The Empath Tribe

Book Description

Are you a member of the Empath tribe? These are some of the most tragic people in the world. What they regard as their greatest gift is exactly what sends them into the hands of the predators that prey on them. Empaths have an extraordinary vulnerability that unfailingly brings them into the orbit of the creatures that love to toy with them and torture them. Their empathy draws them to the people who are their formal opposite – those devoid of empathy. Or, rather, those that can fake the highest empathy, while having none. Empaths are not empathic enough to distinguish between fake displays of extreme empathy, and extreme empathy itself. They are irresistibly drawn to extreme empathy, not realizing that those who ostentatiously exhibit extreme empathy are the biggest con artists on earth, who have weaponized extreme empathy precisely to appeal to all the empathic and intuitive men and women in the world and bring them under their cult control. The natural predators for empaths and intuitives are the malignant narcissists. They deliberately target empaths and intuitives as the easiest to control – because they want to be controlled. Empaths and intuitives mistake malignant narcissists for super empaths and intuitives, when in fact they lack both empathy and intuition. That's in fact what makes them so exciting. They are a mystery. Their oddness is exciting. For every Narcissus, you will find an Echo. In fact, many Echoes. Echoes form the Empath tribe, one of the strangest tribes in the world. Find out all about them and why they always mistake fool's gold for real gold, falsehood for truth. They are born to be taken in by those wearing the false gold mask of Narcissus, the most beautifully deceiving mask of all.


Book Description

"Let me introduce you to your shadow ... " Marcus Amaker, Charleston's first Poet Laureate, has unleashed his latest project. empath is a 185-page poetry book, a custom journal and a poetry and jazz album with Grammy-nominated musician/producer Quentin E. Baxter. "empath is a project about connection and conversation. It's about the empathy I feel for others on a small and large scale. These poems are inspired by the classrooms I've visited and the students who continue to spark me. There's an abundance of love energy in this work - inspired by my wife, my cat and my family. And, of course, it's about my deep love of Charleston," he said.

The H.O.P.E. Tribe: Honoring Open, Perceptive, and Empathic Children

Book Description

Are you a parent who has ever asked the question, Where did this child come from? The HOPE Tribe opens up conversations about soulful living and childrens soul blueprints. It provides insights and ways to interact with our child that bridges gaps, connects you to their soul purpose, and supports you on the journey of parenting. Its practical, its an easy read, and most importantly, it is a new way of thinking about our childrens gifts and abilities. Its empathic parenting tools for empathic children! With diagrams to help link behaviors to mindful interventions and strategies, it is concepts that meet action. This book will be the starting point for creating your own HOPE Tribe and to support you in one of the greatest gifts and most difficult tasks of your liferaising a child.

The Empath's Survival Guide

Book Description

What is the difference between having empathy and being an empath? “Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff “But for empaths it goes much farther We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own bodies, without the usual defenses that most people have.” With The Empath’s Survival Guide, Dr. Orloff offers an invaluable resource to help sensitive people develop healthy coping mechanisms in our high-stimulus world—while fully embracing the empath’s gifts of intuition, creativity, and spiritual connection. In this practical and empowering book for empaths and their loved ones, Dr. Orloff begins with self-assessment exercises to help you understand your empathic nature, then offers potent strategies for protecting yourself from overwhelm and replenishing your vital energy For any sensitive person who’s been told to “grow a thick skin,” here is your lifelong guide for staying fully open while building resilience, exploring your gifts of deep perception, raising empathic children, and feeling welcomed and valued by a world that desperately needs what you have to offer.

The Empath Experience

Book Description

Learn to lead an empowered life with this supportive and positive guide for those who are discovering their empath abilities and looking for information to help in understanding their gift, as well as how to embrace it and thrive in everyday life. Maybe you find that being in a public place is totally overwhelming. Maybe you’ve noticed that your friends, loved ones, and even acquaintances tend to unload all of their problems on you, looking for advice on what to do. And maybe you can pick up on a person’s energy so closely you begin to feel their emotions. All of this indicates that you might be an empath—someone who has the ability to feel the emotions and energy of other people. Being a highly sensitive person may seem like a burden at times, but doesn’t have to be. Being an empath is a gift that you can use to your advantage. In TheEmpath Experience, you’ll find detailed information on what it means to be an empath and the different ways this gift can influence your life in positive ways. In addition, you’ll find supportive advice from a fellow empath on how to embrace the positive aspects of this special talent, get in touch with and understand your emotions, and tips and techniques to help you feel your best—even when someone else may be feeling their worst.

The Empath’s Elixir

Book Description

At the age of 16, a dark depression brought suicidal thoughts to young Michelle Prebili. She wasn’t sure if this life was worth living. Life seemed hopeless and overwhelming. She felt lonely, scared, and confused - and deeply angry. Without skills and tools to see her way out, it seemed better just to end it all. Yet, through an unlikely series of events, Michelle made a commitment to create a new life story, one full of love for herself and self-care. She is passionate about empowering all Empaths, like herself, to fully love and accept themselves in the lifetime they’ve been given. And to take damn good care of themselves. This book is for you, Empaths.

