The Effects of Easy-Believism

Book Description

Over the past fifty or so years, since the radicalism of the Sixties, there has been a great change in America's attitude toward religion in general, and Christianity in particular. We have gone from a Bible-believing, decidedly Christian, God-honoring nation, to one in which every attempt is being made to exclude God and the Bible from every facet of our society. Whereas once, people had a reverential fear of God and spiritual matters, now the Christian religion is scorned, openly attacked, and has become the object of ridicule on television and in our universities. Christians are viewed as being narrow-minded and bigoted; they are being accused of hate-speech for denouncing sin and unbiblical lifestyles; and are even being blamed for many of the modern ills of society. What are the reasons for this cultural shift in America, and who is responsible for allowing it to happen?

Beyond Easy Believism

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Dealing with Easy Believism

Book Description

According to the work of many social scientists the modern church, including the Evangelical Church, is losing its influence in American society. At the same time it faces a flood of findings on its lack of effectiveness in making disciples. Yet things do not stop there. Most studies show the church is losing people-especially its youth while affecting a smaller percentage of the population. This has caused many to take a hard look at not only the focus but many of the processes of the modern church. For some time there have been many books written on how the church presents the Gospel. Time and time again "Easy Believism" has been the label placed on its typical method. Saying a prayer and "really meaning it" has not produced the results we see in Jesus followers throughout the New Testament. In "Dealing with Easy Believism," Jim Warren does not add to the theological works on the fallacies of this method. Here he takes them for granted. Having been focused on bringing people into a relationship with God, Jim understands how easy it is to get people to pray a prayer of salvation. Yet he also realizes the lack of fruit from this flawed process. Here he shares a process he has found successful in allowing God to draw people into a life of discipleship and authentic community. Jim has worked with others to develop systems that plant, cultivate and grow authentic communities of Jesus followers. He sees the modern church built on a process he calls a 20th century business model of organizational development. According to Warren that system implements, develops and increases organization. This, he proposes, replaces the authentic community found illustrated in the New Testament. He lays out his process in an earlier work, "An Introduction to Dynamic Community Development: A Process Developed to Cultivate Transformative Community through Discipleship & Outreach Based on Invested Ministry." One area Jim Warren speaks to in that volume is an introduction to American cultural barricades. It is his contention that these barricades hamper spiritual development. These stifle much of Christians' focus on being conformed to the image of Christ within the context of authentic community. In the preface to this book Warren writes, ." . . the most insidious of them all emanates from the church itself-Easy Believism." While a small book, we discover here important insights into the content of the gospel message. Jim sees the outcome of his process of presenting that message as creating disciples of Jesus. He sets this in juxtaposition to "getting people saved." "Dealing with Easy Believism" has only 33 pages of text in print form. Yet it presents an important message for all Christians who seek to encourage other people to establish an authentic relationship with God.

The Gospel Call and True Conversion

Book Description

The apostle Paul gave the gospel the first place in his preaching, endeavored with all his might to proclaim it clearly, and even went so far as to pronounce a curse upon all those who would pervert its truth. Yet how sad it is that many, even among those considering themselves evangelicals, have reduced the gospel message to a few trite statements to be repeated, and view conversion as a mere human decision. In The Gospel Call and True Conversion , Paul Washer challenges such easy believism as he examines the real meaning of things like faith, repentance, and receiving Christ. He also deals extensively with the effects of saving grace that God promises in the new covenant; namely, the creation of new hearts and new people. Table of Contents: PART ONE: The Gospel Call 1. A Call to Repentance 2. A Call to Faith 3. Believe and Confess 4. Receiving Christ 5. Christ at Heart’s Door PART TWO: New Hearts and the Nature of True Conversion 6. The Great Motive and End of Salvation 7. The Author of Salvation 8. Separation and Cleansing 9. A New Heart 10. The Effectual Spirit PART THREE: New People and the Nature of True Conversion 11. The Glory of the New Covenant 12. The Making of New People 13. The Christian’s Sure Knowledge of God 14. The Heart and Way of God’s People 15. The Everlasting Covenant 16. God’s Goodness to His People Series Descriptions Although the Recovering the Gospel Series does not represent an entirely systematic presentation of the gospel, it does address most of the essential elements, especially those that are most neglected in contemporary Christianity. It is the hope of the author that these words might be a guide to help you rediscover the gospel in all its beauty, scandal, and saving power. It is his prayer that such a rediscovery might transform your life, strengthen your proclamation, and bring the greatest glory to God.

