An Economic Perspective on Trade Mark Law

Book Description

This invaluable book will appeal to academics, postgraduate and undergraduate students in the fields of trade mark law, business organization, intellectual property and law and economics. Solicitors and other professionals specializing in trade mark la

Trade Marks and Brands

Book Description

Developments in trade marks law have called into question a variety of basic features, as well as bolder extensions, of legal protection. Other disciplines can help us think about fundamental issues such as: what is a trade mark? What does it do? What should be the scope of its protection? This volume assembles essays examining trade marks and brands from a multiplicity of fields: from business history, marketing, linguistics, legal history, philosophy, sociology and geography. Each chapter pairs lawyers' and non-lawyers' perspectives, so that each commentator addresses and critiques his or her counterpart's analysis. The perspectives of non-legal fields are intended to enrich legal academics' and practitioners' reflections about trade marks, and to expose lawyers, judges and policy-makers to ideas, concepts and methods that could prove to be of particular importance in the development of positive law.

Trademarks, Brands, and Competitiveness

Book Description

This book examines trademarks and brands, and their historical role in national competitive and comparative advantage and in overall economic growth. The contributors provide an historical account of the contribution of brands in consumer goods to economic growth; examine the development of trademark law, its influence on brand strategy, and reciprocally the influence of strategy on the law; and look at the building and repositioning of individual brands as example of the interplay of law and strategy. Brands and trademarks are usually discussed from the perspective of marketing. This book draws together scholars and practitioners not only from marketing, but also from business history, law, economics, and economic history to provide a richer understanding of trade marks and competitiveness than has hitherto been available.

Research Handbook on the Law and Economics of Trademark Law

Book Description

This discerning and detailed Research Handbook examines the law of trademarks, unfair competition, and dilution from a variety of law and economics perspectives. With a comprehensive exploration of trademarks and trademark law, it provides an excellent illustration of the analytical diversity that the law and economics approach can bring to legal issues.

A New Economics of Trademarks

Book Description

Conventional wisdom holds that trademarks are nothing like other intellectual property. Copyright and patent law are theoretically based in public goods theory and designed to promote creation and disclosure of original expressions and novel, useful innovations. By contrast, trademarks are private goods and trademark law is designed to promote trade and encourage competition.This article challenges conventional wisdom by demonstrating that trademarks are a type of public good that contributes to the public stock of useful ideas just as patented and copyrighted works do. This economic perspective suggests, again contrary to conventional trademark theory, that competitive markets fail to supply an optimal amount of information about products and their sources. Conventional theory recognizes the difficulty in excluding competitors from using a supplier's trademark unless there is a legal regime to protect marks. Conventional theory fails to consider the non-rivalrous character of referential and customary trademark use by consumers, competitors, non-competitors, and commentators.The public use perspective on trademarks enriches our understanding of the structure of trademark law, the extent to which trademark law addresses the market failures associated with trademarks' public goods character, and the current debate concerning the propertization of trademarks.

An "Algorithmic Links with Probabilities" Concordance for Trademarks For Disaggregated Analysis of Trademark and Economic Data

Book Description

The authors propose an ‘Algorithmic Links with Probabilities’ (ALP) approach to match Trademarks (TMs) data to economic data and enable these data to speak to each other. Specifically, they construct a NICE Class Level concordance that maps TM data into trade and industry categories forward and backward. This concordance allows researchers to analyze differences in TM usage across both economic and TM sectors. In this paper, the authors apply this ALP concordance for TMs to characterize patterns in TM applications across countries, industries, income levels and more. They also use the concordance to investigate some of the key determinants of international technology transfer by comparing bilateral TM applications and bilateral patent applications.

Trade Marks and Free Trade

Book Description

This book is the first study to examine the issue of the legality of parallel imports of trademarked goods under the most important legal systems on an international level, namely under GATT/WTO law, EU law and the laws of the ten major trading partners of the European Union. Part I consists of a general approach to the phenomenon of parallel importation and of a presentation of the theories that have been suggested to resolve the above-mentioned issue. The rule of exhaustion of rights, of which there are three types (rule of national, regional and international exhaustion of rights), is proposed as the most effective instrument to deal with the issue in question. Part II examines the question of exhaustion of trademark rights in light of the provisions of GATT/WTO Law. Part III analyzes the elements of the EU provisions on exhaustion of trademark rights (Articles 7 of Directive 2008/95/EC and 13 of Regulation (EC) 207/2009) and some specific issues relating to the application of these provisions. Part IV presents the regimes of exhaustion of trademark rights recognized in the European Union’s current ten most significant trading partners. The book is the first legal study to welcome, in light of economic analysis, the approach adopted by GATT/WTO law and EU law to the question of the geographical scope of the exhaustion of the trademark rights rule. It includes all the case law developed on an international level on the issue of the legality of parallel imports of trademarked goods and a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature concerning the phenomenon of parallel imports in general and the legality of parallel imports of trademarked goods. All the views expressed in the book are based on the European Court of Justice’s most recent case law and that of the courts of the most important trading partners of the European Union.

The Economics of Trademarks

Book Description

Think Consumer

Book Description

The availability of a wide range of branded products makes the selection of the right type of goods a difficult process. This is particularly true in the case of goods whose characteristics consumers do not have complete information about, which they can only learn about after purchasing (experiencing goods). A trade mark quality guarantee facilitates consumers’ choice by sending quality signals. It also enables a trader of branded goods to differentiate the quality of his goods from those of his competitors. Accordingly, trade mark protection is said to enhance economic efficiency, and thus the production of quality goods, and reduce consumer search costs. In order for this to work, however, among other conditions, the trader must maintain consistent quality over time and across consumers. Otherwise, trade mark protection will enhance artificial product differentiation, and thus distort competition. To date, despite its profound significance, the quality guarantee is seen as performing an economic function that trade mark law is ill equipped to deal with. As a result, this function is not enforced under trade mark law. Contrary to mainstream thinking, this book argues that the quality function of a trade mark should be recognised and enforced through trade mark law. What is at stake is far from insignificant: it is about bridging the ever increasing gap between the legal rationales for trade mark protection and the economic consequences of this protection in practice. The book is also about how consumers should shape their relationship with trade marks and what role law should play in constructing that relationship. By giving independent legal substance to the quality function, trade mark law encourages a trader to improve the quality of his goods instead of simply improving the persuasive or advertising value of the mark, which, in turn, enhances artificial product differentiation, increases rather than decreases consumer search costs, and distorts competition.