The Frontiers of Baluchistan

Book Description

George Passman Tate was an assistant superintendent employed by the Survey of India who headed the surveys undertaken by two missions that determined large parts of the borders of Afghanistan, the Baluch-Afghan Boundary Commission of 1895-96 and the Seistan Arbitration Mission of 1903-5. The first of these surveys was carried out to delimit the so-called Durand Line, the border between Afghanistan and British India (present-day Pakistan) that was negotiated during the 1893 mission to Kabul by Sir Mortimer Durand of the Indian government and codified in an agreement signed by Durand and the ruler of Afghanistan, Amir 'Abd al-Rahman Khan. The second survey was to Seistan, or Sistan, a region that straddles eastern Iran and southern Afghanistan (and parts of Pakistan). It was undertaken after the governments in Kabul and Tehran asked Great Britain to arbitrate the border between the two countries in this region. The book contains an introduction by Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, the British commissioner on both missions. Most of the book is taken up by Tate's account of the Seistan Mission. He describes the journey overland from Quetta (in present-day Pakistan) to eastern Iran and the region of the marshy Hamun-i Helmand (present-day Daryacheh-ye Hamun) fed by the Helmand River. Tate offers vivid descriptions of the harsh and forbidding climate, the famous "Wind of 120 Days," and the people, economy, and social conditions of the region. The final chapter is devoted to the Helmand River. The book includes illustrations and two fold-out maps, one showing the route of Tate's travels, and another the region of the Daryacheh-ye Hamun. Tate describes the work of the surveying parties, but he offers little insight into the politics surrounding the determination of the borders, a topic which, as Sir Henry McMahon phrased it in his introduction, he "felt himself debarred from touching." Tate filed a number of official reports in which these topics were discussed.

The Helmand Baluch

Book Description

In the 1970s, in his capacity as government representative from the Afghan Institute of Archaeology, Ghulam Rahman Amiri accompanied a joint Afghan-US archaeological mission to the Sistan region of southwest Afghanistan. The results of his work were published in Farsi as a descriptive ethnographic monograph. The Helmand Baluch is the first English translation of Amiri’s extraordinary encounters. This rich ethnography describes the cultural, political, and economic systems of the Baluch people living in the lower Helmand River Valley of Afghanistan. It is an area that has received little study since the early 20th Century, yet is a region with a remarkable history in one of the most volatile territories in the world.

Sir Robert G. Sandeman

Book Description

Frontier and Overseas Expedition

Book Description

Baluchistan today lies in Pakistan with Afghanistan to the north, Iran to the west, India the east and the Arabian Sea on the south. The two main cities are Quetta up on the Afghan frontier, and Karachi the port on the Arabian sea. This volume, however, begins with an introduction to the Baluchistan of some three hundred years ago, describing its geography, its peoples (tribes) and early history including the acquisition by the British of a territory considerably larger than the British Isles. The narrative then takes us through the history of the country and it s relations with the British, mainly actions by hostile tribes and our reacting to them by sending punitive expeditions to deal with them. An example of one of these was the Zhob Valley Expedition of 1884 on which we sent a mixed force of artillery, cavalry and infantry amounting to some 5,000 men. The second half of the book is taken up with an account of the First Afghan War which ran from 1838 to 1842, largely, if not entirely the fault of the Governor General (the title later was changed to Viceroy) Lord Auckland who decided to replace the ruler of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammed with a puppet king. Shah Shuja, which led to a large scale British invasion of the country. The British met with disaster in which some 4000 soldiers and 12,000 followers perished, only one man escaping, Dr Brydon. There is a well-known painting by Lady Butler of Brydon arriving at the garrison of Jalalabad, an exhausted survivor.