The Economics of Innovation in the Telecommunications Industry

Book Description

The breakup of AT&T in 1984 and the events that have occurred since provide an historical opportunity to evaluate innovative behavior in an industry before and after restructuring. The effects of government regulation and market structure on the rate of industrial innovation are not well understood, and existing studies of innovative behavior across industries yield vague and conflicting conclusions. This book provides a detailed study of the effects of market structure and government regulation on innovation in a single industry over a long period of time. The benefits of a stable industry with prices regulated in the interests of consumers are compared with the benefits of a dynamic industry constantly introducing new products. The history of telecommunications in the United States is summarized, paying particular attention to the effects of market structure and government policy on innovation. Existing economic studies of the telecommunications industry are reviewed, and the arguments for and against the regulated monopoly structure are evaluated. The philosophy and practice of telecommunications regulation are described and the effects of alternative pricing plans on the demand for services and on the creation of incentives for innovation are studied. Current and emerging telecommunications technologies are described in layman's terms in order to provide an intuitive sense of the economic implications of technological advances.

The Economics of Mobile Telecommunications

Book Description

The mobile telecommunications industry is one of the most rapidly growing sectors around the world. This book offers a comprehensive economic analysis of the main determinants of growth in the industry. Harald Gruber demonstrates the importance of competitive entry and the setting of technological standards, both of which play a central role in their contribution to the fast diffusion of technology. Detailed country studies provide empirical evidence for the development of the main themes: the diffusion of mobile telecommunications services, the pricing policies in network industries, the role of entry barriers such as radio spectrum and spectrum allocation procedures. This research-based survey will appeal to a wide range of applied industrial economists within universities, government and the industry itself.

Telecommunication Economics

Book Description

This book constitutes a collaborative and selected documentation of the scientific outcome of the European COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel "A Telecommunications Economics COST Network" which run from October 2007 to October 2011. Involving experts from around 20 European countries, the goal of Econ@Tel was to develop a strategic research and training network among key people and organizations in order to enhance Europe's competence in the field of telecommunications economics. Reflecting the organization of the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel in working groups the following four major research areas are addressed: - evolution and regulation of communication ecosystems; - social and policy implications of communication technologies; - economics and governance of future networks; - future networks management architectures and mechanisms.

Shaping American Telecommunications

Book Description

Shaping American Telecommunications examines the technical, regulatory, and economic forces that have shaped the development of American telecommunications services. This volume is both an introduction to the basic technical, economic, and regulatory principles underlying telecommunications, and a detailed account of major events that have marked development of the sector in the United States. Beginning with the introduction of the telegraph and continuing through to current developments in wireless and online services, authors Christopher H. Sterling, Phyllis W. Bernt, and Martin B.H. Weiss explain each stage of telecommunications development, examining the interplay among technical innovation, policy decisions, and regulatory developments. Offering an integrated treatment of the interplay among technology, policy, and economics as key factors defining the development of the telecommunications sector in the United States, this volume also provides: *background material to facilitate understanding of each sector; *contexts for many so-called "new" issues, problems, and trends, demonstrating origins from years or decades in the past; and *careful annotation, documentation, and reference tables to enable further research on the topics discussed. This unique multidisciplinary approach provides a balanced view of U.S. telecommunications history, in context with relevant economic, legal, social, and technical analyses. As such, it is essential reading for advanced students in telecommunications needing to understand how the telecommunications industry and service developed to its current form. The volume will also serve as a supplemental text in courses on telecommunications regulation, and it will be of value to professionals in the field seeking context and background for their daily work.

Public Technology Procurement and Innovation

Book Description

Public Technology Procurement and Innovation studies public technology procurement as an instrument of innovation policy. In the past few years, public technology procurement has been a relatively neglected topic in the theoretical and research literature on the economics of innovation. Similarly, preoccupation with `supply-side' measures has led policy-makers to avoid making very extensive use of this important `demand-side' instrument. These trends have been especially pronounced in the European Union. There, as this book will argue, existing legislation governing public procurement presents obstacles to the use of public technology procurement as a means of stimulating and supporting technological innovation. Recently, however, there has been a gradual re-awakening of practical interest in such measures among policy-makers in the EU and elsewhere. For these and other related measures, this volume aims to contribute to a serious reconsideration of public technology procurement from the complementary standpoints of innovation theory and innovation policy.

Telecommunication Network Economics

Book Description

An up-to-date guide to the economic issues in telecommunications, delivering a comprehensive overview from mathematical models to practical applications. Covering hot topics such as app stores, auctions for advertisements, search engine business models, network neutrality and virtual network operators, this resource is ideal for graduate students, researchers and industry practitioners.

The Economics of Information Networks

Book Description

Provided in this book is a penetrating analysis of the broad array of the changes that generation, introduction and diffusion of a wave of radical innovations such as new information technologies and advanced telecommunications produce on industrial structures, corporate organization and firms behavior. The major contribution of the book lies in highlighting the role of factors such as technological, pecuniary, adoption, demand and network factors as a general conceptual framework for analysing technological change. Building on this theoretical framework, the book shows how cooperation among firms emerges as the distinctive feature of the new models of industrial organization. Interdependence between firms in fact is more and more shaped by networks of complementarities, localized spillovers and learning opportunities. In the conclusion the policy implications for assessing the evolution of network technologies with special reference to advanced telecommunications are consequently analyzed and developed.

Digital Economic Dynamics

Book Description

This book analyzes the dynamics and impacts of software development and discusses new institutional and economic changes in the context of digital market economies. Regulatory approaches in OECD countries are compared and country studies evaluated with respect to innovation and welfare aspects. The book furthermore examines telecommunications regulation of fixed line networks, cable TV and mobile communications. Also discusses the role of EU framework regulation and issues of market power.