Dynamic Voice of Vatican II.

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At head of title: A paraphrase of the 16 documents of Vatican II.

The Dynamic Voice of Vatican II

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The Dynamic Voice of Vatican II

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The Voice of Vatican II

Book Description

At the turn of this century, Pope John Paul II called for a new season of engaging the sixteen documents of the Second Vatican Council. Although these documents are part of the Church's official teaching, reading the constitutions, degrees, and declarations can be daunting, especially for the average Catholic.

Gaudium Et Spes

Book Description

The Council Fathers express a desire to engage in conversation with the entire human family so that the Church--whose role it is so scrutinize the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel--can help solve contemporary problems. Acknowledging the positive and negative realities of this new age of human history, Church teachings about man's relationship to economics, poverty, social justice, culture, science and technology, and ecumenism are explored.

The Relevance and Future of the Second Vatican Council

Book Description

Fifty years after the opening of the Second Vatican Council, Cardinal Marc Ouellet-considered by many to have been a top candidate to succeed Pope Benedict XVI-gives his thoughts on the Council and what the Vatican II means for us today. In interviews with French priest Fr. Geoffroy de la Tousche, Cardinal Ouellet speaks both personally and professionally about the state of the Church since the Council, explaining what went wrong-and right-in the implementation of the Council's teachings. Ouellet discusses his own life, including his childhood in post-colonial Quebec, the search for meaning leading to his personal encounter with Christ, his vocation to the priesthood, being a professor in Latin America and Rome, and his more recent positions as archbishop of Quebec, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, and president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. Drawing on his experience as both a formator of priests and a professor at the John Paul II Institute for the Family, Ouellet speaks of the significance of married love, the meaning of consecrated life, and the spousal nature of the priesthood. He illuminates these realities with the teachings of the Council. Among other topics, the Cardinal discusses his acquaintance with popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, his experience on the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, and his admiration for the youth today. The interview continues with questions about the Council's four Constitutions and the Council in general, leading to a discussion of a wide range of topics including liturgy, ecumenism, evangelization, the work of the laity, new movements and communities, vocations, celibacy, human dignity, war and justice, ecology, sin, and the Eucharist. Moving with clarity and ease between theological realities and personal impressions, Cardinal Ouellet discusses the state of the Church today with points that are challenging, edifying, and full of hope. Cardinal Marc Ouellet is the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and also president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. He was ordained in 1968 and is a priest of the Society of Saint-Suplice. After serving over 20 years as a university and seminary professor, he was appointed Archbishop of Quebec in 2002 and created cardinal by Pope John Paul II. Fr. Geoffroy de la Tousche was ordained in 1998 and is a priest of the Diocese of Rouen, France. In 2002, he completed a doctorate in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University on the subject of bishops as addressed in the Vatican II Constitution Lumen Gentium.

Guests in Their Own House

Book Description

"Thirty years after the close of Vatican II, we have this fresh revelation of the 'strange Roman experience' of the twenty-three women from fourteen different countries invited to be auditors at the previously all male Council. You will not want to stop before the end." -- Marie Augusta Neal, SND de Namur, Professor of Sociology, Emerita, Emmanuel College, Boston "An important and necessary history that will find great interest for a long time." --Bernard Haring, Moral Theologian "Facts buried in archives come alive in the living voices of these women who now share the 'dangerous memory' of their presence at Vatican II. Carmel McEnroy tells this story with keen insight into women's oppression in the Church, an eye for the humorous detail, and great narrative flair. Thank goodness she rescued this piece of history before it disappeared over the horizon like so much else." --Elizabeth A. Johnson, CSJ, Professor of Theology, Fordham University "This interesting historical investigation of the exclusion and participation of women at the Vatican Council reveals the dynamics of communication within the Church, including its systematic distortions and the forgiving fidelity of dedicated women. I am glad that this book has been written." --Gregory Baum, Professor of Theology, McGill University

Living Vatican II

Book Description

Vatican II was the first council in the story of Catholic Christianity to deserve being labeled intercontinental and intercultural. What has been its impact? How should one describe and evaluate its reception by Catholics and its wider follow-up among others? How should this twenty-first council be heard, received, and lived as we move further ahead into the twenty-first century? What perspectives does it offer for the future to those who seek to assimilate it creatively? As a leading theologian, the author uses a highly personal approach in answering these and many other questions, which makes for a compulsively readable book that illuminates the workings of the Church. Living Vatican II explores the liturgical renewal after Vatican II, the reception of the Council's moral teaching, the impact of Vatican II on theology, and the work of some key institutions in Rome and elsewhere toward implementing the teaching and decisions of this council. Finally, the book offers insightful suggestions about the future of the Church. Book jacket.

Vatican II

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History The death of John Paul II and the election of Benedict XVI constituted two important elements in the landscape of Catholicism, nourishing the journalistic and political dispute about the history and legacy of Vatican II. This book offers an attempt to go beyond "the clash of interpretations"-Vatican II as a rupture in the history of Catholicism on one side, and the need to read Vatican II in continuity with the tradition on the other-necessary indeed because the ongoing debate about Vatican II is largely misrepresented by the use of "clashing interpretations" as a tool for understanding the role of the council in present-day Catholicism. Book jacket.

Vatican II

Book Description

2013 Catholic Press Association Book Award: 50th Anniversary of Vatican II (2nd Place)
Marking the fiftieth anniversary of the first session of Vatican II (1962-65), a watershed event in the history of the church, whose meaning and interpretation continue to inspire heated debate. In this book fifty distinguished authors, including theologians, journalists, spiritual writers, and pastoral leaders, offer their own assessment of the meaning of the Council and its historic documents, drawing in many cases on their personal experience as witnesses or participants. The contributors are a "who's who" of modern Catholic and non-Catholic voices: Francis X. Murphy (who, as "Xavier Rynne," penned an inside account of the Council for The New Yorker magazine), Martin E. Marty, Lisa Sowle Cahill, John O'Malley, Joan Chittister, Gregory Baum, Michael Novak, Basil Pennington, Richard McBrien, Cardinal Avery Dulles, John Dominic Crossan, Joseph Komonchak, Brother Roger of Taize, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Elizabeth Johnson, David Hollenbach, and many more.
For those who want to understand what happened at the Council, as well as those concerned about the state of the church today and the agenda for the future, these fifty personal stories provide an invaluable and inspiring resource.