The EPZ Conflict of Interpretations

Book Description

Paul Ricoeur (1913-) is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Chicago and Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at the University of Paris X, Nanterre. One of the foremost contemporary French philosophers, his work is influenced by Husserl, Marcel and Jaspers and is particularly concerned with symbolism, the creation of meaning and the interpretation of texts. The Conflict of Interpretations ranges across an astonishing diversity of fields: structuralism, linguistics, psychoanalysis, religion and faith. The essays it comprises are bound together by Ricoeur's customary concern for interpretation and language and all bear the stamp of the systematic and critical thinking which has become his hallmark in contemporary philosophy. Edited by Don Ihde>

An EPZ Introduction to Philosophy

Book Description

Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) was a Neo-Thomist philosopher who taught in France and the United States and was French Ambassador to the Vatican from 1945-48. A Protestant who became a Roman Catholic through association with Leon Bloy, he devoted himself to the study of Thomism and its application to all aspects of modern life and urged Christian involvement in secular affairs. An Introduction to Philosophy is perhaps the most well-known and enduring of all Maritain's many books. It offers a clear and highly readable introduction to the philosophies of both Aristotle and St Thomas Aquinas.

EPZ Deconstruction and Criticism

Book Description

Five essential and challenging essays by leading post-modern theorists on the art and nature of interpretation: Jacques Derrida, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, Paul de Man, and J. Hillis Miller.

EPZ Mill's 'Utilitarianism'

Book Description

A key addition to the Reader's Guides series, covering Mill's Utilitarianism in a concise and accessible way with a student-friendly presentation and price.

The EPZ Ethics of Climate Change

Book Description

Climate change is an issue at the heart of international public debate today - this book explores the philosophical implications of and for this hugely topical contemporary debate.

EPZ Locke's 'Second Treatise of Government'

Book Description

A Reader's Guide to one of the most important works in political philosophy.