The European Union in a Changing World Order

Book Description

This book explores how the European Union responds to the ongoing challenges to the liberal international order. These challenges arise both within the EU itself and beyond its borders, and put into question the values of free trade and liberal democracy. The book’s interdisciplinary approach brings together scholars from economics, law, and political science to provide a comprehensive analysis of how shifts in the international order affect the global position of the EU in dimensions such as foreign and security policy, trade, migration, populism, rule of law, and climate change. All chapters include policy recommendations which make the book particularly useful for decision makers and policy advisors, besides researchers and students, as well as for anyone interested in the future of the EU.

EU Development Policy in a Changing World

Book Description

On many fronts, European Union development policy is at a critical juncture: in the face of new obstacles, the EU has been forced to rethink trade, security, and its relationship with neighbors in North Africa and the Middle East. Contentious questions have centered on the effects of EU expansion, agricultural protectionism, and development-friendly trade policy in the EU and its member nations. To answer these questions and others, this expertly edited volume draws on analysis from well-known specialists in fields such as public policy and economic development, providing a critical overview of EU development policy and the challenges it must confront in an increasingly volatile and changing world.

European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World

Book Description

The second edition of European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World provides a clear introduction to the complexities of contemporary European foreign policy and offers a fresh and distinctive perspective on the nature of the EU’s international identity. Thoroughly revised and expanded, the book explores how and why the EU tries to achieve five core foreign policy objectives: the encouragement of regional cooperation; the advancement of human rights; the promotion of democracy and good governance; the prevention of violent conflicts; and the fight against international crime, including terrorism. In pursuing these goals, the book illustrates how the EU is faced with acute policy dilemmas because the five objectives not only clash with each other, but also with additional policy priorities – such as securing energy supplies or establishing strategic partnerships with key powers. The uniqueness of the EU as a global actor is carefully assessed, and its key policies and the related dilemmas it faces compared with those of other international actors. This well-written and thoroughly researched book will be a valuable resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students of European politics, foreign policy analysis, international relations and related disciplines.

The Changing Global Order

Book Description

This volume offers a comprehensive evaluation of the concept of global order, with a particular emphasis on the role of regional organisations within global governance institutions such as the United Nations. Building from a solid theoretical base it draws upon the expertise of numerous leading international scholars offering a broad array of timely and relevant case studies. These all take into consideration the historical setting, before analysing the contemporary situation and offering suggestions for potential realignments and readjustments that may be witnessed in the future. The volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach when addressing some of the most pressing issues of global governance which our global community must tackle. This presents the readers an opportunity to understand related topics such as political economy, international law, institutions of global governance, in conjunction with the academic field of International Relations (IR). It further helps students and interested readers understand the theoretical and practical foundations to the changing nature of global affairs.

The United States and Europe in a Changing World

Book Description

The relationship between the members states of the European Union and the United States have been strained in recent years as a result of shifts in U.S. global strategy, as well as important changes in the international economic, political, and security environment. The tensions in US-EU relations, the growing challenges to both US and EU interests represented by a resurgent Russian Federation as well as the Islamic world, and dramatic shifts in the economic and political capabilities of countries from East Asia to Latin America all contribute to a much more complex international environment than that envisaged in the wake of the end of the Cold War. The current volume will examine the implications of these changes for the future of international politics. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Contributors Introduction: The United States and Europe in a Changing World by Roger E. Kanet Part I: The US and EU Perspectives on the Changing World Order Ch. 1: International Order the American Way: Selective Multilateralism and European Consternation by Joel Westra Ch. 2: The Bush II Administration's Policy toward Europe: From Unilateralism to Transformational Diplomacy and Beyond by Gabriela Marin Thornton Ch. 3: Will the Coalition of Democratic States and Peoples Survive Afghanistan? by Edward A. Kolodziej Ch. 4: Contributions of NATO and the EU to European and Global Security Governance by Roberto Domnguez Rivera Ch. 5: The OSCE Role in European and Transatlantic Security: Does it have a Future? by P. Terrence Hopmann Part II: The EU Impact on Turkish Political Developments Ch. 6: The Influence of the European Union in the Making of Turkish Foreign Policy by zlem Terzi Ch. 7: Turkey between the Transatlantic Partnership by Glnur Aybet Part III: Asia and the European Union Ch. 8: The European Union and India by Amit Das Gupta Ch. 9: The Everlasting Love for Comparison: Reflections on the EU's and ASEAN's Integration by Lay Hwee Yeo Ch. 10: China-European Relations: Emerging New Modus Operandi by Mingjiang Li Part IV: Latin America, the United States and Future Integration Ch. 11: Regional Security and Integration in South America: What UNASUR Could Learn from the OSCE and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by Marco Cepik Ch. 12: Building Trust in Latin America by Monica Herz Conclusion by Roger E. Kanet Index

