The Entrepreneur's Guide to Getting Your Shit Together

Book Description

As soon as the Web became viable for entrepreneur marketers in the early 2000's, John Carlton surfaced as the go-to teacher for writing everything required to find prospects and persuade them to become eager customers...... as well as being The Dude for solving almost any biz problem holding things up. For decades, he was a notoriously-successful freelance direct-response copywriter with a global reputation for creating ads that brought home the bacon in almost every possible media (particularly direct mail, magazines and newspapers). And his street-savvy, close-the-deal style of salesmanship has now helped mobs of new entrepreneurs dominate niches online.This book is a collection of his best (and most recent) lesson-dense private articles to insider colleagues. What you're about to discover is the timeless advice and first-choice strategies that can help rookie entrepreneurs murder their competition, and veteran marketers re-establish dominance in their niche. No theory here. Every lesson is from the front trenches of the business world, where fortunes are won or lost through your ability to craft superior marketing in crowded business environments... and produce jaw-dropping results regardless of the economy, the competition, or any problem currently holding you up.If you have a great product or service, then shame on you if you don't learn and use the reality-tested, results-proven toolkit of advice and tactics packed into this sizzling tome. It's your best First Step to becoming an awesome entrepreneur, no matter where you are now or what your experience is or how broke/disadvantaged/clueless you are. You start here, and the greatest adventure of your life can finally begin in earnest.About the author:John Carlton's notorious 30-year career has become something of a legend among modern marketers. Just some of the highlights:He started out as the "bad boy" freelance copywriter snuck through the back doors of Los Angeles advertising agencies to do the hard-core sales jobs their staff writers couldn't pull off (because they didn't understand street-level salesmanship)... He penned game-changing packages for the largest direct response mailers in the world (like Rodale Press)... while single-handedly also completely transforming the way print ads worked in a number of markets (through sizzling long-copy ads the magazine owners hated, but which worked like crazy)... And he pioneered the now-common use of killer "old school" persuasive ad-writing models for online markets when the Web finally became a viable vehicle for entrepreneurs. John's been called "the most respected and ripped-off copywriting wizard alive", because so many of his ads are still used as templates by other marketers. (Yes, even the ads written before the Web became a viable marketing medium.) And for over a decade now, John has been the "go-to-teacher" for helping entrepreneurs learn how to craft ads that get results. His first book, "Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel", is still cited as a primary resource by the best writers working today.

The Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together

Book Description

Learn how to stay sane and ensure both you and your business thrive for years. You run a business. And running a business is hard. It can ruin your health. It can ruin your relationships. It can ruin your life. But only if you don't equip yourself for the journey. The responsibility, stress and loneliness of being an entrepreneur are a far cry from your friends who work salaried jobs. The path of least resistance is to let the stress and isolation of starting, running and growing a business infiltrate most aspects of your life. Over and over we've watched our fellow entrepreneurs succumb to the mental toll and chaos of running a business. We've also experienced it firsthand as we've launched and grown our own businesses. Odds are good that you've been overwhelmed at some point. Maybe you've read self help books only to find that books about stress management typically don't take into account the unique experience of entrepreneurs. Or they're 'lifehacks' written by a blogger with no formal training, offering advice based on anecdotes. Why do I need this book? You want to invest in yourself (and consequently, your business). You want to learn proven strategies, tactics and techniques to overcome the challenges that cause you heartburn and headaches. You want to get off the treadmill of stress, anxiety and isolation that entrepreneurship brings. You want to prevent burnout, depression, isolation, and the emergence of damaging coping strategies and self-sabotaging choices. Every aspect of this book is a pairing of psychological expertise with decades of entrepreneurial experience. Author, Seth Godin calls it, "A personal, generous and incredibly useful guide to staying sane and changing the world at the same time. Read it before you think you need it." Here are just a few things you will take away: New ways to deal with the responsibility and fear that go along with being an entrepreneur Why knowing yourself and where you came from is crucial to your success How to succeed as an entrepreneur no matter your personality type How to keep stress from ruining your relationships Dealing with depression, anxiety, burnout, ADHD and other common psychological burdens How to get more things done - and faster - by dealing with procrastination, distraction and muddled priorities How to deal with overwhelming (seemingly) massive failures How to find personal calm in the midst of chaos And much more... Love the book? Read a review! And join the conversation by joining our Facebook Group:

