The Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament

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A unique contextual perspective on the nuclear arms race organized in three parts: The Arms Race in Context, European under Threat: The Seeds of Resistance and Detente and European Nuclear Disarmament.

The Dynamics of the Arms Race

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The nuclear arms race had dominated international politics for the two decades prior to publication. Originally published in 1975, this symposium examines the dynamics of change within the arms race and the attempts at controlling and limiting it. At the time the nuclear arms race was strongly technologically determined, as Herbert York demonstrates in discussing the impact of MIRV. Such progress as has been made in nuclear disarmament has been far outdistanced by the technological developments so that, as Jack Ruina argues, SALT is only important when seen as part of a process of negotiating arms limitations. The most significant result of this technological advance has been the emergence of a qualitatively new system of international politics which Hans Morgenthau analyses. This system is essentially bipolar in nuclear terms and the history of the disarmament negotiations, as reviewed by William Epstein, is an exercise in freezing this structure. The negotiations themselves, particularly SALT, and the prospects for further progress are discussed extensively by Thomas Schelling, Kosta Tsipis, George Rathjens and others. The book also surveys developments in chemical and biological warfare and includes an important paper on chemical warfare agents by the Soviet chemist, O.A. Ruetov. The final section looks at recent developments in the theory of conflict and its applications in the Middle East, South Africa and a number of developing countries.

The Politics of Nuclear Disarmament

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Om interessekonflikten inden for alle kernevåben stater mellem civilbefolkningen og de væbnede styrker. I bogen kædes kampagnen imod kernevåben sammen med kampen for demokrati, sund fornuft og for selve livet og understreger kampagnens internationale karakter.

The EU and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Book Description

Much of the literature on the emerging role of the EU as a non-proliferation actor has only a minimal engagement with theory. This collection aims to rectify this by placing the role of the EU in the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons within an analytical framework inspired by emerging literature on the performance of international organisations.

Nuclear Disarmament: Opportunities for Peace and Work for Europe and the World

Book Description

L'Europa sta avviandosi verso un bivio decisivo per il suo futuro e per quello di tutta l'Umanità: un'insicurezza crescente fino all'apocalisse nucleare oppure un futuro di Pace e di Lavoro per tutti. Noi cristiani con tutta la Società Civile dobbiamo impegnarci perché si imbocchi decisamente questa seconda strada, per evitare che la pace si basi sulla minaccia delle armi nucleari e di ritrovarci nuovamente davanti a questo bivio nel prossimo futuro. Riteniamo pertanto fondamentale che l'Unione Europea si faccia promotrice di una Conferenza di Pace con l'istituzione di un Tavolo permanente di Dialogo per il Disarmo, innanzitutto atomico, con la partecipazione piena dei Paesi in Via di Sviluppo, per prevenire l'escalation nucleare e indurre tutte le Nazioni al disarmo e alla conversione delle armi nucleari in progetti di Pace, riprendendo così il successo del Piano USA-Russia "Megatons to Megawatts" che ha convertito 20.000 atomiche in energia di Pace. Attraverso il Tavolo si facilita l'attuazione del Trattato di Non Proliferazione Nucleare e del Trattato di Proibizione delle Armi Nucleari. La proposta si inserisce perfettamente nel quadro di un negoziato internazionale auspicato sia dai Leader delle cinque Potenze nucleari nel Joint Statement del 3 gennaio u.s., sia nella Risoluzione del Consiglio d'Europa del 15 novembre 2021.

Europe and Iran

Book Description

The recent controversy over Iran's nuclear programme represents an early and important test for a distinctively European approach to addressing concerns about suspected programmes for the development of weapons of mass destruction. Against this background, the report brings together European and Iranian perspectives on a range of security- and proliferation-related issues that have a bearing on diplomatic efforts to resolve the controversy. The contributors describe the discussions under way between Europe, Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency aimed at clarifying the scope and nature of Iran's nuclear activities. They examine the development of the European Union's strategy to combat the spread of WMD; Iran's evolving security and defence structures and policies, including Iranian thinking about deterrence-based defence strategies and the requirements for credibly implementing them; and the internal dynamics of security policy decision making in Iran. The report highlights some of the problems and possibilities inherent in the EU's efforts to implement a more targeted, multifunctional strategy to prevent WMD proliferation.

Slaying the Nuclear Dragon

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In recent decades the debate on nuclear weapons has focused overwhelmingly on proliferation and nonproliferation dynamics. In a series of Wall Street Journal articles, however, George Shultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn called on governments to rid the world of nuclear weapons, helping to put disarmament back into international security discussions. More recently, U.S. president Barack Obama, prominent U.S. congressional members of both political parties, and a number of influential foreign leaders have espoused the idea of a world free of nuclear weapons. Turning this vision into reality requires an understanding of the forces driving disarmament forward and those holding it back. Slaying the Nuclear Dragon provides in-depth, objective analysis of current nuclear disarmament dynamics. Examining the political, state-level factors that drive and stall progress, contributors highlight the challenges and opportunities faced by proponents of disarmament. These essays show that although conditions are favorable for significant reductions, numerous hurdles still exist. Contributors look at three categories of states: those that generate momentum for disarmament; those with policies that are problematic for disarmament; and those that actively hinder progress--whether openly, secretly, deliberately, or inadvertently. Nuclear deterrence was long credited with preventing war between the two major Cold War powers, but with the spread of nuclear technology, threats have shifted to other state powers and to nonstate groups. Slaying the Nuclear Dragon addresses an urgent need to examine nuclear disarmament in a realistic, nonideological manner.

Partners in deterrence

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From the dawn of the atomic age to today, nuclear weapons have been central to the internal dynamics of US alliances in Europe and Asia. But nuclear weapons cooperation in US alliances has varied significantly between allies and over time. This book explores the history of America’s nuclear posture worldwide, delving into alliance structures and interaction during and since the end of the Cold War to uncover the underlying dynamics of nuclear weapons cooperation between the US and its allies. Combining in-depth empirical analysis with an accessible theoretical lens, the book reveals that US allies have wielded significant influence in shaping nuclear weapons cooperation with the US in ways that reflect their own, often idiosyncratic, objectives. Alliances are ecosystems of exchange rather than mere tools of external balancing, the book argues, and institutional perspectives can offer an unprecedented insight into how structured cooperation can promote policy convergence.

Europe at Peace?

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