The Duduk and National Identity in Armenia

Book Description

The book is an outline of the Armenian duduk, a cylindrical double-reed aerophone made of apricot-wood, and its relation to the Armenian identity. It attempts to deepen our understanding of musical instruments not only through an examination of musical and constructional features, but also through the application of a sociocultural framework which allows a theorization of the idea of the instrument as social being. The discussion is centered on the different contexts in which the duduk is played. These are divided into two categories: solo and ensemble. Solo duduk performance includes the remarkable phenomenon of Armenian funeral music activity. Other contexts include special celebrations of national culture, duduk competitions, the recording studio and the film music studio. The main ensemble contexts of duduk performance are the Armenian folk orchestras. These are essentially Soviet creations designed to "advance" folk music. Their impact on folk music and folk musical life on Armenia is discussed with special attention to the "adjustments" which were necessary for the success of this institution. Folk ensembles have long been emblems of Armenian national culture which might explain how they have survived the collapse of the Soviet Union and its Marxist-Leninist policies which were these orchestras' very raison d'être. The book will appeal to anyone with an interest in organological theory, Armenian culture, or world music.

The Armenians

Book Description

A comprehensive introduction to the historical forces and recent social and political developments that have shaped today's Armenian people. With contributions from leading Armenian, American and European specialists, the book focuses on identity formation, exploring how the Armenians' perceptions of themselves and their place in the world are informed by their history, culture and present-day situation. The book also covers contemporary politics, economy and society, and relates these to ongoing debates over future directions for the Armenian people, both in the homeland and in the diaspora communities.

The Armenians

Book Description

A comprehensive introduction to the historical forces and recent social and political developments that have shaped today's Armenian people. With contributions from leading Armenian, American and European specialists, the book focuses on identity formation, exploring how the Armenians' perceptions of themselves and their place in the world are informed by their history, culture and present-day situation. The book also covers contemporary politics, economy and society, and relates these to ongoing debates over future directions for the Armenian people, both in the homeland and in the diaspora communities.

The Armenians

Book Description

The Armenians traces the evolution of Armenia and Armenian collective identity from its beginnings to the Armenian nationalist movement over Gharabagh in 1988. Applying theories of national-identity formation and nationalism, Razmik Panossian analyzes different elements of Armenian identity construction and argues that national identity is modern, predominantly subjective, and based on a political sense of belonging. Yet he also acknowledges the crucial role of history, art, literature, religious practice, and commerce in preserving the national memory and shaping the cultural identity of the Armenian people. Panossian explores a series of landmark events, among them Armenians' first attempts at liberation, the Armenian renaissance of the nineteenth century, the 1915 genocide of the Ottoman Armenians, and Soviet occupation. He shows how these influences led to a "multilocal" evolution of Armenian identity in various places in and outside of Armenia, notably in diasporan communities from India to Venice. Today, these numerous identities contribute to deep divisions and tensions within the Armenian nation, the most profound of which is the cultural divide between Armenians residing in their homeland and those who live in the United States, Canada, the Middle East, and elsewhere. Considering the diversity of this single nation, Panossian questions the theoretical assumption that nationalism must be homogenizing. Based on extensive research conducted in Armenia and the diaspora, including interviews and translation of Armenian-language sources, The Armenians is an engaging history and an invaluable comparative study.


Book Description

Diasporan communities live in an extraterritorial space. They are in both symbolic and physical 'permanent return' to their territorially bounded homeland. By being rooted in this sense of geographic belonging, their perception of national identity is set within a context of homeland-diaspora relations through the prism of space and place. In this book, Vahagn Vardanyan examines relations between one of the 'classical' diasporas - the Armenians and the Republic of Armenia - from the perspectives of diasporans. As he argues, these connections were transformed after Armenia acquired sovereignty in 1991. Over the three decades since then, it has become possible to study diaspora-homeland relations as they are viewed by diasporans who have seen Armenia before and after Armenian independence, and those, for whom independent Armenia has always been a reality and never a diasporic dream. With fewer ethnic Armenians living in Armenia than in the diaspora, Armenia is increasingly viewed as responsible for becoming the cultural center for global Armenianness. What is needed to reach an understanding between the homeland and its diaspora? How can, as diasporans see it, the homeland's policy toward the diaspora facilitate their return and strengthen the diasporans' sense of belonging to the homeland? These are among the many questions Vardanyan attempts to answer, while advocating an inclusionary policy toward the diaspora by a country, which is home to only a third of the global nation it claims to represent.

