Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving

Book Description

Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving addresses many theoretical and practical issues related to the role played by alcohol and other psychoactive drugs on driving performance, road-traffic safety, and public health. Several key forensic issues are involved in the enforcement of laws regulating driving under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs, including analytical toxicology, pharmacology of drug action, as well as the relationships between dose taken, concentration levels in the body, and impairment of performance and behavior. Our knowledge of drunken driving is much more comprehensive than drugged driving, so a large part of this book is devoted to alcohol impairment, as well as impairment caused by use of drugs other than alcohol. For convenience, the book is divided into four main sections. The first section gives some historical background about measuring alcohol in blood and breath as evidence for the prosecution of traffic offenders. The important role of the Breathalyzer instrument in traffic-law enforcement, especially in Australia, Canada, and the USA is presented along with a biographical sketch of its inventor (Professor Robert F. Borkenstein of Indiana University) with focus on the man, his work and his impact. The second section discusses several issues related to forensic blood and breath-alcohol alcohol analysis as evidence for prosecution of traffic offenders. This includes how the results should be interpreted in relation to impairment and an evaluation of common defense challenges. Because most countries have adopted concentration per se laws, the main thrust of the prosecution case is the suspect’s measured blood- or breath-alcohol concentration. This legal framework necessitates that the analytical methods used are "fit for purpose" and are subjected to rigorous quality assurance procedures. The third section gives a broad overview of the current state of knowledge about driving under the influence of non-alcohol drugs in various countries. This includes adoption of zero-tolerance laws, concentration per se statutes, and clinical evidence of driver impairment based on field sobriety tests and drug recognition expert evidence. The fourth section deals with epidemiology, enforcement, and countermeasures aimed at reducing the threat of drunken and drugged driving. All articles have appeared previously in the international journal Forensic Science Review, but all are completely updated with current data, references, and the latest research on developments since the articles were published. This book contains a convenient collection of the best articles covering recommendations for blood and breath testing methods, public policy relating to such methods, and forensic and legal implications of the enforcement of measures to counter driving under the influence.

The Drug Impaired Driver

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Drug-impaired Driving

Book Description

This report was prepared in accordance with Section 2013 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The report summarizes a series of studies undertaken by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to acquire the information needed to address the general problem of drug-impaired driving. The report describes the research conducted on prevention, detection, and prosecution of driving under the influence of drugs; issues associated with determining what drugs impair driving; difficulties in relating blood levels of drugs and impairment; lack of information about what drugs are frequently used by drivers and what drugs elevate crash risk; problems in obtaining representative data about current enforcement, prosecution, and adjudication of drug-impaired driving; training for law enforcement officers in recognizing drug-impaired drivers; review of drug-impaired driving laws; and what is known about the role of drugs as causal factors in traffic crashes. It highlights the need for further research and concludes with recommendations to better address the problem of drug-impaired driving.

Drug Use, Impaired Driving and Traffic Accidents

Book Description

This literature review provides a comprehensive report on the relationship between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents. It describes methodological issues (Chapter1), presents the results of prevalence surveys among drivers and provides an overview of findings from major international epidemiological surveys published since 2007 (Chapter 2) and gathers evidence from experimental and field studies of the relationship between drug use, driving impairment and traffic accidents (Chapter 3).

