The Educator's Field Guide to the Torah Aura Productions Hebrew/Prayer Curriculum

Book Description

In this 'field guide' we will be looking Torah Aura Productions Hebrew/Prayer curricular resources. We offer a series of interlocking materials that both provide choice of texts for different needs and offer a consistent approach to the mastery of Hebrew and the development of a relationship with the Jewish liturgy. While we will talk more of these materials later, here is a quick introduction.

Jouneys through the Siddur

Book Description

Stories We Pray

Book Description

Bring Modern Hebrew into your classrooms! Daber Ivrit lessons offer you an opportunity to add ten to fifteen minutes of modern Hebrew to your class. Each Daber Ivrit lesson teaches up to eight vocabulary words based on a theme. The lessons empower teachers to work creatively with Hebrew vocabulary.Each lesson is supported by a two-page teacher's introduction and a set of vocabulary posters.Each Daber Ivrit unit includes the student material, the teacher guide, and a set of full-color vocabulary posters to print as you need.

Pirkei T'fillah

Book Description

Experiencing Jewish Prayer

Book Description

Neurobiology us teaches that without meaning almost nothing is remembered. Add meaning to your Siddur teaching by adding experiences and context. Experiencing Jewish Prayer teaches no Hebrew, that has to happen somewhere else. What this book does is add meaning, context, and builds memories. This experiential book makes the standard liturgy (from all movements) into a meaningful whole. This is a perfect supplement to a different prayer teaching resource. Add it to your liturgy curriculum.

Likroʼ u-levarekh

Book Description

Likro: To Read and To Bless Script

Book Description

Being Torah Teacher's Guide

Book Description

T'fillati-Making Prayer Mine

Book Description

T'fillati-Making Prayer Mine is a new way to look at personal meaning in individual prayers by exploring the central ideas of the liturgy, Torah and Midrash, helping students forge connections with the words of our siddur. The T'fillati lessons include key phrases from the prayers, stories, and exercises designed to guide comprehension and creativity. With T'fillati-Making Prayer Mine, the liturgy will come off the page and into the hearts and minds of your students.