European Union Contested

Book Description

The European Union's foreign policy and its international role are increasingly being contested both globally and at home. At the global level, a growing number of states are now challenging the Western-led liberal order defended by the EU. Large as well as smaller states are vying for more leeway to act out their own communitarian principles on and approaches to sovereignty, security and economic development. At the European level, a similar battle has begun over principles, values and institutions. The most vocal critics have been anti-globalization movements, developmental NGOs, and populist political parties at both extremes of the left-right political spectrum. This book, based on ten case studies, explores some of the most important current challenges to EU foreign policy norms, whether at the global, glocal or intra-EU level. The case studies cover contestation of the EU's fundamental norms, organizing principles and standardized procedures in relation to the abolition of the death penalty, climate, Responsibility to Protect, peacebuilding, natural resource governance, the International Criminal Court, lethal autonomous weapons systems, trade, the security-development nexus and the use of consensus on foreign policy matters in the European Parliament. The book also theorizes the current norm contestation in terms of the extent to, and conditions under which, the EU foreign policy is being put to the test.

The European Union and Global Social Change

Book Description

This book provides an historical analysis of what the European Union is. Examining the development of the EU in a global context, the book draws on long-term processes of change in historical depth to developing a deeper understanding of global social change.

Europe: A Civilian Power?

Book Description

What is the European Union international role and identity becoming after the cold war, September 11th and the transatlantic rift? Is the second global actor challenging the trends towards a 'pax americana'? EUROPE: A CIVILIAN POWER? provides an original account of the features and the external relations of the EU as a civilian power in the making. It addresses the key questions on the new security threat, world emergencies challenging the EU, not only as a peace and democracy stablizer on a continental scale, but also as an actor which shares responsibility for global governance and world order. MARIO TELO provides a comparative analysis of regional cooperation in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America and focuses on the interregional relations with the EU. He highlights the international relevance of the current EU constitutionalization process and gives a critical review of the concepts of civilian power, soft power, civilizing power, multilateralism, multipolarism, international fragmentation, empire, hegemonic stability and global legitimacy. Analysis of the best literature on international relations and European integration is completed by MARIO's practical experience as an advisor to the EU institutions and a lecturer in Asia and Americas.

Perspectives on a Changing World Order

Book Description

The benefits of the U.S-led order and the many international agreements that the United States has championed to open up the world to the free flow of goods, services, ideas, and people, no longer look so promising. This shift has caused a public backlash against globalization not only in the United States but also in many Western countries. The major powers either do not comprehend the risks of the current transitional period or they do not have a clear vision for a new international order that will be broadly acceptable and thus considered legitimate by most other states. With these concerns in mind, the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations asked leading scholars from major power countries to address a common set of questions about the current international order.

Still a Western World? Continuity and Change in Global Order

Book Description

Today, the debate on world order is intense. As is always the case in times of transition, the global restructuring of international affairs is generating a deep reflection on how the world is, and how it should be reorganized. After the long frozen period of the cold war and the subsequent years marked by US unipolarism, the world has begun the new millennium with profound shifts. The relative decline of the USA, the crisis in the European Union, the consolidation of the BRIC emerging economies, and the diffusion of the power to non-state actors all constitute significant elements that demand a new conceptualization of the rules of the global game. In this pluralist and changing context, a number of different narratives are presented by the key actors in the international system. This book analyses these narratives in comparative terms by putting them in the wider framework of the transformation in global governance.