Corotating Interaction Regions

Book Description

This volume gives a comprehensive and integrated overview of current knowledge and understanding of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) in the solar wind. It is the result of a workshop at ISSI, where space scientists involved in the Ulysses, Pioneer, Voyager, IMP-8, Wind, and SOHO missions exchanged their data and interpretations with theorists in the fields of solar and heliospheric physics. The book provides a broad synthesis of current understanding of CIRs, which form at the interface between the fast solar wind originating in the northern and southern coronal holes and the slow solar wind that originates near and within coronal streamers surrounding the heliomagnetic equator. CIRs are the dominant structure in the heliosphere near and beyond Earth on the declining phase and near the minimum of the 11-year solar activity cycle. Particles energized at the shocks that bound CIRs at heliospheric distances beyond the orbit of Earth are the dominant energetic particle population observed in the outer heliosphere at these times. Papers included in this volume cover the subject of CIRs from their dissipation in the outer hemisphere, and include discussions of complexities associated with their evolution with distance from the Sun, their three-dimensional structure, and the myriad effects that CIRs have on energetic particles throughout the heliosphere. The book is intended to provide scientists active in space physics research with an up-to-date status report on current understanding of CIRs and their effects in the heliosphere, and also to serve the advanced graduate student with introductory material on this active field of research.

Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 199. Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere draws together current knowledge of the radiation belts prior to the launch of Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RPSP) and other imminent space missions, making this volume timely and unique. The volume will serve as a useful benchmark at this exciting and pivotal period in radiation belt research in advance of the new discoveries that the RPSP mission will surely bring. Highlights include the following: a review of the current state of the art of radiation belt science; a complete and up-to-date account of the wave-particle interactions that control the dynamical acceleration and loss processes of particles in the Earth's radiation belts and inner magnetosphere; a discussion emphasizing the importance of the cross-energy coupling of the particle populations of the radiation belts, ring current, and plasmasphere in controlling the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere; an outline of the design and operation of future satellite missions whose objectives are to discover the dominant physical processes that control the dynamics of the Earth's radiation belts and to advance our level of understanding of radiation belt dynamics ideally to the point of predictability; and an examination of the current state of knowledge of Earth's radiation belts from past and current spacecraft missions to the inner magnetosphere. Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere will be a useful reference work for the specialist researcher, the student, and the general reader. In addition, the volume could be used as a supplementary text in any graduate-level course in space physics in which radiation belt physics is featured.

Waves, Particles, and Storms in Geospace

Book Description

Geospace features highly dynamic populations of charged particles with a wide range of energies from thermal to ultra-relativistic. Influenced by magnetic and electric fields in the terrestrial magnetosphere driven by solar wind forcing, changes in the numbers and energies of these particles lead to a variety of space weather phenomena, some of which are detrimental to space infrastructure. This book presents an overview of the latest discoveries and current scientific understanding of the coupling of electromagnetic waves and charged particles during magnetic storms, and explains the observed dynamics of these particle populations. The book furthermore includes investigations relevant to understanding and forecasting this space environment and the adverse impacts of space weather. High-energy electrons and ions in the Van Allen radiation belts and the ring current are of particular interest and importance with regard to the operation of space-based technological infrastructure upon which 21st century civilisation increasingly relies. This book presents the latest research on the sources, transport, acceleration and loss of these energetic particle populations, as well as their coupling during geospace magnetic storms.

The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the Heliosphere

Book Description

This volume represents the state of the art of the science covered by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field. It contains a collection of contributions by top experts addressing and reviewing a variety of topics included under the umbrella of the division. It covers subjects that extend from the interior of the Sun to the heliopause, and from the study of physical processes in the Sun and the solar wind plasma to space weather forecasts. The book is organized in 6 parts: the solar interior, the solar atmosphere, the heliosphere, heliophysical processes, radio emissions, and coordinated science in the Sun-Earth system. In addition, we highlight some of the results presented during the IAGA Division IV symposia in the 11th Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Sopron, Hungary, on 23-30 August 2009, which was planned simultaneously with this book.

The Dynamic Magnetosphere

Book Description

Despite the plethora of monographs published in recent years, few cover recent progress in magnetospheric physics in broad areas of research. While a topical focus is important to in-depth views at a problem, a broad overview of our field is also needed. The volume answers to the latter need. With the collection of articles written by leading scientists, the contributions contained in the book describe latest research results in solar wind-magnetosphere interaction, magnetospheric substorms, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, transport phenomena in the plasma sheet, wave and particle dynamics in the ring current and radiation belts, and extra-terrestrial magnetospheric systems. In addition to its breadth and timeliness, the book highlights innovative methods and techniques to study the geospace.

Influence of the Solar Wind on the Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons in the Earth's Radiation Belts

Book Description

The Earth's electron outer radiation belt is a highly variable region in which the populations can vary by several orders of magnitude in a minute to hours. Such extreme dynamics depends on a complex and delicate balance between source and loss processes that are ultimately driven by the interactions between the interplanetary medium and the Earth's magnetosphere. In recent years, several efforts have been carried out to improve our understanding of the controlling processes driving radiation belt dynamics and to improve the predictability of the relativistic electrons that populate it. In the first part of this dissertation, we study the solar wind parameters that are relevant for the understanding and prediction of relativistic electron enhancement events and relativistic electron persistent depletion events at geostationary orbit and what have the largest potential for prediction. We then use these results to explore the extent of the effects of the solar wind through the outer belt by comparing relativistic electron enhancement events at geostationary orbit with the response at lower radial distances and so try to understand how deep within the inner magnetosphere the solar wind influence can reach. In the second half of this dissertation we explore the recently discovered phenomena of ultrarelativistic remnant belts that can lead to a triple belt configuration of the Earth's radiation belts. Such events were first reported shortly after the launch of the Van Allen Probes mission but are poorly understood. We identify three-belt events to characterize their occurrence rate, and the geomagnetic conditions under which they occur. We investigate their location, characteristic energy and general properties of the magnetosphere and solar wind that can favor their formations. We finally look at remnant belt persistence by statistically calculating their lifetime and decay rates. Using these results, we study the physical mechanism of ultrarelativistic remnant belts decay by comparing with previously reported analytical estimates.

Exploring the Solar Wind

Book Description

This book consists of a selection of original papers of the leading scientists in the fields of Space and Planetary Physics, Solar and Space Plasma Physics with important contributions to the theory, modeling and experimental techniques of the solar wind exploration. Its purpose is to provide the means for interested readers to become familiar with the current knowledge of the solar wind formation and elemental composition, the interplanetary dynamical evolution and acceleration of the charged plasma particles, and the guiding magnetic field that connects to the magnetospheric field lines and adjusts the effects of the solar wind on Earth. I am convinced that most of the research scientists actively working in these fields will find in this book many new and interesting ideas.