Build the Damn Thing

Book Description

The Wall Street Journal Bestseller featured in Bloomberg, Fast Company, Masters of Scale, the Motley Fool, Marketplace and more. An indispensable guide to building a startup and breaking down the barriers for diverse entrepreneurs from the visionary venture capitalist and pioneering entrepreneur Kathryn Finney. Build the Damn Thing is a hard-won, battle-tested guide for every entrepreneur who the establishment has left out. Finney, an investor and startup champion, explains how to build a business from the ground up, from developing a business plan to finding investors, growing a team, and refining a product. Finney empowers entrepreneurs to take advantage of their unique networks and resources; arms readers with responses to investors who say, “great pitch but I just don’t do Black women”; and inspires them to overcome naysayers while remaining “100% That B*tch.” Don’t wait for the system to let you in—break down the door and build your damn thing. For all the Builders striving to build their businesses in a world that has overlooked and underestimated them: this is the essential guide to knowing, breaking, remaking and building your own rules of entrepreneurship in a startup and investing world designed for and by the “Entitleds.”

The No Bullshit Guide to Living Your Best Life

Book Description

Here's how the marketing experts want me to describe my book: The No Bullsh*t Guide to Living Your Best Life is a straightforward, no nonsense blueprint to personal growth and self-improvement. Using personal anecdotes, timeless quotes and a little self-deprecating humor, Myndee cuts straight through the fluff to give you the tools you need to live a better life. Despite the title, this book isn't filled with curse words, aside from the deliberate overuse of the word bullshit. Here's what I really want to tell you:This book isn't the only self-help book you'll ever need. It probably won't radically change your life. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.After carving a path out of the forest of self-loathing and into self-acceptance, I've wanted to do nothing more than help others forge their own way. I'm not going to try to impress you with all my accolades (and frankly, I don't have that many); I want you to trust me because I'm just like you. I read personal growth books. I still need self-help. But I've been through it all now, and I'm on the other side. Take my hand. Let me walk you out of this pain. I know the way because I've been here. I spent my life in these dark, dense woods. Writing this book was part of my journey out. You may not get out of your forest with this book, but reading it will lead you closer to the peace that lies ahead. I will only be one leg on your journey, and I'm honored to be here with you. I hope my words help ease the burden you carry.

Get Your Financial Sh*t Together

Book Description

Get Your Financial Sh*t Together is written by Andrew Turner, a UK based entrepreneur. He was once in serious debt. In his early twenties, with no financial nous and nobody around to turn to for advice, he made a series of mistakes which left him with a mountain of debt and consequently very few options. Close to bankruptcy and on the verge of losing the family house, he made some decisions about how he managed his money that would change the course of his life. Thanks to the changes he made to the way he thought about and managed his money, he is now living a largely financially stress free life. If you are struggling to understand how to live within your means. If you want to get a sense of how you might best use the money that you make. If you want to know what your options might be in terms of sensible expenses, savings, investments, property, cars, then this book will get you thinking. No matter what your current situation, whether you are in debt, want to learn how best to stay out of it, or whether you just want to get some ideas about how to manage your money, this book is for you.

Without Their Permission

Book Description

A WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER As Alexis Ohanian learned when he helped to co-found the immensely popular, the internet is the most powerful and democratic tool for disseminating information in human history. And when that power is harnessed to create new communities, technologies, businesses or charities, the results can be absolutely stunning. In this book, Alexis will share his ideas, tips and even his own doodles about harnessing the power of the web for good, and along the way, he will share his philosophy with young entrepreneurs all over the globe. At 29, Ohanian has come to personify the dorm-room tech entrepreneur, changing the world without asking permission. Within a couple of years of graduating from the University of Virginia, Ohanian did just that, selling reddit for millions of dollars. He's gone on to start many other companies, like hipmunk and breadpig, all while representing Y Combinator and investing in over sixty other tech startups. WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION is his personal guidebook as to how other aspiring entrepreneurs can follow in his footsteps.

