The Emperor's New Airplanes: False Flag Deception in 9/11 and the War on Terror

Book Description

The Emperor's New Airplanes is a comprehensive overview of the War on Terror, initiated by the 9/11 attacks. The book exposes the false flag nature of the events of September 11, 2001 and shows the complicity of the US government in the attacks. The book analyzes the physical evidence and concludes that the so-called investigations by the 9/11 Commission, FEMA, and NIST were complete whitewashes of the truth. In particular, the lack of military response to the attacks is shown to be deliberate, as the events were clearly planned to promote a twisted agenda. The book details the roles of intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI in setting up the patsies beforehand and covering up the truth afterwards. It shows how the al-Qaeda network was created and maintained by the CIA for 20 years prior to 9/11, and how innocent Muslims were entrapped into terror plots by the FBI in an attempt to exaggerate the terror threat. Abuses at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib are detailed to show the true sinister nature of the War on Terror. The murder of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALS is shown to be fraudulent, and was just another chapter in the ongoing psy-op to dupe the public. Also discussed is the extremely taboo subject of Israeli involvement in the attacks, along with some very compelling evidence that they played a major role. Security arrangements for the WTC and airports involved are discovered to be in the control of the Israeli government, through the Mossad. Atrocities committed against civilians by the US military are exposed and shown to be flagrant war crimes. Also of great significance are the insider trading before the attacks and the war profiteering afterwards, both of which are largely ignored by mainstream media. The psychology of denial regarding 9/11 truth is discussed, as well as the media influence on public perception of the events. Other false flag operations throughout history are summarized to give an overview of how common this practice is in political and military circles. All of this is aimed at creating a police state in the USA, and the prison camps are already prepared and waiting to be filled with dissenters. The ultimate goal of all this is the creation of a new world order with the seat of government in Israel.

False Flag 911

Book Description

From the left seat of a Boeing 767, American airline captain Philip Marshall exposes gaping holes in the official story of 911 which reveals the creators of the frightening, often-cited Post-911 World

Towers of Deception

Book Description

"Several carefully researched books have exposed the official story of 9/11 to be a terror fraud. Yet the mainstream media have failed to ask even elementary questions about the contradictions, impossibilities and absurdities of the official story. So-called alternative media have been little better. Towers of Deception explains why this blackout exists." "Twenty-six "Exhibits" prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" 9/11 was an inside job, a "false-flag operation." Eighteen false-flag psychological warfare operations from England in 1605 to Iraq today are then described, as well as the nature of the "Invisible Governments" always behind the scenes. The book examines the psychological phenomenon of denial, as well as case histories of the mainstream media's de facto censorship of the facts of 9/11. Interspersed with photographs, diary entries and inspiring profiles of those struggling to reveal the truth of 9/11, Towers of Deception calls on all who cherish liberty to pressure the media to fulfill their watchdog role and - until they do - to be the media themselves."--BOOK JACKET.

No Plane Crashes on 9/11 - Exposing the Illusion

Book Description

The nine essays in this volume written between 2005 and 2015-and two in 2019-trace the arc of evidence exposing the myth that Arab hijackers, led by Osama bin Laden, were responsible for the terror attacks of 9/11. The essays by editor Ronald Bleier and four contributing authors, contend that 9/11 was a false flag operation, an inside job, planned and executed by the George W. Bush White House. Two essays by Ronald Bleier summarize evidence presented by the late Gerard Holmgren, Morgan Reynolds and others that no planes crashed on 9/11: the so-called No Planes Theory (NPT). The central implication of the NPT is that there were no Arab or Muslim hijackers, nor were any planes hijacked, and that no planes crashed on 9/11. Unsurprisingly, Osama bin Laden correctly protested his total innocence. The NPT asserts that 9/11 terror was a homemade U.S. operation conducted by elements of the security services, overseen largely by Vice President Dick Cheney. The shock and awe of 9/11 did not require outside assistance although it seems likely the Israeli government had prior knowledge. 9/11 was to be seen as a new Pearl Harbor, conceived to jump-start permanent Global War, employing terror to advance its imperialist and nihilistic war plan, intending destruction, destabilization and mass suffering as collateral damage. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 90s, the U.S. sought a replacement bogeyman-and created one in the Muslim nation. The new enemy facilitated the U.S. agenda of permanent war to maintain and enlarge its security budgets and to support Israel's agenda of destroying its enemies. The claim that no planes were involved on 9/11 is sustained by the controlled demolition of three World Trade Center towers, the refusal or inability of the government to produce evidence of hijackings and hijackers, of plane crashes, or of plane wreckage. Also addressed is the question of how the cell phone calls were made and what happened to the airline passengers. The volume's last essay by Ronald Bleier, "Did Dick Cheney Plan to Assassinate President Bush?," ventures into speculation arising largely from the unsuccessful attempt to assassinate President Bush in Florida on the early morning of 9/11, and the suppression of news of this foiled plot.

