The European Union's Corporate Income Tax Policy

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: A, BI Norwegian Business School (Public governance), course: EU Policy Process, language: English, abstract: In this paper I chronologically go through the policy process towards a harmonised corporate income tax in the EU member states. By using Jenkins-Smith and Sabatier's advocacy coalition framework (ACF) I evaluate how events internal and external to the EU, as well as policy-oriented learning have brought the process forward and caused policy change. I also explain how the lack of favourable conditions has caused stalemate and lack of progress. I find that changing socio-economic conditions have facilitated and hampered the policy process and that macroeconomic conditions have affected member states willingness to implement coordinating measures. Other determinants of change are internal developments in the EU such as enlargements, ECJ jurisprudence or change in political leadership. Over the time period under study, the European Commission, as the agenda-setter in the EU has learned from previous failures and new scientific information and altered its strategy along the way. Member states have also over time changed their view on the EU in general and corporate income tax harmonisation in particular. The outcome of the EC's efforts over the years has been varying, and the policy process has proceeded in fits and starts. So far, the EC has achieved some degree of coordination, but not harmonisation of corporate income tax systems. What the future brings depends on the variables discussed throughout the paper.

Corporate Tax Policy, Entrepreneurship and Incorporation in the EU

Book Description

Recoge: 1. Introduction - 2. The corporate tax rate-revenue paradox - 3. Corporate taxation and income shifting - 4. Data - 5. Empirical analysis - 6. Conclusions.

The Politics of Corporate Taxation in the European Union

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This study explores the formation of the European Union's tax policy and asks why member states did not raise objections to it. The author's analysis is enriched by two further levels of inquiry. Firstly, he examines the 'Europeanization' of domestic tax policy in Italy and the UK, asking how domestic policy has changed and what is meant by 'Europeanization'. Secondly, he puts the European Union tax policy in the wider context of tax globalization. Will the liberalization of capital movement, tax havens and the flexibility of multinationals in managing their taxable incomes wreck the European Union's fragile tax policies?

Company Tax Reform in the European Union

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Having spent almost fifty years of my life defending the separate accou- ing, arm's length pricing method, I have to admit that I was somewhat surprised to be asked to contribute to a book suggesting that the European Union might do well to consider adopting a formulary approach to deal with the taxation of inter and intra company transactions. I was even more surprised to see the invitation coming from Ms. Joann Weiner an ardent co-defender of arm's length pricing and my strong right arm in that regard while we both served in the U.S. Treasury Department in the mid '90s. The book gives Ms Weiner the opportunity to comment frankly from an insider's perspective of the many admitted problems of the arm's length system which could be avoided by a formulary approach. Ms. Weiner brings to this project a thorough expert knowledge of the b- efits and shortfalls of each of the systems she discusses - separate accounting v. formulary apportionment. Who better to decide to give qualified support to formulary than someone who organized a U.S. Treasury conference to defend arm's length pricing against a Congressional challenge in favor of formulary apportionment.

Corporate Income Tax Harmonization in the European Union

Book Description

Through the arguments for corporate tax harmonization in the EU and describing the current stage of this process, the legislative rules which are insufficient to solve the many problems implied by the proper functioning of the Single Market, are revealed. The book also exposes the issues involved in the consolidation of the corporate tax base.

Reforming the US Corporate Tax

Book Description

The mainstay of federal business taxation, the US corporate income tax, is riddled with distortions and inequities. As a means of taxing the richest Americans--a popular goal--the corporate income tax is a hopeless failure. Many companies pay no corporate tax, and among those that do, the burden is highly uneven. Meanwhile, the richest Americans command income from numerous sources besides corporate dividends. The distortions and inequities are amazing. Under pressure from business lobbies, Congress legislates deductions and exemptions that twist the corporate tax base far from any plausible financial definition; then Congress enacts "targeted" tax credits to carry out ersatz industrial policies. Faced with a tax terrain of mountains and ravines, corporations employ armies of lawyers and accountants to devise avoidance strategies. This book proposes to replace the corporate income tax with a tax that has a much broader base at a much lower rate. Two alternatives are explored: the National Retail Sales Tax (NRST) and the Corporate Activity Tax (CAT). To address the issue of regressivity, both alternatives are coupled with measures to preserve the real spending power of households at the lowest income levels.

EU Corporate Tax Reform

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Double Taxation Within the European Union

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Despite the conclusion of tax treaties and despite the enactment of several directives, double taxation continues to occur within the EU, causing severe obstacles for cross-border trade, for the provision of services and capital, and for the free movement of persons. This book collects the expert analysis and recommendations on the following issues: the reasons for the existence (and persistence) of juridical and economic double taxation; double burdens in criminal law; constitutional limits for double taxation; the Lisbon Treaty's abolition of Article 293 EC, which had required Member States to conclude tax treaties in order to abolish double taxation; whether double taxation can be avoided by the application of the four freedoms; prospects for an EU-wide multilateral tax treaty; the proposed Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base; and use of arbitration clauses in tax treaties.

Taxing Multinationals in Europe

Book Description

This paper aims to contribute to the European policy debate on corporate income tax reform in three ways. First, it takes a step back to review the performance of the CIT in Europe over the past several decades and the important role played by MNEs in European economies. Second, it analyses corporate tax spillovers in Europe with a focus on the channels and magnitudes of both profit shifting and CIT competition. Third, the paper examines the progress made in European CIT coordination and discusses reforms to strengthen the harmonization of corporate tax policies, in order to effectively reduce both tax competition and profit shifting.