The End of the Euro

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From the acclaimed author of Bernanke’s Test, “an essential title for any reader with investments or interest in financial instruments” (Library Journal). The End of the Euro begins with an overview of the birth of the euro itself. Understanding this history is essential to understand the anomalies built into the project from the beginning. These anomalies form the subject of chapter two, along with how they led to the situation that turned Greece, Portugal, and Spain into euro-destroying economic disaster areas. Chapter three shows how this was not an unforeseeable situation, as Europe’s history is filled with earlier failed attempts to build monetary unions. Chapter four is focused on Germany, by far the most important country within EMU, and why the chances of Germany leaving the union are much higher than is generally assumed. The book concludes with an analysis of what lies in wait for the remains of the monetary union—and for a deeply divided and troubled continent in general. Either the EMU transforms itself fundamentally or it disintegrates. “Johan Van Overtveldt is a consistently insightful and incisive writer and I await each of his books with real anticipation.” —Tyler Cowen, The Marginal Revolution blog “A whole generation of Europeans has found comfort in the idea that economic cooperation has overruled the pull of power politics and even some basic laws of economics. This book forcefully squashes that illusion. A must-read!” —Jonathan Holslag, research fellow at the Brussels Free University

Breaking Up the Euro

Book Description

The drama of the common currency is a hot topic. The Euro was planned for the European Union's member states, bringing economically strong nations like Germany and Holland and weaker nations like Greece, Spain and Italy under one set of currency rules. A dozen years of its implementation has shown that the planning was incomplete at best. Add to this the weight of a deepening debt crisis among western nations, which continues unabated, and Europe has a very deep financial hole to climb out of. In this work, Dimitris N. Chorafas provides the reader with evidence to poor political judgment, then delves into preparation for the foreseeable Euro breakup and confronts the redenomination risk associated to it.

The Euro Crisis and Its Aftermath

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The euro's life, while only slightly more than a decade long, has been riddled by a series of challenges and crises. The disparity between the prosperous Northern countries of Germany and France and the plummeting Southern countries, including Italy and Greece, has exacerbated problems withinthe political and economic union of the Eurozone. The North, especially Germany, has debated where to draw the line between doing whatever is necessary to save the common currency and what they have viewed as a charity bailout of countries who flouted the rules for a decade and suffered predictableconsequences. Meanwhile, Southern countries such as Italy, Spain, and Greece have grown increasingly bitter at the attitudes of their partners to the North. Amidst loud and frequent debates, solutions including routes for increased integration and punitive policies and reforms have been enacted anddiscarded to a limited degree of success. The struggles facing this monetary union continue to unfold even today.The Euro Crisis and Its Aftermath was written to inform readers about the history of this enduring European crisis and the alternative proposals for ending it. In four parts, Jean Pisani-Ferry explains the origins of the European currency, the build-up of imbalances and oversights that led to thecrisis, the choices European policymakers have both addressed and ignored since 2010, the evolution of the policy agenda, and possible options for the future. The book is as much of an informative and analytical history as it is a prescriptive solution for a more prosperous future world economy.Rather than putting forth and supporting a thesis, Pisani-Ferry helps readers understand the past and present of the euro crisis and form their own opinions about potential solutions. It has grown out of his book Le Reveil des Demons published in France in 2011. The content has been updatedextensively to cover the events of the past few years and augmented to better explain the Eurozone to a global audience. This book is not intended to reach only economists, as time has long passed since European monetary unification was a debate limited to academics. This book is also for the policymakers searching for solutions, citizens of Europe enduring the consequences, and the international community that has felt the effects of an unstable Eurozone.


Book Description

Examining the debate from when the euro was first introduced to the sources of its current problems, this book proposes radical solutions to resolve the long-running crisis of the European Monetary Union. Initially, free-market economists were generally supportive of the euro, believing it would reduce the tendency towards inflation and encourage economic reform. However, in this current analysis, the authors--a group of leading monetary economists--make it perfectly clear that if the members of the eurozone are to prosper in the long term, the status quo cannot continue. These nine essays explore topics that include the UK's decision not to join, the fate of past monetary unions, why the euro is failing, practical exit strategies, and a possible free-banking solution for the eurozone, among many more.

The Euro Crisis

Book Description

A lot has already been said and written about the euro crisis: about the causes and consequences of the collapsing economy, the costly rescue of banks, the rising debts, the predicted end of the euro, the imminent exit of Greece, the ongoing search for the guilty parties, the disagreement about solutions, and the big consequences for people across the eurozone. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the Eurogroup, was present at all meetings and sometimes spent nights searching for solutions. In this special book he takes us into the honest, not yet told story behind the euro crisis. Where did it really go wrong? How has the crisis finally been stopped? And how to proceed in the future of the euro zone? The Eurocrisis is the highly personal book of former Eurogroup chairman Dijsselbloem, in which he, as an insider, describes how a continent balanced on the edge of the abyss for years, and how it was ultimately saved. Jeroen Dijsselbloem (1966) is a Dutch politician. From 2012 to 2017 he was Minister of Finance in the Netherlands. From 2013 to January 2018 he was also chairman of the Eurogroup.

Saving Europe

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Reveals how the nexus of international economics and national politics pushed the monetary union to the brink of extinction, how that disaster was avoided, and why the long-term viability of a common currency challenges politics.