Empath and Narcissist: A Practical Step-by-step Guide to Gain Self-confidence (Discover Life Strategies for Sensitive People & Improve Self-discipline)

Book Description

Step by step instructions to isolate yourself from the energies and motivation of others isn't on the educational plan in many schools. The requirement for these instruments might be intense on the off chance that you have energy-sucking narcissists throughout your life. Empath gives you the assist you with expecting to change into a vigorous individual who endowments others with your understanding and instinct while defining clear limits to keep up your own life power. Here is a preview of what you'll learn... • Exploring the world of empaths • Understanding your empath gift • Creating your shield body • Restoring balance to your nervous system by not worrying about everything • Meditation opens your spirits and chakras, and helps you know your purpose in the world • Diving deeper with much, much more! Being an empath and having the ability to lock on to the feelings and emotions of those around you, can be a draining and sometimes frightening experience. If you are unable to control what you sense and feel, it can become exhausting. And without the ability to filter out the negative thoughts you can quickly become saturated by them.


Book Description

This is a 3-book bundle, which addresses various subtopics, including but not limited to these: Book 1: Empaths… empathy… sensitivity… what’s the difference? Some people have developed a knack for feeling compassion or empathy for other people. To others, it comes naturally. And to some, it’s an intense gift that has ups and downs, pros and cons that allow them to help others but also become fatigued when they don’t watch themselves. Are you an empath? Or do you just have a lot of empathy? In this guide, you’ll figure out some of the major distinctions, as well as specific types of empaths, like earth empaths, physical empaths, relationship empaths, dark empaths, and food empaths. You will also receive some advice about how to lead your empathic children in the right paths of life. Book 2: Being an empath can be a good thing, but it also comes with some problems. In this book, we’ll address both sides. These factors of being an empath will have an incredible impact on your life. For example, we will discuss some tips for raising empathic children. We will point out the three types of empaths, so you can identify with the one that suits your personality most. Additionally, we’ll talk about why emotional empaths usually stay alone or why they feel lonely. At the end of the book, some encouraging thoughts are given to help you cope with the difficulties of life, and to help other empaths. Book 3: Why are some people empaths? What is the science behind this? And why are some empaths more susceptible to addictions? These and many other questions will be addressed in this brief guide. On top of that, you will learn more about narcissism versus empathy, how to become a more empathetic spouse, the dangers of social media, healing methods for empaths with traumatic memories, and what the difference is between empathic parenting and “rescue” parenting. All of these topics will help you understand empathy, empaths, and yourself better. This is a great treasure of knowledge about human psychology.

The Happy Empath's Workbook

Book Description

An interactive guide for empaths to help them understand, reflect on, and harness their unique powers. Are You an Empath? • Have you ever been labeled as “too emotional”? • Do you get overwhelmed during confrontations and arguments? • Do you take on other people’s emotions and stress? • Do you like being outside, walking barefoot and connecting with nature? Does This Sound Like You? • I have trouble sleeping and often have bouts of insomnia. • Sometimes people in my life don’t understand that I need my alone time. • I have a hard time setting healthy boundaries for myself. • I can become anxious or worried for no reason. If any of this sounds familiar, you’re probably an empath. Empaths take on the emotions of others in addition to their own, so it can be hard to handle so many feelings at once. This book is full of easy-to-use interactive prompts and expert tips and techniques that will help you learn how to embrace your emotions, protect yourself from negativity—and develop your empath gifts.

The Empath Self-Care Blueprint

Book Description

Defend and claim your space, say no to people, and compensate for your unique sensitivities. The world is noisy, intense, and exhausting. For some, it feels like they are wearing hearing aids and binoculars, unable to hide, recharge, or shelter. This is no way to live. Stop the feeling responsible for the emotions of everyone around you. Learn to say no and defend your own space. The Empath Self-Care Blueprint is a book written for empaths by an empath. If you’ve ever felt too many emotional and sensory burdens, and struggled to breathe, this is the book for you. This book provides a much-needed sense of relief; it will bring you the relaxation and peace you so desperately seek. You’ll first learn what makes you different, how you perceive the world differenly, and most importantly, how to live better and more happily. You’ll get a full blueprint about taking advantage of your gifts and also protecting yourself. Understand the double-edged sword that is the empath’s mind. Tools for protecting yourself from sensory overload and exhaustion, and managing compassion fatigue. Nick Trenton grew up in rural Illinois and is quite literally a farm boy. His best friend growing up was his trusty companion Leonard the dachshund. RIP Leonard. Eventually, he made it off the farm and obtained a BS in Economics, followed by an MA in Behavioral Psychology. Practice self-care, self-protection, and learn to declare your boundaries and limits. •Answer the question, “Why do I feel so intensely?” •Differentiate between normal empathy, narcissists, introverts, highly sensitive people, and more. •Learn to manage your energy as well as the people around you. •Best practices for work, socializing, and even romance.