Edges, Fringes, Frontiers

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Based on an ethnographic account of subsistence use of Amazonian forests by Wapishana people in Guyana, Edges, Frontiers, Fringes examines the social, cultural and behavioral bases for sustainability and resilience in indigenous resource use. Developing an original framework for holistic analysis, it demonstrates that flexible interplay among multiple modes of environmental understanding and decision-making allows the Wapishana to navigate socio-ecological complexity successfully in ways that reconcile short-term material needs with long-term maintenance and enhancement of the resource base.

The Ecology of Guyana

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Book Description

First published in 1998, this volume uses Guyana as an excellent, comprehensive case study to examine various sectors’ operations, effects upon the environment and the ways in which the sector can impact upon the vitality and development potential of other sectors. The authors attempt to demonstrate how it is possible to adjust current sectoral activities for improved resource utilisation. They begin in the interior looking at mining and forest resource exploitation. Attention then moves towards the coast, looking at agriculture, fishing, human settlement and service provision. A review of industry, transport and energy follows before examining biodiversity, tourism and the Amerindian community. Finally, a detailed analysis is presented of the challenges to be faced in devising a sustainable development national strategy.

The context of REDD+ in Guyana

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Guyana is a small country with 87.5% of its area covered with forest (GFC 2018b) and lies in the center of the Guiana Shield, one of the four largest remaining standing tropical rainforests in the world. In 2006, Guyana took advantage of the recognition of the value of standing forest to mitigate climate change and became actively engaged in REDD+. Subsequently, in 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with Norway to support implementation of a Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). This was a national plan to reorient Guyana’s economy and move towards more sustainable extractive industries and forest management. The bilateral agreement with Norway established a framework for performance-related finance of up to USD 250 million from 2010 to 2015 for implementation of the LCDS. Three main pillars of the LCDS, linked to its REDD+ agenda, included maintaining historically low deforestation, endorsing low carbon development and adapting to climate change (Bellfield et al. 2015).More recently, and building on the LCDS, a new Green State Development Strategy: Vision 2040 has been developed for Guyana as a “twenty-year, national development policy that reflects the guiding vision and principles of the ‘green agenda’. The central objective is development that provides a better quality of life for all Guyanese derived from the country’s natural wealth – its diversity of people and abundant natural resources (land, water, forests, mineral and aggregates, biodiversity)” (GoG 2019b, p. 1).Since 2009, CIFOR has conducted the Global Comparative Study (GCS) in 13 countries, with Guyana as the final addition. Among the GCS-REDD+ case studies, Guyana is one of the most advanced REDD+ countries, alongside Brazil (KorhonenKurki et al. 2019), and the Norway–Guyana bilateral agreement is the world’s second largest national-level REDD+ scheme (Bade 2013). Yet, Guyana’s economy still largely depends on extractive resources, with mining remaining the main driver of deforestation and forest degradation. The potential revenue anticipated from offshore oil extraction might change the country’s landscape and outlook, putting the permanence of REDD+ under scrutiny. The Guyana case study, therefore, presents many lessons on how to balance development paths without jeopardizing national forest resources.


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Como explicar o sucesso político quase hegemônico do governo Lula ao final de seu segundo mandato? Aqui, o psicanalista e ensaísta Tales Ab'Saber faz um balanço das condições políticas e da natureza do pacto social realizado naqueles oito anos, que impulsionou a renovação do carisma do líder petista. Tal movimento histórico é pensado aqui como a emergência de um carisma pop, uma ordem avançada de dominação política, em que a figura do homem público é investida dos poderes próprios da forma mercadoria e seu fetichismo endógeno.