9/11 Synthetic Terror

Book Description

For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, Tarpley's work is indispensable. This new, fifth edition adds a significant new dimension. Tarpley's documentation of a comprehensive array of 9/11 drills may prove as revolutionary as the thesis of controlled demolition - perhaps even more so. Many people have been unable to see that 9/11 was a false flag. They may seem immune to physical facts like the free-fall speed of the towers, as they take refuge in a lack of engineering qualifications. No math skills are needed to grasp the more familiar, common-sense fact that an act that is rehearsed is also staged. Moreover, when we learn how drills are essential to conduit such operations, we can recognize many types of false flags, such as the London bombings, and not only building collapses. Finally, wider public awareness of the dangerous workings of drills could help prevent terror operations, by making them too difficult to carry out with impunity. The authoritative work on 9/11 and state-sponsored false-flag terrorism. 9/11 Synthetic Terror is the only book to present a working model for the event - a network of moles, patsies, paramilitary pros, privatized intelligence assets and corrupt media corporations. We see how this enormous provocation was successfully executed and exploited as war propaganda. This new, fifth edition reveals a whole new dimension of explosive facts for the first time: the enormous array of drills in which the US defense apparatus rehearsed every aspect of the 9/11 operation. Author Webster Tarpley presents the corpus of 9/11 research - such as the controlled demolition of the three WTC towers - from the perspective of a veteran intelligence expert and historian. The exploit is placed in the geopolitical context of oligarchy and imperialism - in the tradition of precedents such as the Gunpowder Plot, the USS Maine, the Strategy of Tension, and other historically decisive state-sponsored terror subterfuges.

The 9/11 Mystery Plane

Book Description

Unlike other accounts of the historic attacks on 9/11, this discussion surveys the role of the world’s most advanced military command and control plane, the E-4B, in the day’s events and proposes that the horrific incidents were the work of a covert operation staged within elements of the U.S. military and the intelligence community. Presenting hard evidence in the form of proprietary photos taken from raw footage filmed by CNN, the account places the world’s most advanced electronics platform circling over the White House at approximately the time of the Pentagon attack. The argument offers an analysis of the new evidence within the context of the events and shows that it is irreconcilable with the official 9/11 narrative.

J. Booker Ward

Book Description

When the British government assigns counter terrorism expert Colonel J. Booker Ward of 22-SAS to investigate the truth behind the U.S. 9/11 attacks, he rapidly discovers that nothing is quite what it seems. Four commercial jets left U.S. east coast airports early on 9/11 bound for the west coast. Soon afterwards all communications with the aircraft were lost, none of the eight pilots squawked the hijack code or sent a Mayday. Two planes flew into the Twin Towers, one targeted the Pentagon, whilst another crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Within around 90 minutes the Twin Towers fell in a manner identical to controlled demolition, the Pentagon sustained damage to its west wing inconsistent with a plane crash. Blame was quickly placed on Osama bin Laden and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. Later, on the afternoon of the same day, the 47-storey World Trade Centre building number 7 also collapsed, even though it had not been struck by any plane. Ward navigates his way through a mine-field of deaths, mysteries and intrigue before reaching his incredible conclusion - which he provides to the British government - the truth behind the 9/11 attacks. A work of fiction based on fact... or could it all be true?

9/11 Ten Years Later

Book Description

On the tenth anniversary of the Septemer 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, David Ray Griffin reviews the troubling questions that remain unanswered 9/11 Ten Years Later is David Ray Griffin's tenth book about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Asking in the first chapter whether 9/11 justified the war in Afghanistan, he explains why it did not. In the following three chapters, devoted to the destruction of the World Trade Center, Griffin asks why otherwise rational journalists have endorsed miracles (understood as events that contradict laws of science). Also, introducing the book's theme, Griffin points out that 9/11 has been categorized by some social scientists as a state crime against democracy. Turning next to debates within the 9/11 Truth Movement, Griffin reinforces his claim that the reported phone calls from the airliners were faked, and argues that the intensely debated issue about the Pentagon—whether it was struck by a Boeing 757—is quite unimportant. Finally, Griffin suggests that the basic faith of Americans is not Christianity but "nationalist faith"—which most fundamentally prevents Americans from examining evidence that 9/11 was orchestrated by U.S. leaders—and argues that the success thus far of the 9/11 state crime against democracy need not be permanent.

Eavesdropping on Hell

Book Description

This official government publication investigates the impact of the Holocaust on the Western powers' intelligence-gathering community. It explains the archival organization of wartime records accumulated by the U.S. Army's Signal Intelligence Service and Britain's Government Code and Cypher School. It also summarizes Holocaust-related information intercepted during the war years.

The New Pearl Harbor

Book Description

Gathering stories from the American press, from the work of other researchers and the words of members of the Bush administration, David Ray Griffin brings together an account of the 9/11 tragedy and presents a case with so many unanswered questions over what happened on September 11 2001.