The Epistle to the Romans

Book Description

Morris tackles the complexities of faith and interpretation associated with the Epistle to the Romans in this substantial yet easy-to-read commentary, written to be intelligible to the layperson while also taking account of modern scholarship.

The Epistle of James

Book Description

Adamson's work on the Book of James is part of The New International Commentary on the New Testament. Prepared by some of the world's leading scholars, the series provides an exposition of the New Testament that is thorough and fully abreast of modern scholarship yet faithful to the Scripture as the infallible Word of God.

The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology

Book Description

The second annual St. Andrews Conference on Scripture and Theology brought leading biblical scholars and systematic theologians together in conversation, seeking to bridge the growing gap between these disciplines. Reflecting the convergence of the Old Testament s cultic theology, Hellenistic ideas, and early Christian thinking, the epistle to the Hebrews provides a perfect foundation for this fruitful dialogue. / The contributors examine a number of key theological themes in the letter to the Hebrews: the person and nature of the Son, his high-priestly work, cosmology, the epistle s theology of Scripture, supersessionism, the call to faith, and more. Unlike many modern treatments, this substantial volume considers Hebrews in both its ancient context and against our modern backdrop. / Edward Adams, Loveday Alexander, Harold W. Attridge, Richard Bauckham, Markus Bockmuehl, Daniel Driver, Douglas Farrow, Trevor Hart, Richard B. Hays, Stephen R. Holmes, Morna D. Hooker, Edison M. Kalengyo, Mariam J. Kamell, Bruce L. McCormack, Nathan MacDonald, I. Howard Marshall, R. Walter L. Moberly, Carl Mosser, Mark D. Nanos, Nehemia Polen, John Polkinghorne, Ken Schenck, Oskar Skarsaune, Daniel J. Treier, John Webster, Ben Witherington III, Terry J. Wright.

The Epistle to the Hebrews

Book Description

This superb work is sure to win a name for itself as one of the major commentaries on the Epistle to the Hebrews. The principal purpose of this substantial volume is to clarify the meaning of Hebrews, long considered a complicated and obscure book. Paul Ellingworth's fine-tooth-comb coverage of Hebrews looks at the text up close and in a broad light, enabling the reader to see the forest as well as the trees. In his determined quest to understand Hebrews, Ellingworth begins with a detailed study of the Greek text, working outward to consider the wider context, linguistic questions, and the relation of Hebrews to other early Christian writings and to the Old Testament. Nonbiblical writings such as Philo and the Dead Sea Scrolls, though less directly related to Hebrews, are considered where appropriate. Unveiling the discourse structure of this carefully written letter, Ellingworth's commentary helps make coherent sense of the complexities of Hebrews. As a result of his exhaustive study, Ellingworth finds Hebrews to be primarily a pastoral, not a polemical, writing. Showing how Hebrews beautifully emphasizes the supremacy of Christ, Ellingworth concludes that the essential purpose of the epistle - which maintains the continuity of God's people before and after Christ - is to encourage readers to base their lives on nothing other and nothing less than Jesus. A substantive bibliography and a comprehensive introduction precede Ellingworth's commentary, and three indexes - of subjects, authors, and Greek words discussed - conclude the volume.

The Acts of the Apostles

Book Description

Acts is the sequel to Luke's gospel and tells the story of Jesus's followers during the 30 years after his death. It describes how the 12 apostles, formerly Jesus's disciples, spread the message of Christianity throughout the Mediterranean against a background of persecution. With an introduction by P.D. James

The Epistle to the Hebrews

Book Description

Publisher’s Introductory Back in the eighteen and early nineteen hundreds there were a group of men known as the Plymouth Brethren. These men had many writings and many of them were taken from Lectures given in many areas and at different times during this era. Some were given in different languages and then translated into English. I have taken many of these writings and messages and formatted them so they could be read on tablets and phones. In other words, they are in epub and mobi formats. I have set up indexes with headers and have enabled text to speech. I then run them through a checker to make sure the ebook format is without errors. In doing this I have produced a high quality product for a very low price. These are not just scanning of old writings but have been completely redone by hand. I started doing this for my own private use. I found there were others who wanted them also so after praying about it and contacting publishers who already got permission to use all these writings and lectures I too got permission via email. (which I have on file). I now have over 230 of these writings in ebook format on Amazon for the Kindle and on Google play for the Android OS. Hopefully this number will keep increasing as time goes on. Prefatory Note There is no introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews, and little need for any preface here. Where Christ is the absorbing theme, everything must yield to Him, and explanations are out of place. The main themes of the book are the person of Christ, His priesthood and sacrifice, and the place into which He has introduced His people. Everything is measured by these standards, and loyalty to Him is the crucial test for all that would claim attention. In these closing days of the Church's history, where there is a strong tendency back into that which apes Judaism, a carnal religion without divine power, and where the person of our Lord is lightly esteemed, if not absolutely degraded, it is to be hoped that this little book will serve to call back the thoughts of His people to One who is worthy of all their attention, allegiance, and worship. May the Lord graciously use it solely to the glory of His own peerless Name! S. Ridout.