The French Imperial Guard 1800-1815. Volume 1

Book Description

'The Guard Gives!' The Imperial Guard, this glorious phalanx, the fruit of all the attention of the Emperor Napoleon I, forms a small army in the Grande Arm�e. This study of its organization, like that of its uniforms and its equipment, is here completed to the finest degree. Volume 1 covers the uniforms, the equipment, and the armament of The Old Guard, who were launched into the battle at the decisive moment. Explaining the concepts of the organization of Old, Middle and Young Guards, illustrator and researcher Andr� Jouineau presents the general colonels, grenadiers, chasseurs, fusiliers, velites, flankers, pupils, veterans, workers, engineers, doctors, Podestats and other gunners. This practical, small, precise, clear, logical and visual tool, a true vade mecum for amateurs of imperial history, is intended for enthusiasts of imperial history and figures. This book is the new version that has been completely redesigned, revised, amended and widely expanded - it contains nearly 50% new characters from the book published several years ago. On 176 pages, nearly a thousand drawings develop the purpose of these two specialists of the period. Volume 2 goes on to explore the centaurs of the Cavalry of the Guard.

The French Imperial Guard 1800-1815. Volume 2

Book Description

'The Guard Gives!' The Imperial Guard, this glorious phalanx, the fruit of all the attention of the Emperor Napoleon I, forms a small army in the Grande Arm�e. This study of its organization, like that of its uniforms and its equipment, is here completed to the finest degree. Volume 2 explores the centaurs of the Cavalry of the Guard. This practical, small, precise, clear, logical and visual tool, a true vade mecum for amateurs of imperial history, is intended for enthusiasts of imperial history and figures. This book is the new version that has been completely redesigned, revised, amended and widely expanded - it contains nearly 50% new characters from the book published several years ago. On 176 pages, nearly a thousand drawings develop the purpose of these two specialists of the period. In Volume 2 Andr� Jouineau and Jean-Marie Mongin present the general colonels, horse hunters, Mamelukes, dragons, grenadiers on horseback, lancers, tartars, guides, artillery train, and other artillerymen on horseback. In 176 pages there are nearly 1,000 drawings illustrating the centaurs of the Guard.

Officers and Soldiers of the French Imperial Guard, 1804-1815: The Cavalry, pt. 1

Book Description

This series takes a parallel approach to show both regulation and non-regulation uniforms worn by the officers and soldiers of the armies throughout History, from the Ancient World to the present day. In this second volume, more than 300 colour silhouettes plus orbats and diagrams illustrate the first cavalry troops created by the Emperor inside its elite phalanx: the horse grenadiers, chasseurs, mameluks and dragoons

Officers and Soldiers of the French Imperial Guard

Book Description

The fifth and final volume of this rich saga of the French Imperial Guard, André Jouineau presents the last troops in the Garde: the Horse Artillery, the Health Service, the crew trains, the artillery and artillery trains. A chapter about the headquarters staff closes the story of these glorious units. André Jouineau has been contributing to Histoire & Collections for more than 16 years. His uniforms plates, which are fully designed using data processing, have made him a pioneer in this field. In the "Officers and Soldiers Series" (OAS) he is also co-author of American Civil War (vols. 1 and 2), The Imperial Guard (vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4), and French Hussars (vol. 1, 2 and 3).

Once There Were Titans

Book Description

This is a masterly study of generalship in Napoleons Grande Arme. Napoleon arguably had the greatest collection of military talent to ever serve one man working for him during the period 1800-15. The role of the Marshals of the Empire has been covered many times, and due credit is also given to them here; however, for the first time Kevin Kiley also examines in depth the contribution of the generals who never made that rank. Fifty-two general officers - some well known and some not - are examined using the battles they fought to illustrate just how valuable they were. From Marengo in 1800 to Ligny in 1815, both French victories and defeats are studied in meticulous detail, each chapter covering a battle fought and the generals who commanded them. Diverse source material has been consulted in the preparation of this volume, including after-action reports, memoirs and correspondence from officers including Senarmont, Eble, Drouot, Teste, Marmont, and Davout, as well as from lesser-known characters such as the artillerymen Boulart and Nol, and the Polish cavalryman Niegelewski, who led the final dash up the pass of Somosierra. Furthermore, those closest to Napoleon such as Fain and Marchand give their piece and provide invaluable information. Taken individually, this material paints a vivid picture of the Grande Arme and those who led it into fire. Taken as a whole, it provides an invaluable source and tells the remarkable story of the officers without whom Napoleon could never have achieved as much.

Officers and Soldiers of the French Imperial Guard, 1804-1815: The Cavalry pt. 2

Book Description

The third volume in this successful series detailing the elite phalanx of Emperor Napoléon, puts an end to the study of the Guard cavalry. The troops depicted in Vol. 3 are the Mamelucks in their oriental dress, the famous Polish lancers, the red lancers (Dutch) and the guards of honor. (A fourth and last volume will subsequently describe the other mounted troops of the Imperial Guard: horse artillery, supply train and gendarmerie).

The French Imperial Guard, 1804-1815 - Cavalry and Horse Artillery

Book Description

This volume covers the last horse troops of the French Imperial Guard: gendarmes, honor guards and horse artillery, not forgetting the Lithuanian tartars, last proof of Napoleon's will to make out of his Guard a model of a Greater Europe.

Battle for Paris 1815

Book Description

“For anyone seeking a full understanding of the end of the Napoleonic era this book is a must read . . . [a] tour de force of research.” —Clash of Steel On the morning of 3 July 1815, the French General Rémi Joseph Isidore Exelmans, at the head of a brigade of dragoons, fired the last shots in the defense of Paris until the Franco-Prussian War sixty-five years later. Why did he do so? Traditional stories of 1815 end with Waterloo, that fateful day of 18 June, when Napoleon Bonaparte fought and lost his last battle, abdicating his throne on 22 June. But Waterloo was not the end; it was the beginning of a new and untold story. Seldom studied in French histories and virtually ignored by English writers, the French Army fought on after Waterloo. Many commanders sought to reverse that defeat—at Versailles, Sevres, Rocquencourt, and La Souffel, the last great battle and the last French victory of the Napoleonic Wars. Marshal Grouchy, much maligned, fought his army back to Paris by 29 June, with the Prussians hard on his heels. On 1 July, Vandamme, Exelmans and Marshal Davout began the defense of Paris. Davout took to the field in the north-eastern suburbs of Paris along with regiments of the Imperial Guard and battalions of National Guards. For the first time ever, using the wealth of material held in the French Army archives in Paris, along with eyewitness testimonies from those who were there, Paul Dawson brings alive the bitter and desperate fighting in defense of the French capital. The 100 Days Campaign did not end at Waterloo, it ended under the walls of Paris fifteen days later.

Napoleon's Imperial Guard

Book Description

A detailed analysis of the organization, uniforms and weapons of the French Imperial Guard created by Napoleon I. The author describes how this large military body evolved from the Consular Guard created by Bonaparte as early as 1799 and how this came to include dozens of different military units belonging to each branch of service (infantry, cavalry, artillery, specialist corps). The Imperial Guard was a 'miniature army' made up of veteran soldiers, who were dressed with the most spectacular and elegant uniforms ever seen on the battlefields of Europe. The Guard also included several 'exotic' non-French units that are also covered in the text: Egyptian Mamelukes, Polish and Lithuanian lancers, Tatar scouts, Dutch grenadiers and lancers. The way in which Napoleon employed the Guard in battle is discussed and also how it differed from the rest of the French Army in terms of military dress and weaponry.