The Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster

Book Description

" . . . but our knowledge is so weak that no philosoph er will ever be able to completely explore the nature of even a fly . . . " * Thornas Aquinas "In Syrnbolurn Apostolorum" 079 RSV p/96 This is a monograph on embryogenesis of the fruit fly Drosophi la melanogaster conceived as a reference book on morphology of embryonie development. A monograph of this extent and con tent is not yet available in the literature of Drosophila embryolo gy, and we believe that there is areal need for it. Thanks to the progress achieved during the last ten years in the fields of devel opmental and molecular genetics, work on Drosophila develop ment has considerably expanded creating an even greater need for the information that we present here. Our own interest for wildtype embryonie development arose several years ago, when we began to study the development of mutants. While those studies were going on we repeatedly had occasion to state in sufficiencies in the existing literature about the embryology of the wildtype, so that we undertook investigating many of these problems by ourselves. Convinced that several of our colleagues will have encountered similar difficulties we decided to publish the present monograph. Although not expressely recorded, Thomas Aquinas probably referred to the domestic fly and not to the fruit fly. Irrespective of which fly he meant, however, we know that Thomas was right in any case.

Atlas of Drosophila Development

Book Description

This full-color atlas graphically documents the main events of embryonic and post-embryonic development in Drosophila. Schematic surface views and transverse sections from several developmental stages are shown for the individual organs such as gut, nervous system, epidermis and musculature. By combining camera lucida tracing with digital technology, Volker Hartenstein has created a unique, beautiful and convenient reference book that will interest all developmental biologists and is a must for the personal library of anyone working on fly biology.

Drosophila Melanogaster

Book Description

In this book, authors review the current knowledge on acute lung injury (ALI). ALI/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by diffuse alveolar damage, alveolar capillary leakage, lung edema, neutrophil-derived inflammation, and surfactant dysfunction. These changes lead to clinical manifestations of decreased lung compliance, severe hypoxemia, and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. In the first chapter the authors describe how two different models of multi-causality (intuitively appealing threshold model and abstract sufficient cause model), both of which are commonly used in the description of the etiology of diseases, can be applied to transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) and can both be used to describe the same observed relations between multiple risk factors and TRALI. In the second chapter, a dysfunction of the normal endothelialepithelial barriers and its role in the development of acute lung injury is described. Two leading pathogenic mechanisms of ALI are increased endothelial permeability and reduced alveolar liquid clearance capacity. Understanding of the fundamental mechanisms involved in the regulation of endothelial permeability is essential for the development of barrier protective therapeutic strategies. The following two chapters are focused on novel therapeutic strategies used in the treatment of ALI and more severe form acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Appropriate treatment involves protective lung ventilation, optimal fluid management, and pharmacological treatment. Despite that there are several possibilities of potentially beneficial pharmacotherapy of ALI/ARDS, the results of experimental and clinical studies are often controversial. The authors review the use of various pharmacological agents (including corticosteroids, neutrophil elastase inhibitors, anticoagulants, pulmonary vasodilators, antioxidants, methylxanthines, exogenous surfactant, gene-therapy, cell therapy, nitric oxide, myorelaxants, beta-agonists) and critically evaluate their effects in animal models and in patients with ALI/ARDS.

Brain Development in Drosophila melanogaster

Book Description

The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster is an ideal model system to study processes of the central nervous system This book provides an overview of some major facets of recent research on Drosophila brain development.

Muscle Development in Drosophilia

Book Description

The different aspects of muscle development are considered from cellular, molecular and genetic viewpoints, and the text is supported by black/white and color illustrations. The book will appeal to those studying muscle development and muscle biology in any organism.