The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

Over the past twenty years, foreign direct investments have spurred widespread liberalization of the foreign direct investment (FDI) regulatory framework. By opening up to foreign investors and encouraging FDI, which could result in increased capital and market access, many countries have improved the operational conditions for foreign affiliates and strengthened standards of treatment and protection. By assuring investors that their investment will be legally protected with closed bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and double taxation treaties (DTTs), this in turn creates greater interest in FDI.

The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

In recent years, the treaties and strategies promoting global investment have changed dramatically. This book is a comprehensive assessment of the performance of these treaties. It presents the most recent literature on BITs and DTTs as well as their impact on foreign investments.

Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development

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The effect on developing countries of the arrival of foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a subject of controversy for decades in the development community. The debate over the relationship between FDI in developing countries and the progress of these countries towards human development is an ongoing and often heated one. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective combining insights from international investment law, human rights law and economics, this book offers an original contribution to the debate. It explores how improvements ...

The International Law on Foreign Investment

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The author examines different techniques adopted by States for attracting foreign investment and for ensuring that foreign investment serves their economic objectives.

The Impact of Investment Treaties on Contracts between Host States and Foreign Investors

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In the field of investment treaty arbitration, the co-existence of contracts and treaties has generated an increasingly divided jurisprudence on central aspects of treaty interpretation. This book comprehensively examines the legal problems surrounding the relationship of these two instruments.

The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Double Taxation Treaties on Foreign Direct Investments

Book Description

Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von Investitionsschutzvereinbarungen und Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen (DTT) auf ausländische Direktinvestitionen (FDI). Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Gravitations- und Wissens-Kapital Model verwendet und auf FDI Flüsse zwischen Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern untersucht. Die Schätzungen werden mittels der gepoolten KQ-Methode sowie der Methode fixierter und zufälliger Effekte durchgeführt. Untersucht werden 1364 Länderpaare über einen Zeitraum von 25 Jahren. Die Resultate implizieren einen positiven, signifikanten Einfluss von Investitionsschutzvereinbarungen und DTTs auf FDI Flüsse. Zusätzlich deuten Interaktionseffekte zwischen politischen Risikoindizes und BITs an, dass ein komplementäres Verhältnis zwischen BITs und stabilen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen besteht. Dies widerspricht der gängigen These, dass BITs als Ersatz für Rechtssicherheit und politische Stabilität fungieren können. Zusätzlich deuten die Schätzungen an, dass US amerikanische BITs am effektivsten sind, um FDI Flüsse anzuziehen.

The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment

Book Description

This paper uses a large panel of OECD data on stocks of outward foreign direct investment (FDI) to evaluate the impact of bilateral investment treaties. For several variants of the knowledge capital model of multinationals, we demonstrate that investment treaties exert a significant positive effect on outward FDI, if they actually are implemented. Moreover, even signing a treaty has a positive, although lower and in most specifications insignificant, effect on FDI.

Beyond Trade

Book Description

Abstract: The author investigates the effects of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) on the net foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows of member countries using a comprehensive database of PTAs in a panel setting. He finds that PTA membership is associated with a positive change in net FDI inflows, and the FDI gains are increasing in the market size of the PTA partners and their proximity to the host country. The author identifies several different channels through which preferential trade liberalization may affect FDI, and confirms that both threshold effects (signing the agreement) and market size effects (joining a larger and faster-growing common market) are important determinants of net FDI inflows, although the latter seem to dominate. The estimated relationship is largely driven by North-South PTAs, and is most pronounced in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the period when the majority of "deep integration" PTAs had been advanced.