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along: Shout Less. Listen More.

Book Description

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along is part-memoir, part-polemic about the state of public discourse in Britain and the world today.

The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development

Book Description

Presents a framework for starting and building new businesses based on the authors' insight that "most startups fail because they didn't develop their market". Based on Steve Blank's 2005 book 'The four steps to the Epiphany', this non-fiction novella aims to help readers to develop customer development.

Girl, Stop Passing Out in Your Makeup

Book Description

“Self-help meets memoir. Party girl meets wise sage. Beauty meets reality. Zara Barrie is the cool older sister you wish you had. The one that lets you borrow her designer dresses and ripped up fishnets, buys you champagne (she loves you too much to let you drink beer), and colors your lips with bright pink lipstick. She'll take you to the coolest parties, and will stick by your side and she guides you through the glitter, pain, danger, laughter, and what it means to be a f*cked up girl in this f*cked up world (both of which are beautiful despite the darkness). Girl, Stop Passing Out in Your Makeup is for the girls that are too much of a beautiful contradiction to be contained. Zara is a gifted writer—one second she'll have you laughing over rich girls agonizing over which Birkin bag to buy, the next second she'll shatter your heart in one sentence about losing one’s innocence. Zara is the nuanced girl she writes for—light, irreverent, snarky, bitchy, funny; and aching, perceptive, deep, flawed, wise, poised, honest—all at once. Perhaps the only thing that can match Zara's unparalleled wit and big sister advice is her candid humor and undeniable talent for the written word. Zara is one of the most prolific and entertaining honest voices on the internet—and her talent is only multiplied in book form. Girl, Stop Passing Out in Your Makeup is for the bad girls, honey.”—Dayna Troisi, Executive Editor, GO Magazine “Reading Zara's writing will make you feel like you're at your cool-as-hell big sister's sleepover party. You will be transfixed by her unflinching honesty and words of wisdom, and she'll successfully convince you to not only ditch the shame you feel about the raw and messy parts of yourself, but to dare to see them as beautiful.”—Alexia LaFata, Editor, New York Magazine “If Cat Marnell and F. Scott Fitzgerald had a literary baby it would be Zara Barrie. She’s got Marnell’s casual, dark, downright hilarious tone of an irreverent party girl. But then she also has Fitzgerald’s talent for making words literally feel like they sparkle on the page. I’ve always been a fan of Zara’s writing but Girl, Stop Passing Out in Your Makeup takes it to the next level. With shimmery words that make her dark stories sparkle, she seamlessly manages to inspire even the most coked-out girl at the party to get her shit together.”—Candice Jalili, Senior Sex & Dating Writer, Elite Daily

Getting Your Sh*t Together

Book Description

This comprehensive book is informed by decades of experience and years of research into how to perform as a professional artist in the 21st century art world (or worlds). This book is filled with easy-to-follow instructions that will help you teach everything -- archiving work, start a mailing list, write a grant, and everything else you can think of. This straightforward book even addresses topics you may not think artists need to know about now! Consider this a handbook for teaching the business aspects of an art career. This book is written and designed to empower you to help artists understand the wild world of art careers. Syllabus and handouts included. Far too often artists find themselves having to compromise their art and their life because they were not taught accurate up-to-date methods for dealing with business situations. Because of this lack of preparedness artists miss out on valuable opportunities, financial rewards, and access to receptive audiences. This book aims to help teachers teach professional practices to artists everywhere, helping to avoid these pitfalls and get on the track to success on their own terms. Whether you are a gallery-bound artist, a public artist, an emerging artist, a hobbyist, a crafts-person, a student, or a seasoned artist in need of a tune up, this manual will help you train artists.