The Impact of Computer-based Programs on Middle School Math Achievement

Book Description

The purpose of this correlation research study was to investigate the impact of computer-based learning on middle school math achievement of at-risk students. The participants for this study were drawn from a convenience sample of 83 middle school students located in southeastern Georgia. At-risk middle school students were achieving below their grade equivalent and failing to meet local and state proficiency standards. Computer-based instruction was implemented as an intervention to increase student achievement in mathematics. The study used a pretest-posttest control group design and used SPSS software to conduct the statistical analyses using an ANCOVA and t-test. The results indicated that the use of Math 180 did not result in a statistically significant increase in achievement of at-risk students. However, the observed power for each null hypothesis was very low, indicating the likelihood of a Type II error. Therefore, there may have been an effect of Math 180 on student achievement, but the sample sizes were too small to detect it. This type of intervention may be recommended for continued use; however, future research on other computer-based programs would be beneficial.

The Effects of Using Writing on a Student Learning in a Seventh Grade Math Classroom

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In my mathematics teaching experiences, I have found students encountering difficulties in successfully remembering and demonstrating all of the major concepts they have learned during the school year. Whether or not the students actually learn and remember the content is a problem numerous teachers experience. As a result, I decided to implement writing into a lower-level seventh grade math classroom to determine if writing would affect student learning. The study was implemented with sixteen lower-level seventh grade math students during the first ten weeks of the 2008-2009 school year at Northwest Junior High in the Iowa City Community School District. Pre-surveys and post-surveys were given to students to determine their attitudes toward mathematics and writing. A pretest and posttest was also administered to assess the effects writing ad on students' growth and achievement over the en week study. Students used their writing skills to explain their reasoning behind their answers. Students also wrote in a journal an average of two times per week. Results from the study showed a minimal increase in the number of students having a positive attitude towards math along with a minimal increase in student achievement. These results may be due to implementation of writing in the mathematics curriculum.

The Effects of a Seventh Grade Mathematics Remediation Course on Student Achievement

Book Description

Since the installment of the No Child Left Behind Act, schools have sought strategies to help students meet these academic requirements. Many middle schools have turned to math remediation classes as a way to improve students' achievement scores. The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative study was to explore the relationship of the mathematics remediation class as an intervention strategy to help low performing seventh grade students' achievement on the Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Test. The sample consisted of N= 775 (391 male, 384 female) seventh grade students enrolled in one rural middle school. The result of the statistical test, ANCOVA, revealed a significant difference between the non-remediation students and remediation students on post-test mathematics achievement while adjusting for the pre-test scores, therefore the hypothesis was rejected. In addition, this study examined the gender and socio-economical differences within the math remediation students. Gender was found not to be statically significant, while socio-economical differences were found to be statically significant.