Armenian Identity in a Changing World

Book Description

"This book intends to discuss the old and the new constituents of Armenian identity, such as language, religion or shared history in broader Transcaucasian and former Soviet Union context. It focuses on the shaping of the paradigms of Armenian identity and the transformation of its key symbols in the late 1980s and post-communist period. The 16 chapters and 67 subchapters of the book are composed to present respectively the main and the forking paths of different ages and of different lengths that eventually form the park/garden of the Armenian identity."--BOOK JACKET.

The ABCs of Being Armenian: (Re)turning to the National Identity in Post-Soviet Textbooks

Book Description

Since its independence in 1991, the Republic of Armenia (RoA) has engaged in a complex process of redefining what it means to be culturally Armenian in the context of a free and independent nationhood. Through a comparative analysis of texts and illustrations from Soviet and post-Soviet Armenian early language textbooks, this study examines how school textbooks--as sources of "official knowledge"--Have contributed to the construction of an Armenian identity in primarily monoethnic, parochial terms. Although official education policy rhetoric seeks to project the image of "global" and "multicultural" citizenship in the post-Soviet Armenian context, aybenarans, or early language textbooks, have (re)defined the Armenian national identity in strictly monoethnic terms by projecting particular national symbols, texts, and images. The study traces how the notion of what it means to be Armenian has changed from the Soviet to post-Soviet context, while also noting some important continuities. Despite growing arguments that textbooks worldwide increasingly emphasize universal, post-national identities, the findings of this study reveal a resilient emphasis on essentialized ethnocultural conception of who belongs to the nation and who does not.

National Identity, Diaspora and Space of Belonging

Book Description

Diasporan communities live in an extraterritorial space. They are in both symbolic and physical 'permanent return' to their territorially bounded homeland. By being rooted in this sense of geographic belonging, their perception of national identity is set within a context of homeland-diaspora relations through the prism of space and place. In this book, Vahagn Vardanyan examines relations between one of the 'classical' diasporas - the Armenians and the Republic of Armenia - from the perspectives of diasporans. As he argues, these connections were transformed after Armenia acquired sovereignty in 1991. Over the three decades since then, it has become possible to study diaspora-homeland relations as they are viewed by diasporans who have seen Armenia before and after Armenian independence, and those, for whom independent Armenia has always been a reality and never a diasporic dream. With fewer ethnic Armenians living in Armenia than in the diaspora, Armenia is increasingly viewed as responsible for becoming the cultural center for global Armenianness. What is needed to reach an understanding between the homeland and its diaspora? How can, as diasporans see it, the homeland's policy toward the diaspora facilitate their return and strengthen the diasporans' sense of belonging to the homeland? These are among the many questions Vardanyan attempts to answer, while advocating an inclusionary policy toward the diaspora by a country, which is home to only a third of the global nation it claims to represent.

Post-Soviet Armenia

Book Description

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Armenia has struggled to establish itself, with a faltering economy, emigration of the intelligentsia and the weakening of civil society. This book explores how a new national elite has emerged and how it has constructed a new national narrative to suit Armenia’s new circumstances. The book examines the importance of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan, considers the impact of fraught relations with Turkey and the impact of relations with other neighbouring states including Russia, and discusses the poorly-developed role of the very large Armenian diaspora. Overall, the book provides a key overview to understanding the forces shaping all aspects of present-day Armenia.

Soviet Music and Society Under Lenin and Stalin

Book Description

This book investigates the place of music in Soviet society during the eras of Lenin and Stalin. It examines the different strategies adopted by composers and musicians in their attempts to carve out careers in a rapidly evolving society, discusses the role of music in Soviet society and people's lives, and shows how political ideology proved an inspiration as well as an inhibition. It explores how music and politics interacted in the lives of two of the twentieth century's greatest composers - Shostakovich and Prokofiev - and also in the lives of less well-known composers. In addition it considers the specialist composers of early Soviet musical propaganda, amateur music making, and musical life in the non-Russian republics. The book will appeal to specialists in Soviet music history, those with an interest in twentieth century music in general, and also to students of the history, culture and politics of the Soviet Union.