Mind/Body Integration

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Biofeedback training is a research methodology and training procedure through which people can learn voluntary control over their internal physiological systems. It is a merger of mUltiple disciplines with interest deriving from many sources-from basic understanding of psychophysiology to a desire for enhanced self-awareness. The goals of biofeedback are to develop an increased awareness of relevant internal physiological functions, to establish control over these functions, to generalize control from an experimental or clinical setting to everyday life, and to focus attention on mind/body integration. Biofeedback is explored in many different settings. In the university, biofeed back equipment and applications can be found in the departments of experi mental and clinical psychology, counseling, physiology, biology, education, and the theater arts, as well as in the health service (student infirmary). Outside the university, biofeedback may be found in different departments of hospitals (such as physical medicine), private clinics, education and self-awareness groups, psychotherapy practices, and elsewhere. Its growth is still expanding, and excite ment is still rising as a result of biofeedback's demonstration that autonomic functions can be brought under voluntary control and that the long-standing arti ficial separation between mind, body, and consciousness can be disproven.


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Biofeedback and Self-regulation

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The Effects of EMG Biofeedback Training and Relaxation Training on Self-reported Measures of Trait Anxiety and Sports Competition Anxiety

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This study examined the singular and combined effects of a progressive relaxation and biofeedback monitoring program upon Trait Anxiety, Sports Competition Anxiety, blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension as measured by EMG readings. The programs were administered over a six-week sequence, with pre-measures utilizing the Spielberger Trait Anxiety measure, the Sports Competition Anxiety Test, and Rotter's Locus of Control Test to evaluate the psychological parameters. In addition, blood pressure and resting heart rate data were collected one hour prior to three competitive duo meets and prior to "warm-up". EMG monitoring by biofeedback was accomplished through use of the Autogen 1100 Myograph at a band pass setting of 100 to 200 Hz. EMG measures were made by use of the Autogen 5100 Digital Integrator using time-averaged performance of each subject. These measures were independent of the analysis feedback. All pre-measures were gathered prior to the various treatment strategies. The subjects were 36 male collegiate varsity track and field athletes divided into one of four treatment cells containing nine subjects each. Each group met for a total of twelve one-half hour sessions and participated in either a cassette-taped Quieting Response program, a Quieting Response program with augmented EMG biofeedback, or EMG biofeedback alone. The control group was administered the assessment items and blood pressure and resting heart rate measures to include EMG time-averaging monitoring. In lieu of treatment, the control group attended twelve one-half hour sessions of passive rest and listened to "music of choice" during these sessions. Statistical analysis using repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that EMG measures were significantly reduced through the six weeks of training using relaxation training alone, biofeedback training, and combined relaxation/biofeedback training. There were no differences as a result of treatment effect for the variables for between group significance for any of the variables to include Trait Anxiety, Sports Competition Anxiety, Locus of Control, blood pressure, and resting heart rate.