God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel

Book Description

A captivating first-person look at one of the world's most powerful prosperity dynasties that offers a unique perspective on greed, the Church, and the journey toward Truth. Millions desperate for hope and solutions are enticed by the promise of the prosperity gospel--that God will do whatever they need with just a little faith and a financial gift. All the while, prosperity preachers exploit the poor and needy to stockpile their riches. What can followers of the true gospel do to combat the deception? Through a remarkable and fascinating journey, Costi Hinn went from a next-generation prosperity preacher to the first to abandon the family faith and share the true gospel. Nephew of the world-famous televangelist, Benny Hinn, Costi had a front-row seat to the inner workings and theology of the prosperity gospel. But as Costi's faith deepened, so did his questions about prosperity teaching. As the deceptions in his past were exposed, Costi came face to face with the hypocrisy and devastation caused by his belief system, and the overwhelming truth about the real Jesus Christ. This captivating look into the daily lives of one of the world's leading prosperity dynasties offers a thoughtful perspective on the perils of greed, the power of the true gospel, and hope for the future of the global church. Through real-life stories, Costi challenges and equips readers to be living lights pointing the way to the true gospel and the saving grace of Christ. God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel will bolster your faith and encourage your own journey toward the Truth. Spanish edition also available.

The Gospel According to the Apostles

Book Description

The apostles understood the Gospel as they learned from and personally lived alongside Jesus, and these lessons became the heart of their message to an unsaved world. But what does their perspective mean for modern Christians, and how can we read the Bible through their unique lens today? Following the release of his bestselling book The Gospel According to Jesus, Dr. MacArthur noticed that Christians were looking for practical advice, spiritual counsel, and accessible explanations of the Bible. And, most of all, they wanted help understanding their experiences within Christianity. Dr. MacArthur realized that by examining scripture from the perspective of the apostles themselves, even more Christians could come to know the Gospel as Jesus' earliest followers did. In his characteristic compelling style, Dr. MacArthur examines some of the key passages from the Epistles and Acts that reveal how the apostles first shared the gospel and how they unfolded the truths of salvation to the early church. Dr. MacArthur doesn't shy away from answering some of the difficult questions that he's been asked over the years, including: What is cheap grace? Have some Christians adopted a "no-lordship" theology? What must a person do to be considered righteous by God? How should we call people to faith? Do our works have any effect on our salvation? The Gospel According to the Apostles is a book for every Christian who wants to experience, understand, and fall in love with the same gospel that Jesus preached.

The Gospel According to Jesus

Book Description

What is authentic faith? The Gospel According to Jesus challenges Christians to re-evaluate their commitment to Christ by examining their fruits. MacArthur asks, "What does it really mean to be saved?" He urges readers to understand that their conversion was more than a mere point in time, that, by definition, it includes a lifetime of obedience. John MacArthur tackles the error of "easy-believism" by addressing these questions: Is it possible to accept Jesus as Savior while refusing him as Lord? Can someone truly believe without actually repenting? How do obedience, commitment to Christ, and turning from sin fit together with the truth that we are saved by grace through faith alone? The Gospel According to Jesus is just as powerful today as it was more than two decades ago. It is a Scripture-based clarion call for a rejection of the watered-down message that has gained popularity in the church and a return to the gospel Jesus preached. This 20th anniversary edition adds a powerful new chapter to the complete text of the original classic, reinforcing the book's timeless message—that Jesus demands to be both Savior and Lord to all who believe. This book is compulsory reading for Christians from all walks of life and will help guide you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Cheap Easy Believism

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The Truth about the Lordship of Christ

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Best-selling author and pastor John MacArthur brings his deep knowledge of Scripture to this foundational subject. Step by step, he walks through the impact of God's sovereignty, our submission, the characteristics of holy living, and our assurance of salvation.