The Five Principles of Spiritual Reality

Book Description

The Five Principles of Spiritual Reality is a deeply profound and original work about the fundamental questions that have nagged humankind since the beginning of time: "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" Paul Guggenheimer invites us to look within and recognise all that we truly are; to acknowledge our link to divinity and allow our true selves to shine through. A fascinating and immensely readable book, The Five Principles of Spiritual Reality will change people's lives.

The Five Principles

Book Description

THE FIVE PRINCIPLES was written to provide tools for daily living and suggests answers to the great questions of existnece that humans have been asking since the dawn of conscious awareness. Deben port encourages every reader to "work with these principles, test them, apply them to your life, and watch what happens."

The Green Letters

Book Description

This is the first book in the author's series on Christian maturity.

The Laws of the Spirit World

Book Description

WITH A BRAND NEW LOOK! ON FEBRUARY 22, 1980, KHORSHED AND RUMI BHAVNAGRI’S WORLD WAS SHATTERED. ONE MONTH LATER, A NEW ONE OPENED. Khorshed and Rumi Bhavnagri lost their sons, Vispi and Ratoo, in a tragic car crash. With both their sons gone, the couple felt they would not survive for long. They had lost all faith in God until a miraculous message from the Spirit World gave them hope and sent them on an incredible journey.

The Practical Steps to the Deeper Spiritual Life

Book Description

In attempting to more effectively communicate the principles of spiritual life to those who sincerely desire a deeper reality in their walk with Christ, I have discovered that most people appreciate practical and straightforward instructions, and this is especially true when it involves the mystical nature of spiritual life. Although spiritual life is not meritoriously attained through natural means or human effort, there are several Practical Steps that can be taken to help facilitate the practice of spiritual disciplines. The combination of these Practical Steps with the spiritual disciplines themselves will work to promote a dynamic life of faith that will effectively bring the believer into a productive and rewarding relationship with God. Man is an intentional creation of divine wisdom explicitly designed to fulfill a sacred purpose: Agape love requires a soul to empty the wealth of its humanity upon the altar of God as a willing sacrifice If determination is to live up to its potential in promoting the spiritual life , it must be united with some very fundamental practical steps Heaven should not be a culture shock to the consciousness of the believer; it should be a gradual final step into the glorious reality of a spiritual life whose progress began at conversion Divine pleasure must be the goal of human effort, not divine favor The genuineness of what we actually believe is nowhere so obviously exposed as in our daily schedules It does not take overtly carnal acts to corrupt the days of a mans life, for inattention and idleness produce the same result as evil actions or wicked intentions Liberty must always precede service if either are to be authentic It is our great love for the Father, not our initial desire for salvation, that motivates and liberates the sincere believer to live a life of chosen obedience to God

Outwitting the Devil

Book Description

Originally written in 1938 but never published due to its controversial nature, an insightful guide reveals the seven principles of good that will allow anyone to triumph over the obstacles that must be faced in reaching personal goals.

Women of Destiny

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to assist you in discovering your true identity and awaken you to the reality that you are a "Woman of Destiny." You have been endowed with God-given talents and gifts that make you unique and rare. It is this uniqueness that blesses the world and enriches the lives of those around you. Prepare to tap into your potential and birth the promise that God has placed within you. This book is a journey that will educate and empower you, allowing you to respond and fulfill God's destiny for your life.

Living in the Shadow of Reality

Book Description

Westerners often make the mistake of discounting the spiritual aspects of life as “not real”, imaginary, a mere reflection of what is experienced in the “real world” (by which they usually mean, the physical world that we experience with our five senses). Many claim that the concept of angels and demons are creations of our imagination, that God or the gods of other religions are mere projections that we create for ourselves. The argument goes like this: Humans look at physical reality and then create/imagine a shadow world, the spirit world, based upon our experience of ‘real life’. But what if the opposite is true? What if what we are experiencing with our five senses is really just a reflection in a pond? What if the “real” begins with the spiritual and then is reflected into the physical? If this hypothesis is true, if indeed what we see happening around us in the physical world begins in the spiritual world and is only later manifested where we can perceive it with our five senses, then that has profound implications for us in a practical sense. If true, this would mean that individual crimes, acts of evil and aggression, and perhaps even larger events, armed conflicts, terrorist strikes or man-made catastrophes that occur in our physical world might be avoided altogether...if we can stop them at the spiritual level. Likewise, what if good might blossom in our physical world as a result of intervention at the spiritual level? It certainly seems that we have evidence for both, in human experience and in the scriptures. Join Dr. Silas Gaines as he walks his readers through a scriptural, historical and personal journey to identify spiritual laws and principles that govern our current reality. Gaines aids us in highlighting spiritual laws woven into the Created Order of which we are often dangerously ignorant, and which often hold the keys to humanity flourishing in God’s plans and purposes. Gaines invites us to join in a journey that will open our eyes to new realities around us, and empower us to walk into our God-given destinies, impacting people and the world around us as we were born to do.

Understanding the Grand Design

Book Description

Increasingly, scientific discoveries are revealing similarities with spiritual concepts, but the common basis of science and spirituality has so far escaped a logical explanation. This book describes how we can understand this common basis if we do something as simple as change our point of view. After that, it becomes a matter of common sense, a brand new type of common sense that is available to everyone, not just scientists. This new common sense, called "Holistic Logic" produces surprising and convincing results when applied to dimensions that transcend our three dimensional world. Holistic Logic leads to conclusions that agree with the teachings of Christ, Vedic Scripture, and the tenets of Buddhist philosophy. Even those unschooled in science can understand how Holistic Logic holds true for discoveries in Quantum Physics and Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Holistic Logic explains spiritual reality in a rational way, using the laws of multi-dimensional reality, much in the same way we explain physical reality with laws of physics. This may well be the breakthrough that Mankind has been seeking for centuries. Holistic Logic may finally have made the connection between the science of matter and the world of spirit. In the future, this connection may prove to be even more significant than that event some 400 years ago when Humankind first understood that the earth was not the center of the universe. Today, the world is desperate for a change. As humans, we are struggling to cope with the ever increasing problems that we are causing in our eco-systems and in ourselves. We are recklessly depleting our oil reserves, we are destroying the lungs of our planet by cutting down the rainforests, and have set in motion a pattern of global warming that can have disastrous results for us and our children. As individuals, we feel that we are at the mercy of random events. Some of us are maimed or murdered, some of us develop fatal diseases, and many of us know disappointment and guilt. We don't understand the forces that drive events nor the apparent indifference of a God who expects obedience but rains misfortune down upon us. We are powerless in the face of tragedies like that which occurred on 9/11/01 Now we have the tools that will help us to avoid destruction and turn the whole situation around. We have the ability to understand and implement the laws of spiritual reality. We have a method that will help us to understand The Grand Design and to create the kind of world that we want. We have Holistic Logic. This book explains the basics of Holistic Logic, citing 10 "Holon Principles" that, when taken together, comprise the Holistic Logic System. With the aid of clear practical examples and many illustrations, the reader will understand the building blocks of physical and spiritual reality, the mysterious union of the Whole and its Parts.