The Dynamics of International Competition

Book Description

`I found myself questioning my current views on globalization and international competition. In so doing, I have come to a fuller understanding of the dynamics of the process and have enjoyed a unique view into the minds of the decision makers′ - Organization Studies `This book is an unusual and valuable addition to the literatures of international business′ - International Business Review `The first interesting feature of this study is the selection of industries.... The book provides some valuable insight into the geographic distribution of the world in the mind of the chief executives... a matter of interest not only to industry and academia, but also to policy makers.... The classification of international strategies deducted from the interview data is another contribution that book makes.... The book has achieved its main goal of linking theory and practical experience [and] provides interesting reading.... The book translates the logic of the industry world into a nice theory leaving it up to the reader to accept or reject the accompanying business ethics and values′ - Prometheus `A highly effective analysis of the changing patterns of competition viewed from an international perspective. There is a plethora of books on globalization and internationalization of industries, but most are long on words and speculation, but short on hard evidence and perspective. Here, the approach of the authors is not to argue that the world is becoming more (or less) global, but to provide a valuable insight into just how these forces are shaping industries, whether managers can influence these forces and what they might mean for those involve′- Charles Baden-Fuller, City Business School, Series Editor This book uses in-depth current data from a range of international business, and provides an important new framework for understanding international competitive systems and formulating international business strategy.

Foreign Competition and Firm Boundary Dynamics

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Florian Gröne provides a systematic assessment of mounting import and FDI pressure’s influence on large US and German enterprises and explains how and why firms change their product scope, geographic footprint, and value chain configuration as a result.

Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy

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Die Wharton Business School ist die älteste Institution ihrer Art in Amerika und eine der bestangesehenen der Welt. Ein Expertenteam aus fünf verschiedenen Fachgebieten in Wharton diskutiert hier eine der wichtigsten Fragen für ein Unternehmen der Gegenwart - die Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Neueste Konzepte kreativer Strategien werden vorgestellt.

Strategic Competition, Dynamics, and the Role of the State

Book Description

Economists from all heterodox traditions of political economy will benefit from reading this book both for its confirmation of many of the basic precepts of classical, Marxian and Harrodian economics and the challenges it poses for its trenchant Post-Keynesian/Kaleckian critics, for whom short-period analytics of effective demand can and should be extended to long-period analysis. While his critique of the principle of effective demand for the long run would leave many Post-Keynesians uncompromising, the strong Keynesian view held by the author on the necessity for public-sector capital budgeting, and a developmental state upon which ought to be grafted a long-term growth policy based on public investment would certainly find strong resonance in the context of the global economic crisis. Mario Seccareccia, University of Ottawa, Canada and Editor of the International Journal of Political Economy Jamee K. Moudud s book is in the best tradition of dynamic economics stemming from the work of Harrod and Kalecki. Moudud demonstrates a solid command of the intellectual history of his subject. His insightful critical survey of the growth literature focuses on an often neglected dimension of the topic, i.e. the question of how real-world firms make decisions about capacity utilization and capacity creation. This discussion grounds Moudud s subsequent theoretical analysis of the disequilibrium dynamics of cyclical growth. The book is that rarest of things both a useful teaching tool and an original contribution in its own right. Graduate students will find it a superb introduction to the analytical issues that are at the center of economists debates about growth, economic development and the business cycle. Growth theorists will find in it much to stimulate and challenge their thinking. Gary Mongiovi, St John s University, US and Co-Editor, Review of Political Economy The pillar upon which this magnificent must-read volume was erected is strategic competition, a theory that cogently authenticates the concentration and centralization of capital. This stands in stark contrast against the fanciful neoclassical perfect completion and its methodological double, imperfect competition. In Strategic Competition, Dynamics, and the Role of the State, Jamee Moudud has taken a novel approach to the study of macrodynamics. Here turbulence and crisis are deemed inseparable from the dynamics of capitalist economies and the last three decades of neoliberal policies are eloquently called into question. Moudud also provides a timely and effective critique of both new Keynesian and post-Keynesian approaches to macroeconomic theory and policy. Cyrus Bina, University of Minnesota (Morris Campus), US and an Editor of the Journal of Critical Studies on Business and Society The current economic crisis has thrown into disrepute the representative agent models at the forefront of the microfoundations agenda. Jamee Moudud takes a different approach, going back to first principles to re-establish the theory of the firm and the nature of market competition. The result is an important addition to two ongoing quests in macroeconomics: integrating the principle of effective demand into long run macrodynamics; and relating aggregate outcomes to firm behaviour and the functioning of markets. Mark Setterfield, Trinity College, US This is a very timely, refreshing and challenging book, an excellent contribution in the areas of competition and growth. It blends beautifully the microeconomic analysis of the Oxford Research Group, at the center of which is the idea of strategic competition; and an extension of Harrod s work on growth. The discussions of uncertainly and excess capacity, and the interpretation of Harrod s work are outstanding. This combination leads one to think about policy issues such as taxation or public investment in a novel way, as the implications differ not only from those that derive from neoclassical models, but also from Post-Keynesi

The Dynamics of M&A Strategy

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China's banking sector has witnessed significant inbound M&A traffic by developed market banks in recent years. At the same time, Chinese banks have risen to become some of the world's biggest banks. Along with these massive market values and financing capabilities have come global ambitions culminating in first outbound M&A moves. This study exploratively researches the relationship between developed market banks' inbound M&A into China and Chinese banks' outbound M&A. Based on a conceptual discussion, case studies and expert interviews an explanation model is developed outlining the drivers and barriers of Chinese banks' outbound M&A and the factors in the inbound-outbound relationship. This model enables developed market banks to analyse potential M&A reactions by incumbents. Finally, dynamic M&A market entry strategies are derived, which explicitly account for future incumbent outbound M&A moves.

Role and Dynamics of "late-comers" in the Global Technology Competition

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Faster developing cycles and economic developments created many emerging economies in the 20th century. For sustainable economic growth, however, the construction and constant preservation of a profound knowledge base and technological pool is crucial. Brazil, China, India and Russia, experienced constant high economic growth rates and begun to evolve to solid economies which are challenging the established players. This book consists of a profound empirical analysis of these emerging economies.

Research Handbook on International Competition Law

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The Research Handbook on International Competition Law brings together leading academics, practitioners and competition officials to discuss the most recent developments in international competition law and policy. This comprehensive Handbook explores the dynamics of international cooperation and national enforcement. It identifies initiatives that led to the current state of collaboration and also highlights current and future challenges. The Handbook features twenty-two contributions on topical subjects including: competition in developed and developing economies, enforcement trends, advocacy and regional and multinational cooperation. In addition, selected areas of law are explored from a comparative perspective. These include intellectual property and competition law, the pharmaceutical industry, merger control worldwide and the application of competition law to agreements and dominant market position. Presenting an overview of the current state of cooperation and convergence as well as a comparative analysis of substance and procedure, this authoritative Handbook will prove an invaluable reference tool for academics, competition officials and practitioners who focus on international competition law.

Investment Treaties and the Legal Imagination

Book Description

This book brings a new perspective to the subject of international investment law, by tracing the origins of foreign investor rights. It shows how a group of business leaders, bankers, and lawyers in the mid-twentieth century paved the way for our current system of foreign investment relations, and the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism.