Azerbaijan and the European Union

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of EU-Azerbaijan relations. It examines the current state of Azerbaijan and its regime, charts the development of EU-Azerbaijan relations over time and discusses the dynamics at work in the relationship. It details the nature of the Azerbaijani regime, including its authoritarian character and allegations of corruption, explores the differences between European values and the values of the Azerbaijani government, and explains the difficulties that have arisen in the relationship, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process, media suppression and human rights violations. The book includes a comparison with EU relations with other states in the region.

Azerbaijan and the EU. Are Azerbaijan's oil and gas more important than European values?

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2021 in the subject Politics - Region: Russia, grade: 2,4, , course: History of international Relations, language: English, abstract: This paper asks the following questions: How did this politically controversial country nevertheless become one of the EU's most important energy suppliers? Are Azerbaijan's oil and gas more important than European values? Since the 19th century, Azerbaijan has been known worldwide as one of the most important oil suppliers. At the beginning of the 20th century, Azerbaijan supplied the Russian Tsarist Empire with its oil, during the Second World War its successor, the USSR, and since the late 1990s Azerbaijan has aspired to play an important role in European energy security. Today, Azerbaijani oil and gas are of great importance to the EU and many other countries in the region. After Azerbaijan joined the European Council in 2001, several agreements and contracts for the supply of natural gas and oil followed. A new pipeline was even built to transport the minerals to the EU more quickly and easily. This seems to be at odds with the current governance and human rights situation in the country. Again and again, major accusations have been made against the government: war crimes, persecution of political opposition, restrictions on media freedom and freedom of expression, and generally no democratic governance.

Eu Eastern Partnership: Common Framework or Wider Opportunity? (The)

Book Description

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) represents the most ambitious project launched by the European Union in order to support political and socio-economic reform in its neighbourhood, with a view to stepping up political association and economic integration. Notwithstanding the achievements of the framework, the EaP requires re-conceptualization focusing on those issues where cooperation and convergence are not only feasible but also more suitable in view of pan-European economic growth and security. Moving from the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan, which is gradually but steadily emerging as a key interlocutor for EU Eastward projection, the aim of the volume is to assess the functioning of the EaP bilateral and multilateral track along selected policies, in order to identify means to improve the overall efficacy of the framework, taking into consideration both EU and Eastern partnersŐ expectations and needs. Providing fresh analysis on the EaP development, the volume Đ the result of an ISPI-SAM joint research project Đ brings together and compares perspectives and expertise from the EU and the neighbourhood, fostering dialogue and mutual comprehension on issues of common concern.

The EU and Azerbaijan

Book Description

"Hosting this week's Eurovision Song Contest has put Azerbaijan's authoritarian government and its human rights record under international spotlight. But attention should also focus on Europe's relations with Azerbaijan, which remain guided by narrow energy interests. Although Azerbaijan holds more political prisoners than any other Eastern European country, the EU has remained timid about human rights violations. The EU's failure to pressure the Azerbaijani government to liberalise has brought few benefits and continues to discredit the EU in the eyes of Azerbaijan's society. In a new ECFR policy memo Jana Kobzova and Leila Alieva argue that Europe must now change its approach as the Baku government is more vulnerable than it appears: Azerbaijan's oil and gas reserves transformed the country and led to a decade of impressive economic growth. However, with oil running out, Azerbaijan's economic model is unsustainable. The government has made little effort to diversify the economy away from dependence on hydrocarbons -- Since 2003 Ilham Aliyev has consolidated power in the presidency and steered Azerbaijan towards a full-fledged autocracy. The overall human rights situation is worsening. The government's heavy-handed tactics may eventually backfire. By clamping down on independent media and repressing the secular opposition, the regime has closed most of the usual channels for expressing dissent. Jana Kobzova and Leila Alieva argue that this weakness means that Europe must change its approach, to avoid a repetition of the Arab Awakening when it was left looking like a supporter of autocrats. Instead, the EU's approach towards Azerbaijan needs to be more vocal and bolder: The EU needs to redirect more political and financial support to grassroots groups, SMEs and independent media who can put more pressure on the regime. The EU should be more vocal in demanding greater political pluralism -- The EU should continue to use its dialogue with the government to assist in areas that are important for Azerbaijan's modernisation and transformation, such as governance, rule of law or diversification of the country's economy -- The EU is Azerbaijan's most important trading partner and should use this as a leverage to push for change -- EU member states should follow the UK's example and introduce new rules banning those non-EU nationals accused of human rights abuses from entering the EU-this would change the calculations for those in Azerbaijan's elite taking part in human rights violations. "As Azerbaijan grows more authoritarian, Europe faces a choice. It can fully embrace this country and its society, which is proud of becoming the first-ever Muslim liberal democratic republic in 1918, or it can continue its condition-free dialogue with the regime."--Leila Alieva. "Unless the EU takes a bolder approach towards Azerbaijan, it risks finding itself in the same position it was in the southern neighbourhood before the Arab Awakening: that of a quiet supporter of autocrats"- Jana Kobzova. Key facts: There are more political prisoners in Azerbaijan than in Belarus, the political opposition has almost been eliminated, the main TV channels are controlled by the government and journalists are regularly threatened -- The volume of oil extracted in Azerbaijan peaked in 2010 and is set to continue to decline. Azerbaijan's budget increasingly relies on transfers from the state oil fund (SOFAZ) rather than taxes -- Between 2003 and 2010 the poverty rate dropped from 45% to 9%. But in 2011 the country recorded the lowest economic growth among all former Soviet republics -- Azerbaijan is as corrupt as Russia or Uganda and ranks worse than neighbouring Georgia and Armenia. (Transparency International) -- The EU's financial levers are limited: in 2012, the EU's offer of €31 million in exchange for social and economic reforms was dwarfed by the almost €43 million that Azerbaijan earns every day from oil -- EU democracy promotion in the Eastern Neighbourhood has failed: none of the six Eastern Partnership countries is fully democratic and democracy scores in the region have been worsening"--Publisher's description.

The European Union and Azerbaijan Relations

Book Description

The work seeks to study the major rationale and development of the relations between the EU and Azerbaijan, with the following key questions: What is the inspiring essence of the relationship between the EU and Azerbaijan? Do the entities strive to achieve integration based on European values or simply pursue their economic benefits? As of theoretical framework, the author finds geopolitical accounts, Mackinder's Heartland theory in particular, suitable, since both subjects of the research geographically fall under the categorization of Mackinder's Pivot area. Additionally, theoretical part includes constructivist theory in a bid to examine the essence of the EU integration with neighbours through designed programs. The book particularly focuses on the historical development of the relations - the EU Neighborhood Policy and energy cooperation perspectives. Moreover, challenges and risks, great power relations as well as political competition of major actors in the region were analyzed.

EU Policy in the South Caucasus

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Since the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU in January 2007, the South Caucasus has become a region of direct concern to the EU's strategy in its wider neighborhood. This study examines the trends affecting EU policies in the South Caucasus, with a specific focus on EU-Azerbaijan relations. It argues that in the three main areas in which Azerbaijan affects Europe's interests - cooperation in the energy sector, democratization and conflict resolution - so far the EU has engaged well on a regional energy strategy, but less so on democratic reforms and almost not at all on conflict settlement in Nagorno Karabakh. The study concludes that the EU needs to balance its involvement in all three areas, especially given the deeper democratic changes it wishes to see in Azerbaijan, with a list of recommendations for doing so.

The EU’s Neighbourhood Policy towards the South Caucasus

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This book addresses the potential and limitations of the European Union Neighbourhood Policy in sustaining the expansion of the European security community towards the South Caucasus. The Caucasus’ complex regional security dynamics are a hard test for regional security community building and showcase both the challenges of security provision through liberal reforms and integration and of the interaction between security communities and balance of power. The author begins by conceptualizing security community expansion and then considers the ENP through this perspective, before moving on to individual case studies on Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The book will appeal to both scholars and practitioners interested in European security, the European Union external action, and the post-Soviet space.

