The Exchange Rate, Real Economy and Financial Markets

Book Description

In this paper we analyse the relationship between increased exchange rate flexibility and economic growth and its volatility in emerging market economies. We also investigate the implications of exchange rate flexibility for financial market development. We do not find a robust correlation between exchange rate flexibility and long-run growth, although exchange rate flexibility has generally been beneficial in smoothing EMEs' output volatility in the previous decade. There are also indications that increased exchange rate flexibility is associated with a reduction in vulnerabilities such as currency mismatches, though its impact on financial market development is less clear.Full publication: "" Market Volatility and Foreign Exchange Intervention in EMEs: What Has Changed?

Financial Markets and the Real Economy

Book Description

Financial Markets and the Real Economy reviews the current academic literature on the macroeconomics of finance.

Exchange Rates and International Finance

Book Description

Exchange Rates and International Finance looks at exchange rates and their fluctuation, change and effect. Topics covered include prices in the open economy, flexible prices and market efficiency.

Exchange Rates, Capital Flows, and Monetary Policy in a Changing World Economy

Book Description

The dramatic growth of international capital flow has provided unprecedented opportunities and risks in emerging markets. This book is the result of a conference exploring this phenomenon, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The issues explored include direct versus portfolio investment; exchange rates and economic growth; and optimal exchange rate policy for stabilizing inflation in developing countries. It concludes with a panel discussion on central bank coordination in the midst of exchange rate instability.

Exchange Rates and Economic Policy in the 20th Century

Book Description

The themes of this study are the exchange rate regimes chosen by policy makers in the twentieth century, the means used to maintain these regimes, and the impact of these decisions on individual national economies and the world economy in general. The book draws heavily on new research showing the lessons and the legacy left for policy makers by the gold standard and the attempt at its resurrection in the 1920s. In examining issues such as the gold exchange standard, the gold bullion standard, the experience of floating exchange rates, the Bretton Woods arrangements, the EMS and the ERM, and the Currency Board approach, there is a conscious attempt to draw out the relevance of history for policy makers now.

Money, Prices and the Real Economy

Book Description

This book sets out, in straightforward, accessible terms, crucial aspects of monetary economics. It opens with an exposition of the fundamental question of what money is and what it does. Distinguished contributors then examine the key role of price stability and how to achieve it. Core issues addressed include: an examination of the long run effect of money on prices an analysis of the complex and variable relationship between money and fluctuations in the real economy an investigation of inflation and its dangerous consequences an analysis of the effect of regulation on the stability of financial systems in developed and developing countries the relationship between the money supply regime and economic performance the effect of monetary fluctuations on the interest rate the choice of targets for monetary policy. This book will be extremely useful to practising economists, students and scholars of financial and monetary economics.

The Role of the Exchange Rate in Inflation-Targeting Emerging Economies

Book Description

This paper explores the role of exchange rates in emerging economies with inflation-targeting regimes, an issue that has become especially germane during the current episode of financial turmoil and volatile capital flows. Under inflation targeting, the interest rate is the main monetary policy tool for influencing activity and inflation, and there is little agreement about the appropriate role of the exchange rate.The exchange rate is a more important monetary policy tool for emerging economies that have adopted inflation targeting than it is for inflation-targeting advanced economies. Inflation-targeting emerging economies generally have less flexible exchange rate arrangements and intervene more frequently in the foreign exchange market than their advanced economy counterparts. The enhanced role of the exchange rate reflects these economies' greater vulnerability to exchange rate shocks and their less developed financial markets. However, their sharper focus on the exchange rate may cause some confusion about the commitment of their central banks to achieve the inflation target and may also complicate policy implementation. Global inflation pressures, greater exchange rate volatility, and the financial stresses from the global financial turmoil that began in mid-2007 are heightening these tensions.

Exchange Rates and International Finance

Book Description

Exchange rates and exchange rate fluctuation play an increasingly important role in all our lives. Exchange Rates and International Finance provides a clear and concise guide to the causes and consequences of exchange rate fluctuations, enabling the reader to grasp the essentials of theory and its relevance to major events in currency markets. The orientation of the book is towards exchange rate determination with particular emphasis given to the contributions of modern finance theory. Both fixed and floating exchange rate models and empirical results are explored and discussed. * Companion Site * Post Review * View User Reviews * View Published Reviews

Financial Market Drift

Book Description

International financial markets play an increasingly important role. There can be no doubt that over the past twenty years the size of financial markets have grown at a faster pace than the size of the markets for goods and services. However, it is still unclear whether this is a desirable development. This book discusses the debate on the possible separation of the financial sector and real economy. The text makes use of established scientific research.

International Monetary and Financial Economics

Book Description

This text covers the full range of topics in international money and finance, giving solid attention to 3 key areas - international finance, open-economy macroeconomics, and international money and banking. It consistently connects theory to real-world policy and business applications (and strikes a balance between business relevance and policy relevance), demonstrating to students the contemporary applications that can be explored, and that international monetary and financial economics is a dynamic and interesting subject area that has become of great importance for international affairs and business.