depicting the positive and shadow aspects of their archetypal energies • Offers charts that allow you to find out which Ascended Master you relate to and thus discover your own direct connection to the Divine DO YOU KNOW what Imhotep, Homer, and Nikola Tesla have in common? All three are said to be influential incarnations of Ascended Master St. Germain. How can we tell? Guided by renowned mystics, Carmel Niland suggests that, just as we carry physical DNA that shapes us across generations, we also carry an energetic code or spiritual DNA that links us back to the very source of our origins -- God -- a divine ancestry that throughout the centuries conveys itself in patterns of behavior, character traits, and life purpose, connecting each individual to a specific Ascended Master. The God essence expresses itself through archetypal energies in us, represented by 12 Ascended Masters who hold the 12 strands of our spiritual DNA. Thus, every person on this earth, no matter how ordinary or extraordinary, is an aspect of one of these Masters. Focusing on Mother Mary and St. Germain, Our Spiritual DNA explores the role, energies, and essence of these 12 Masters by examining some of history’s most important figures who have been instrumental in shaping our world. Hitherto unknown details about the lives of personalities like Queen Nefertiti, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Merlin, Isabelle of Castile, and Dante emerge in channeled conversations with the author’s spiritual guide, The Gatekeeper. Revolutionizing the Western view of reincarnation, this astounding book allows you to trace your own spiritual DNA through the reincarnations of the Ascended Masters, understand your spiritual and genetic connection to God, and realize that we are all divinely connected across gender, race, and time.

A Divine Diet For Your Divine DNA

Book Description

This book feeds and inspires those born of God to come into the fullness of Christ to the matchless measure of the Son of God to a perfect Man. Moreover, believers are renewed in mind to agree with the Spirit of God in them to become the manifestation of God's glory on the Earth. One can not ascend to Sonship with an earth bound carnal mind. Allow the thoughts and mind of Christ bring you into ''Sonship''

Divine DNA

Book Description

Divine DNA is written to cause readers to fully understand that God's DNA is deep within each human being. Divine DNA shows readers how to activate this DNA so their divine purpose and destiny can be manifested.When Divine DNA is activated greatness is the only result.


Book Description

Systematic theology for the urban context DNA:The Foundations of the Faith presents each reader with a survey of systematic theology written in the heart language of the urban context. D.A. Horton writes with a conviction that every believer should have the privilege of being equipped with a working knowledge of what the principle teachings of Christianity are. This tool can be used in any setting from the seminary classroom to the local street corner. Written in a workbook style, readers will explore key scriptures and record all that is discovered as each person is equipped to live out the truths they learn. Whether attending ReachLife Institute, studying with a small group, or going through this workbook alone, your faith will be enriched as the study of these foundational truths are learned and applied to life.

Divine Nature Attributes

Book Description

The Lord spoke to me on December 29th, 2018 in Lenoir City, Tennessee and spoke these words to me..."Tell the Church that I'm breaking Generational and Genetic Curses and there's about to be a turn around and a New DNA- Divine Nature Attributes is on the horizon. Cancer, Diabetes, heart trouble, high blood pressure, depression, alcoholism, drugs, divorces, and all manner of disease does not have to run in your family blood line or DNA any more!! EVERY CURSE IS ABOUT TO BE BROKEN!!!" Come and go with me into this book this eye opening, Genetic Chain Breaking, yoke destroying revelation. Father I pray that this book will come alive in everyone that reads it and they will be changed in the twinkle of an eye. And Lord we know that the only thing that will cause the eye to twinkle will be Light, the Revelation of Light. Father let someone be enlightened by this book that you have given me. Amen.

Discovering Your Spiritual DNA

Book Description

Every person has been given at least one of the seven Endowment Gifts described in Romans 12:6-8. That gifting is part of the spiritual DNA programmed into us by God before we were born. His purpose is for us to develop our gifting and by so doing we find our true purpose and destiny.

DNA of the Gods

Book Description

An in-depth study of humanity’s Anunnaki origins and the Anunnaki battle for an intelligent versus enslaved humanity • Explains the genetic engineering of humanity by an Anunnaki scientist Ninmah • Shows how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women arose from Enlil’s will to keep humanity underdeveloped, clashing with Enki’s and Ninmah’s plan to make us equal in intelligence • Reveals how humanity’s long history of conflict was shaped by the battle between Enki and his brother Enlil Further developing the revolutionary work of Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Hardy shows that the “gods” of ancient myth, visitors from the planet Nibiru, created us using their own “divine” DNA--first through DNA extraction from their own ribs’ marrow and later by direct relations with early human females. Drawing upon multiple sacred texts, Hardy details the genetic engineering of humanity by Anunnaki scientist Ninmah, with the help of Enki and Hermes. She reveals how Ninmah’s first female human creation, Tiamat/Eve, contained more alien DNA than the earlier male one, Adamu, and how the biblical Noah represents the perfection of her work. Examining the war between Anunnaki brothers Enki and Enlil, Hardy reveals how the concepts of sin and the inferiority of women were born out of Enlil’s attempts to enslave and then wipe out humanity, repeatedly thwarted by Enki and Ninmah. The author further explains how the sacred sexuality taught to humans--still seen in Tantric practice--became suppressed millennia later by the patriarchal concept of original sin and how innocent Eve took the blame for the expulsion from Eden and fall from Grace. Showing that the god who created us was not the same god who expelled us from Eden, Hardy explains that there will be no apocalypse because the Good/Evil duality has never truly existed--it has been only enemy gods fighting and implicating humanity in the wake of their own competition for power. With a full psychological understanding of how the ancient “gods” have shaped humanity’s ongoing history of conflict, we can move beyond the framework of “(my) Good versus (your) Evil” imposed by Enlil and begin to steer our own planetary destiny.

The God Code

Book Description

“One of our great visionaries.” —Dr. Wayne W. Dyer “A rare blend of scientist, visionary, and scholar.” —Deepak Chopra A scholar and New York Times–bestselling author shares his shocking theory of an ancient language—found in the decoded elements of our DNA—that shines new light on the mysteries of existence. What would it mean to discover an ancient language—a literal message—hidden within the DNA of life itself? What we once believed of our past is about to change. A coded message has been found within the molecules of life, deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the “language of life” may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, heritage, or lifestyle, the message is the same in each cell of every woman, child, and man, past and present. Sharing all-new, fascinating research, Gregg Braden discusses the life-changing discovery that led him from a successful career in the aerospace and defense industries to an extensive 12-year study of the most sacred and honored traditions of humankind.