The Dynamics of Global Dominance

Book Description

For centuries Europeans ruled vast portions of the world, as inhabitants of west European countries sailed to distant continents and took possession of territories whose societies and economies they set out to change. How and why did these farflung empires form, persist, and finally fall? David Abernethy addresses these questions in this magisterial survey of the rise and decline of European overseas empires. Abernethy identifies broad patterns across time and space, interweaving them with fascinating details of cross-cultural encounters. He argues that relatively autonomous profit-making, religious, and governmental institutions enabled west European countries to launch triple assaults on other societies. Indigenous people also played a role in their eventual subjugation by inviting Europeans to intervene in their power struggles. Abernethy finds that imperial decline was often the unanticipated result of wars among major powers. Postwar crises over colonies' unmet expectations empowered movements that eventually took territories as diverse as the thirteen British North American colonies, Spain's South American possessions, India, the Dutch East Indies, Vietnam, and the Gold Coast to independence. In advancing a theory of imperialism that includes European and non-European actors, and in analyzing economic, social, and cultural as well as political dimensions of empire, Abernethy helps account for Europe's long occupation of global center stage. He also sheds light on key features of today's postcolonial world and the legacies of empire, concluding with an insightful approach to the moral evaluation of colonialism.

The Dynamics of Global Dominance

Book Description

"In advancing a theory of imperialism that includes European and non-European actors, and in analyzing economic, social, and cultural as well as political dimensions of empire, Abernethy helps account for Europe's long occupation of global center stage. He also sheds light on key features of today's postcolonial world and on the legacies of empire, concluding with an insightful approach to the moral evaluation of colonialism."--Provided by publisher.

The Quest for Global Dominance

Book Description

The Quest for Global Dominance is well-regarded as the leading book on global strategy for practitioners and students alike. It reflects leading-edge thinking on the subject of creating and exploiting global presence and offers logic-driven conceptual frameworks that are actionable and have been developed and refined by the authors over the past 15 years in their teaching and consulting work.· Rising Up to the Global Challenge· Building Global Presence· Lessons from the Globalization of Wal-mart· Exploiting Global Presence· Cultivating a Global Mindset· Building a Global Knowledge Machine· Dynamics of Global Business Teams· Globalizing the Young Venture· Leveraging China and India for Global Dominance

Competing for Global Dominance

Book Description

Competing for Global Dominance' sets the stage for a new paradigm required for growth of the globalized market in the 21st century and outlines the issues that entrepreneurs and businesses will face as they compete for survival in a world marketplace no longer hindered by time and distance. As the Silicon Valley success model moves into its adolescence and transforms its methodology as demonstrated on web sites such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkIn, LinkSV, Twitter, and Ecademy which allow groups of individuals and businesses from around the world to meet, communicate and collaborate to expand their influence and market share by developing new ways of doing business. But before this can be effectively accomplished, a new approach needs to be established for how to compete, grow and survive in this new globalized environment. Many governments, educational and private organizations have tried to duplicate the success of Silicon Valley with limited degrees of success, most without really understanding the new dynamics of global competition and how to enter new markets. This book shows the thought leadership from a practitioners viewpoint who works with entrepreneurs and companies from around the world to position them for survival and expansion in the new world of globalization.

The Choice

Book Description

The overwhelming reality of our time is this: In the opening years of the 21st century, the United States finds itself not only the most powerful nation on earth but the most powerful nation that has ever existed. Given the contradictory roles America plays in the world, we are fated to be the catalyst for either a new global community or for global chaos. If we don't lead, Zbigniew Brzezinski contends, rather than merely dominate by force, we could face worldwide hostility much like the regional hostility now confronting Israel. Brzezinski argues for a more complex and sophisticated view of our global role than much of our media and political leadership are willing to entertain. We are the world's policeman, but we have to be seen as a fair one. We are entitled to a higher level of security than other nations (because we assume greater risks), but we are also the proponent of essential freedoms. We are uniquely powerful, but our homeland is uniquely -and chronically-vulnerable. "Globalization" precludes immunity for even the most powerful. This is an impressively lucid assessment, informed by decades of experience on the front lines of foreign policy, of where we stand in the world and where we should go from here.

Corn & Capitalism

Book Description

Exploring the history and importance of corn worldwide, Arturo Warman traces its development from a New World food of poor and despised peoples into a commodity that plays a major role in the modern global economy. The book, first published in Mexico i

Social Dominance

Book Description

This volume focuses on two questions: why do people from one social group oppress and discriminate against people from other groups? and why is this oppression so mind numbingly difficult to eliminate? The answers to these questions are framed using the conceptual framework of social dominance theory. Social dominance theory argues that the major forms of intergroup conflict, such as racism, classism and patriarchy, are all basically derived from the basic human predisposition to form and maintain hierarchical and group-based systems of social organization. In essence, social dominance theory presumes that, beneath major and sometimes profound difference between different human societies, there is also a basic grammar of social power shared by all societies in common. We use social dominance theory in an attempt to identify the elements of this grammar and to understand how these elements interact and reinforce each other to produce and maintain group-based social hierarchy.

US Imperialism

Book Description

This book offers a broad and deep examination of the dynamics of US imperialism. Petras analyzes imperialism not only as economic domination, showing that its impact in the world takes many forms, including cultural, political and historical. He points to the disruptive effects it has on other world regional economies and cultures. Capitalism and imperialism take diverse forms but both are intimately tied to the projection of state power in the service of capital—a strategy designed to advance the geopolitical and economic interests of the US economic elite and ruling class—interests that are equated with the 'US national interest'.

Global Dominance

Book Description