The Fleet Type Submarine Distilling Systems

Book Description

Originally printed in 1946, The Fleet Type Submarine series of technical manuals remains unparalleled. Contained in its pages and those of the companion texts are descriptions of every operating component aboard a fleet boat. Submarine Distilling Systems Navpers 16170, was originally written to acquaint crewmen with the mechanisms used to replenish the sub¿s supply of fresh water. These systems are important not only for providing water for cooking and drinking purposes, but because fresh water provides cooling for the Diesel engines, and serves as a vital agent for battery and steam boiler systems. This manual includes a description of how water is distilled, and discusses its use aboard the boat. It uses the Model S and Model X-1 systems as examples, detailing their operation, maintenance, and inspection.

The Fleet Type Submarine Underwater Log Systems

Book Description

Originally printed in 1946, The Fleet Type Submarine series of technical manuals remains unparalleled. Contained in its pages and those of the companion texts are descriptions of every operating component aboard a fleet boat. Underwater Log Systems Navpers 16168, acquainted crewmen with the sub¿s positioning and tracking systems. Since subs operate below the surface, the normal means of establishing position at sea -- such as sighting the sun in the day or the stars at night -- are impossible. Yet, knowing the sub¿s position and speed is vital both for navigation and combat. In an era before GPS, the log system allowed an accurate track to be made of the boat¿s position, and enabled calculation of the speed of target vessels. This book explains in detail the theory, operation, calibration and maintenance of various log systems. Originally ¿Restricted¿, this book was recently declassified and is here reprinted in book form. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.

The Fleet Type Submarine Periscope Manual

Book Description

The periscope is the eye of the submarine. It allows observation of the sea and the sky above, while the submarine remains submerged. It is also a crucial piece of combat equipment, featuring a stadimeter to estimate the range and course angle of a target. Originally printed by the U.S. Navy, this Periscope Manual explains the operation and design of the periscope, and includes descriptions of its complex optical and mechanical details. It also contains maintenance and repair information. It¿s a wonderful reference for anyone interested in the science of optics, for the modeler or museum docent, or anyone who ever wondered, ¿How the heck does that work?¿

The Fleet Type Submarine Main Propulsion Diesels Manual

Book Description

Originally printed in 1946, The Fleet Type Submarine series of technical manuals remains unparalleled. Contained in its pages are descriptions of every operating component aboard a fleet boat. Main Propulsion Diesels examines the submarine¿s power plant in detail, from starting and control systems to fuel and exhaust, and cooling and lubrication systems. Originally classified ¿Restricted¿, this book was recently declassified and is here reprinted in book form. Some illustrations have been slightly reformatted, and color plates are reproduced in black and white. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.

Submarine Air Systems

Book Description

Originally printed in 1946, The Fleet Type Submarine series of technical manuals remains unparalleled. Contained in its pages and those of the companion texts are descriptions of every operating component aboard a fleet boat. Air Systems, Navpers 16164, was originally written to acquaint submarine crews with the submarine¿s compressed air system. This vital system provides the hydraulic system with pressure, discharges torpedoes, blows tanks and maintains trim, and even provides the oxygen used to start the main diesel engines. The book explores all five air systems on a fleet boat. It offers explanatory text and numerous, detailed diagrams.Originally classified ¿Restricted¿, this book was recently declassified and is here reprinted in book form. Some illustrations and fold-outs have been reformatted, and color plates are reproduced in black and white. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.

Submarine Electrical Installations

Book Description

Originally printed in 1946, The Fleet Type Submarine series of technical manuals remains unparalleled. Contained in its pages and those of the companion texts are descriptions of every operating component aboard a fleet boat. Electrical Installations, Navpers 16162, was originally written to acquaint submarine crews with the theory, operation, and construction of the components of the electrical installations. It especially emphasizes maintenance features and methods. Featuring explanatory text and numerous, detailed diagrams, the book is a wonderful reference for the museum docent, researcher, or anyone who ever wondered ¿how the heck does that work?¿ Originally classified ¿Restricted¿, this book was recently declassified and is here reprinted in book form. Some illustrations have been slightly reformatted, and color plates are reproduced in black and white. Care has been taken to preserve the integrity of the text.

The Submariner's Dictionary Or Submariner's Compendium of Terms & Tar's Handbook of Naval Verbiage and Retired Guy's Re-familiarization Manual

Book Description

Submariners are a tight knit group of men bound together by training and experience, and with a language all their own. That language is perhaps a little vulgar, but never intentionally demeaning, and a little irreverent but still worldly. This work is an attempt to preserve and explain some of these curious guys who so proudly wear a shiny metal pin that looks like a strange pair of fish on their left breast. This process of accumulating this new language begins in Boot Camp, and is added to with every change of duty station the sailor undergoes. It is heard aboard the boats and, unknowingly, by family members who can't understand terms like head, deck, and overhead, and who think SOS is a distress signal.

The Silent Service in World War II

Book Description

Originally published by the U.S. Navy in 1946, The Fleet Type Submarine uses the USS Perch SS313 to explain operating principles, technologies, and systems. It contains numerous diagrams and photos and offers definitions of components and terminology. It provides descriptions of various systems such as ballast tanks, trim, ventilation and steering. It also contains a brief history of the submarine and a discussion of patrol routines. This is the most complete technical guide to the boats that won WWII in the Pacific. Nothing close to it was ever assembled before, or since.'s affordable reprint comes in a soft bound edition with attractive covers. Although some of the book has been reformatted, and color images are reproduced in black and white, all of the original content is preserved. (A color supplement is also available). This is a must-have for anyone interested in submarines and an important reference for any historian, docent, or modeler.