Combating the Drug-impaired Driver

Book Description

In recent years, the Commonwealth of Virginia has increased its efforts to improve highway safety by combating the problems created by drunken drivers. However, law enforcement officials still face major obstacles in their efforts to detect and prosecute persons who drive under the influence of drugs (DUID). The greatest impediment to DUID enforcement is the lack of certain crucial statutory provisions. Specifically, Virginia's implied consent law (Va. Code 18.2-268) does not allow a police officer to require a driver to submit to a chemical analysis of his bodily fluids to determine drug content. As a result, the state is precluded from obtaining the most meaningful evidence of drug-impaired driving. Additionally, the DUID offense (Va. Code 18.2-266(iii)) is not clearly defined, and thus leaves doubts as to the degree of impairment necessary to constitute a violation of the law. Finally, Virginia police officers' limited training in identifying the symptoms of drug impairment makes it difficult for them to detect DUID offenders and reduces the evidentiary value of their testimony at trial. To remove these obstacles to DUID enforcement, it is recommended that Virginia follow the lead of the 31 states which include provisions for drug testing in their implied consent statute. To implement this change in the law, the Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services must be given the capacity to analyze DUID specimens. Should drug testing become a part of the implied consent statute, several other statutory amendments need to be made as well: (i) law enforcement officials must be allowed to test for drugs after a blood-alcohol test has been administered, (2) police must be allowed to designate the type of specimen to be obtained for testing, and (3) a person's refusal to consent to drug testing should be made admissible in a DUID case. The DUID offense in 18.2-266(iii) should be redefined to make it clear that drug-induced impairment of driving skills is the essence of the offense. To remedy the deficiencies in police training, Virginia officers should be given better instruction in the identification of drug-impairment as it relates to a person's ability to drive safely. A pilot project for developing specially trained "Drug Recognition Experts" is also recommended on the basis of the highly successful program used by the Los Angeles Police Department. Through this combination of strengthened DUID laws, improved training of police officers, and properly equipped testing facilities, Virginia should have the capacity to detect and prosecute the drug-impaired driver.

Drug-impaired Driving

Book Description

Everyone knows that driving while under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and unacceptable, and there are methods to identify and apprehend those who break the law. Unfortunately, the consequence of driving under the influence of drugs has not been raised until recently, and drugged driving presents new challenges to both law enforcement and health professionals. Amid the devastating opioid crisis and as more states legalize the use of marijuana, tackling this problem is now more important than ever.

Implementation Plan for Combating the Drug-impaired Driver

Book Description

Beginning on April 1, 1988, the Commonwealth of Virginia's revised drug-impaired driving statute went into effect. It defines the drug-impaired driver as one who is under the influence to a degree that impairs his or her ability to drive safely. The revision to the law also permits a police officer to request that a suspect submit to a blood test for drugs either before or after a blood .or breath test for alcohol has been administered. Although the result of the drug test will not establish that a suspect was under the influence of drugs, it will provide corroborating evidence to a police officer's evaluation of a suspect's impairment. In anticipation of the implementation of this law, a task force of local, state, and federal officials was called, together to facilitate its effective implementation. In particular, the task force was challenged to develop a strategy by which traffic safety would be enhanced through the revised statute. This implementation plan was developed by the Research Council for, and in-cooperation with, the task force. Enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, and treatment as well as public information and education are all addressed in the plan. The special emphasis that will be placed on enhanced sobriety-testing and a pilot drug recognition technician program are anticipated to uncover an effective way to detect the drug-impaired driver.

State of Knowledge of Drug-impaired Driving

Book Description

Examines the current state of knowledge of drug-impaired driving. The review covers a broad range of related research, including the detection and measurement of drugs in drivers, experimental research on the effect of drugs on the performance driving-related tasks, drug prevalence in various populations of drivers, drug-crash risk, and countermeasures for drug-impaired driving. The review covers scientific literature published since 1980.

Drug-Impaired Driving

Book Description

The issue of alcohol-impaired driving has received broad attention over the years, but drug-impaired driving also contributes to fatalities and injuries from traffic crashes. However, knowledge about the drug-impaired- driving problem is less advanced than for alcohol-impaired driving. This book discusses what is known about the extent of drug-impaired driving in the United States; challenges that exist for federal, state, and local agencies in addressing drug-impaired driving; and actions federal and state agencies have taken to address drug-impaired driving and what gaps exist in the federal response. This book also summarizes a series of studies undertaken by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to acquire the information needed to address the general problem of drug-impaired driving.

Driving With Care:Education and Treatment of the Impaired Driving Offender-Strategies for Responsible Living

Book Description

This is a three-level education and treatment program for persons convicted of driving while impaired (DWI). Clients learn that change in behavior is made by changing their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. The books presents a comprehensive overview of cognitive behavioral treatment for impaired driving offenders; a thorough review theory and practice related to client evaluation; legal and cultural considerations; as well as operational procedures for assessing and matching DWI offenders to appropriate levels of education and treatment services. Guidelines are provided for developing individualized treatment plans, and implementing appropriate education and treatment curriculum protocol whereby clients relate and apply the lesson and session material to their own unique circumstances and situations.