The First Part of a Brief Register, Kalendar and Survey of the Several Kinds, Forms of All Parliamentary Vvrits: Comprising in 3. Sections, All Writs, Forms of Summons to Great Councils, Parliaments, Convocations in the Tower, from the 5th King John (1203) Till 23.Edw.4.(1483) to All Sorts of Spiritual and Temporal Lords, Greatmen (members Of,) and the Kings Council (assistants To) the House of Lords: with Other Rare Writs, and 4. Exact Alphabetical, Chronological Tables: I. Of All Abbots, Priors, Masters of Orders, Clergy-men (except Bishops:) 2. Of All Dukes, Earls, Forreign Kings, Marquesses, Princs of Wales: 3. Of All Lay-barons, Lords, Vicounts, Greatmen: 4. Of Numbers of Each of Them, and of Bishops, Summoned to Every Council, Parliament, and the Years, Rolls, Dorses in Every Kings Reign, Wherein Their Names are Recorded ...

Book Description

The First Part of a Brief Register, Kalendar and | Survey of the Several Kinds, Forms of All | Parliamentary VVrits: | Comprising | In 3. Sections, All Writs, Forms of Summons to Great Councils, | Parliaments, Convocations in the Tower, from the 5th of King John (1203) | Till 23 Edw. 4. (1483) to All Sorts of Spiritual and Temporal Lords, Great- | Men (Members Of,) and the Kings Counsil (Assistants To) The House | Of Lords: With Other Rare Writs, and 4. Exact Alphabetical, Chro- | Nological Tables: 1. Of All Abbots, Priors, Masters of Orders, Clergy-men, | (except Bishops:) 2. Of All Dukes, Earls, Forreign Kings, Marquesses, | Princes of Wales: 3. Of All Lay-Barons, Lords, Vicounts, Great Men: 4. Of | All the Kings Counsil (Justices, Clerks, Or Other Officers) with the Several | Numbers of Each of Them, and of Bishops, Summoned to Every Council, | Parliament, and the Years, Rolls, Dorses in Every Kings Reign, Wherein | Their Names are Recorded. | Illustrated with Choice, Usefull Annotations, Observations Concer- | Ning These Writs Differences, Alterations, Entries in the Clause Rolls: the | Stiles, Titles, Additions of Patriarcha, Cardinalis, Electus, Confirmatus, Ma | Gister, &c. Given in Them to Spiritual; of Baro, Miles, Dominus, &c. | to Temporal Lords; with Their Baronies, Fealty, Homage, Oaths, Right | of Session, Judicature: The Clergies Forms of Procurations; Exemption | from Taxes by the Laity: Our Kings Prerogative to Call, Prorogue, Dissolve | Parliaments, Hold Them by a Custos Regni, Or Commissioners, by Patents (here | Cited;) to Create Peers, Barons by Patent, Special (not General) Writs (here | Registred;) to Summon Extraordinary Members, Assistants; Their Proprie- | Ty in Parliaments, Dissolved by Their Deaths; The Power of Their Counsil | In, and Out of Them; The Constitution, Jurisdiction, Proceedings, Pri- | Vileges, Ends, Duties of English Parliaments, Lords, Commons; Their in | Consistence with Armed Guards, Seclusion of Members (by Force, Oathes, Me- | Naces) and with Scotish, Or Irish Intruders; Their Late Differences from | Councils. Parliamentum, when First Used in Writs, Acts, Histories, &c. | With Other Particulars. Publishing More Rarities, Rectifying More Er- | Rors in Vulgar Writers, Touching Our Parliaments, Than Any Former Trea- | Tises of this Subject

Book Description

The Second Part of a Brief Register and Survey of the Several Kinds and Forms of Parliamentary Vvrits. Comprising the Several Varieties and Forms of Writs for Electing Knights, Citizens and Burgesses for Parliament and Great Councils, Issued to Sheriffs of Counties Only, with the Antientest Returns of These Writs by Sheriffs Yet Extant on Record (from 49 H.3. Til 22.E.4.) Amongst the Records in the Tower: Intermixed with Other Rare Writs, Pertinent to this Subject; and Some Writs of Prorogation and Re-sommons ... After Most of These Writs Recitals, for the Readers Information ...

Book Description