Azerbaijan & Europe

Book Description

The book of a well known Azerbaijani historian Yagub Mahmudov “Azerbaijan and Europe” is dedicated to interesting events of history of relations between Azerbaijan and Europe. This book considered for English readership is published in Europe for the first time. Azerbaijan gaining independence in the process of collapse of the Soviet Empire achieved vital successes in establishment of a democratic, legal and worldwide state. Though 20% of lands are under occupation and more than a million refugees in Azerbaijan it is being integrated to European and world union successfully. Azerbaijan Republic at present has become a leader state in Southern Caucasus. Azerbaijan nation has a rich and very old history. Historical Azerbaijan lands have a suitable geographical location and from ancient times our land was the historic place where different civilizations, cultures and religions joined. This country from ancient times had a significant linking role in relations among western and eastern nations. Azerbaijan nation is the successor of a state culture of about 5 thousand years. Powerful states established on historical lands of Azerbaijan had a wide trade and diplomatic relations with some countries of Asia and Europe since many years before our century. The primary sources approve that states of historical Azerbaijan such as Atropathena and Albania had diplomatic relations with the old Roman Empire. As stated in the book presented to readership by Yagub Mahmudov in the Middle Ages the Azerbaijan – European relations became more broadened and entered a new stage. In the times of Great Geographical Discoveries powerful Azerbaijan states – the Akkoyunlu and Safavi Empires about a period of 300 years had deep tracks in worldwide history. Western European states for the purpose to open back front – from Asia tried to use the Akkoyunlu and Safavi Empires. The Akkoyunlu and the Safavis located in the center of the Great Silk Way, were interested in establishment of wide trade relations with European countries. With this purpose Azerbaijani leaders Uzun Hassan (1468-1478), Sultan Yagub (1578-1590), Shah Ismail I(1501-1524), Shah Tahmasib (1524-1576), the Safavi emperor Abbas the Great (1587-1629) and others established wide relations with the European states. It is an interesting fact that beginning from the mid of the XV century Azerbaijani diplomats conducted negotiations with Venice, Rome, Naples, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, England, Spain, Portugal, France, the Scandinavian countries and other European countries. In the 60-70s of the XV century in the palace of the great Azerbaijani leader Uzun Hassan there was a permanent embassy of the Republic of Venice. Mother of Uzun Hassan, a well known diplomat Sara Khatun had a great role in regulation of diplomatic relations with Western countries. Friendship policy of Uzun Hassan with European countries was continued by his son Sultan Yagub, his grandson Shah Ismail I and other Safavi emperors. In the period of the Safavi emperor Shah Abbas’ reign these relations had become much broadened. In his book the historian Yagub Mahmudov has described the real history of this interesting diplomatic relations. The scientist in his work separately explains economic-political interests of the parties being in relation expressing his own subjective idea in this respect. The author brings in such issue his right position to his readers’ notice. This is an irrefutable fact that after historical Azerbaijani lands been divided between Russia and Iran under Gulustan (1813) and Turkmenchay (1828) agreements Azerbaijan history is presented to the world as Russian and Iranian history. The history of the Akkoyunlu and the Safavi empires established by Azerbaijani-Turkish dynasties, even presented as a history of Iran. From this view point the book “Azerbaijan and Europe” published by us is of great importance to develop right idea about Azerbaijani history in European readership. We have no doubt

The International Politics of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Book Description

This book frames the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh in the context of European and international security. It is the first book to focus on the politics of the conflict rather than the dispute itself. Since their emergence twenty years ago, this and other “frozen conflicts” of Eurasia have been affected by transformations in European security, and many ways absorbed into an ever fiercer geopolitical struggle for influence. The wars in Georgia and Ukraine brought greater attention to some unresolved conflicts, but not to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. As the contributors to this volume argue, the conflict merits much greater European attention, for several reasons: it is on a path of escalation, existing mediation regimes are dysfunctional, and as both Georgia and Ukraine have showed, any outbreak of serious fighting will force the EU to respond. This book thus explains the interlocking interests of Russia, Turkey, Iran, the EU and United States in the conflict, and analyzes the negotiation process and the conflict’s international legal aspects.