The Euro

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This book is the first comprehensive political and economic account of the birth and development of the Euro. Today the Euro is the supranational currency for sixteen European countries and the world's second-largest reserve currency. David Marsh tells the story of the rivalries, intrigues, and deal making that brought about a currency for Europe, and he analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of its first decade of existence. While the Euro represents a remarkable triumph of political will, great pressures are building on the single currency. Drawing on more than 100 interviews with leading figures associated with the Euro, and scores of secret documents from international archives, Marsh underscores the Euro's importance for the global economy, in particular for U.S. and British economic and political agendas. Hidden facts and fresh insights from The Euro --How the legacy of France and Germany's tortuous relations affects the Euro--Why the United Kingdom is unlikely to accept the Euro before 2025--The impact on the Euro of the U.S. credit crisis--How the Euro has rebounded against the aspirations of its founders--How Italy and Spain have massively lost competitiveness--Why radical changes must be adopted to prevent a European upheaval

The Euro and the Battle of Ideas

Book Description

How philosophical differences between Eurozone nations led to the Euro crisis—and where to go from here Why is Europe's great monetary endeavor, the Euro, in trouble? A string of economic difficulties in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and other Eurozone nations has left observers wondering whether the currency union can survive. In this book, Markus Brunnermeier, Harold James, and Jean-Pierre Landau argue that the core problem with the Euro lies in the philosophical differences between the founding countries of the Eurozone, particularly Germany and France. But the authors also show how these seemingly incompatible differences can be reconciled to ensure Europe’s survival. As the authors demonstrate, Germany, a federal state with strong regional governments, saw the Maastricht Treaty, the framework for the Euro, as a set of rules. France, on the other hand, with a more centralized system of government, saw the framework as flexible, to be overseen by governments. The authors discuss how the troubles faced by the Euro have led its member states to focus on national, as opposed to collective, responses, a reaction explained by the resurgence of the battle of economic ideas: rules vs. discretion, liability vs. solidarity, solvency vs. liquidity, austerity vs. stimulus. Weaving together economic analysis and historical reflection, The Euro and the Battle of Ideas provides a forensic investigation and a road map for Europe’s future.


Book Description

Athens, Greece—May Day 2010. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) were putting together the final details of a $100 billion euro rescue package for the country. The Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, had agreed to a savage package of “austerity measures” involving cuts in public spending and lower salaries and pensions. Outside, riot police were deployed as protestors gathered to fight the austerity program. A country with a history of revolution and dictatorship hovered on the brink of collapse—with the world’s financial markets watching to see if the deal cobbled together would be enough to both calm the markets and rescue the Greek economy, and with it the euro, from oblivion. In Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the Sovereign Debt Crisis, leading market commentator Matthew Lynn blends financial history, politics, and current affairs to tell the story of how one nation rode the wave of economic prosperity and brought a continent, a currency, and, potentially, the global financial system to its knees. Bust is a story of government deceit, unfettered spending, and cheap borrowing: a tale of financial folly to rank alongside the greatest in history. It charts Greece’s rise, and spectacular fall from grace, but it also explores the global repercussions of a financial disaster that has only just begun. It explains how the Greek debt crisis spread like wildfire through the rest of Europe, hitting Ireland, Portugal, Italy, and Spain, and ultimately provoking a crisis that brought the euro to the edge of collapse. And it argues that the Greek crisis is just the start of a decade of financial turmoil that will eventually force the break up of the euro, and a massive retrenchment in the living standards of all the developed economies. Written in a lively and entertaining style, Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the Sovereign Debt Crisis is an engaging and informative account of a country gone wrong and a must-read for anyone interested in world events and global economics.

The Euro Crisis

Book Description

The economic crisis in Europe has been more serious than in other regions of the world and has had repercussions on international society. How is it possible that in the United States, where the crisis originated due to the mismanagement of the financial sector, the recovery is being much faster? The euro is the story of a stateless currency and, worse still, devoid of a political project. That is why they denounce the shortcomings of the European leaders who, in the storm, have reacted too little and too late. Europe has experienced almost a decade of stagnation, which in the case of some countries has become depression. The financial crisis of 2008 has been the first truly global crisis. While in Spain three financial, fiscal and economic crises were unleashed at the same time. And it had never before experienced such a long and deep recession. Democracy and the rule of law are in turn weakened by the growing concentration of power in the hands of the most privileged. It delves into the origins of modern growth. There are some worrying parallels with previous crises in Latin America or Japan, with high levels of indebtedness and responses based on contractive policies. On the other hand, Europe is the most advanced attempt to explicitly articulate strategies of supranational governance that to some extent foreshadow the hopes and difficulties of a global system. In general it is an optimistic book that bets on the exit of the crisis thanks to strategies of global or supracional governance. The crisis has made evident the lack of knowledge that economists have of the financial phenomenon, so defending macroprudential supervision can again give the impression that the risks are better controlled. But it can reactivate the moral hazard that leads to assuming more risks than the system can assume. Economists have lived in a black hole in these thirty years. Without wishing to penalize savings over consumption or excessively depend on public spending, we defend the implementation of all political measures for a supranational fiscal policy that may allow a certain moral hazard in the creation of a basic income. At the same time, there is talk of building synergies and creative models of economic activities, because where the great synergies occur is where trade creates the most lively wealth. But that is also where innovation is, because innovation is what creates that wealth, and that competitive advantage.