The End of Economic Man

Book Description

InTheEnd of Economic Man, long recognized as a cornerstone work, Peter F.Drucker explains and interprets fascism and Nazism as fundamentalrevolutions. In some ways, this book anticipated by more than a decade theexistentialism that came to dominate the European political mood in thepostwar period. Drucker provides a special addition to the massive literatureon existentialism and alienation since World War II. TheEnd of EconomicManis a social and political effort to explain the subjective consequences ofthe social upheavals caused by warfare.

The End of Economic Man

Book Description

"In any future economics, George Brockway proposes, this concern will be reversed. Human beings will be more important that things, and what Carlyle quite properly called the dismal science will take on a new and humane aspect. Like the good life it celebrates, the book requires thought and stimulates thought, starting with the Prologue, "Life Is Unfair. Why Should We Care?" Throughout the book original theory is intertwined with practical example, as in the chapter titled "Why the Trade Deficit Won't Go Away."--book jacket

Men, Ideas, and Politics

Book Description

The Political Issues Impacting Our global economy have changed drastically over the last few decades, but some things have not changed---the relationship between business and politics remains a potent driver of world events. --

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Book Description

Perkins, a former chief economist at a Boston strategic-consulting firm, confesses he was an "economic hit man" for 10 years, helping U.S. intelligence agencies and multinationals cajole and blackmail foreign leaders into serving U.S. foreign policy and awarding lucrative contracts to American business.

The End of Economic Man

Book Description

The book that took the mystery out of economics and put free will back in.

The End of Economic Man

Book Description

"For those who wish to take the mystery out of money and interest rates, they can do no better than read George P. Brockway, The End of Economic Man." -- E. Ray Canterbery, The Literate Economist

The End of Economic Man

Book Description

In The End of Economic Man, long recognized as a cornerstone work, Peter F. Drucker explains and interprets fascism and Nazism as fundamental revolutions. In some ways, this book anticipated by more than a decade the existentialism that came to dominate the European political mood in the postwar period. Drucker provides a special addition to the massive literature on existentialism and alienation since World War II. The End of Economic Man is a social and political effort to explain the subjective consequences of the social upheavals caused by warfare. Drucker concentrates on one specific historical event: the breakdown of the social and political structure of Europe which culminated in the rise of Nazi totalitarianism to mastery over Europe. He explains the tragedy of Europe as the loss of political faith, resulting from the political alienation of the European masses. The End of Economic Man is a book of great social import. It shows not only what might have helped the older generation avert the catastrophe of Nazism, but also how today's generation can prevent another such catastrophe. This work will be of special interest to political scientists, intellectual historians, and sociologists. The book was singled out for praise on both sides of the Atlantic, and is considered by the author to be his most prescient effort in social theory.

The Practice of Management

Book Description

This classic volume achieves a remarkable width of appeal without sacrificing scientific accuracy or depth of analysis. It is a valuable contribution to the study of business efficiency which should be read by anyone wanting information about the developments and place of management, and it is as relevant today as when it was first written. This is a practical book, written out of many years of experience in working with managements of small, medium and large corporations. It aims to be a management guide, enabling readers to examine their own work and performance, to diagnose their weaknesses and to improve their own effectiveness as well as the results of the enterprise they are responsible for.