The Fund's Facilities and Financing Framework for Low-Income Countries

Book Description

This paper assesses the adequacy of the Fund’s facilities and financing framework for low-income countries (LICs) and proposes reform options. It is part of a broader review of all Fund financial instruments and is timely given the pressure the current global financial crisis is putting on LICs. It builds on previous efforts to adapt the Fund’s toolkit to the evolving needs of its LIC members, including creation of the Policy Support Instrument (PSI) and the recent modification of the Exogenous Shocks Facility (ESF). This paper provides the basis for the first stage of the LIC-specific review, with a focus on: (i) gaps and overlaps in the facility architecture for LICs, (ii) design issues such as access, financing terms, and conditionality, and (iii) the concessional resource envelope and funding structure. Based on feedback from Executive Directors and further external consultation, more detailed reform proposals will be prepared in the second stage of the review. The Fund’s Facilities and Financing Framework for Low-Income Countries—Supplementary Information March 13, 2009

The Fund's Facilities and Financing Framework for Low-Income Countries

Book Description

This paper assesses the adequacy of the Fund's facilities and financing framework for low-income countries (LICs) and proposes reform options. It is part of a broader review of all Fund financial instruments and is timely given the pressure the current global financial crisis is putting on LICs. It builds on previous efforts to adapt the Fund's toolkit to the evolving needs of its LIC members, including creation of the Policy Support Instrument (PSI) and the recent modification of the Exogenous Shocks Facility (ESF). This paper provides the basis for the first stage of the LIC-specific review, with a focus on: (i) gaps and overlaps in the facility architecture for LICs, (ii) design issues such as access, financing terms, and conditionality, and (iii) the concessional resource envelope and funding structure. Based on feedback from Executive Directors and further external consultation, more detailed reform proposals will be prepared in the second stage of the review. The Fund's Facilities and Financing Framework for Low-Income Countries-Supplementary Information March 13, 2009.

Review of Facilities for Low-Income Countries

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The 2009 reforms have broadly achieved their objective of closing gaps and creating a streamlined architecture of facilities that is better tailored to the diverse needs of LICs. Supported by the financing package to boost the PRGT’s lending capacity for 2009–14 and the accompanying doubling of access, the Fund was able to mount an effective response to LICs’ needs during the global financial crisis.

A New Architecture of Facilities for Low-Income Countries

Book Description

This paper proposes a new facilities architecture for Low-Income Countries. It is based on "Option 2" set out in the framework paper discussed by the Executive Board on March 20, 2009. The new architecture provides a unified facilities framework for LICs under a new Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT). The facilities are distinguished primarily by the duration of the financing and adjustment needs and the conditionality standard.

Review of Facilities for Low-Income Countries - Supplement 1

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This supplement aims to assess the economic impact of the Fund’s support through its facilities for low-income countries (LICs). It relies on two complementary econometric analyses: the first investigates the longer-term impact of Fund engagement—primarily through successive medium-term programs under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and its predecessors (and more recently the Policy Support Instrument (PSI))—on economic growth and a range of other indicators and socio-economic outcomes; the second focuses on the role of IMF shock-related financing—through augmentations of ECF arrangements and short-term and emergency financing instruments—on short-term macroeconomic performance. The empirical results shed some light on two channels through which different Fund facilities may have helped LICs respond to the global financial crisis—(i) by supporting a gradual buildup of macroeconomic buffers in the decades prior to the crisis and (ii) by providing liquidity support at the height of the crisis. The combination of strong pre-crisis buffers and crisis financing allowed LICs to pursue counter-cyclical policy responses that preserved spending and facilitated a rapid recovery.

2017 Handbook of IMF Facilities for Low-Income Countries

Book Description

This Handbook provides guidance to staff on the financial facilities and non-financial instruments for low-income countries (LICs), defined here as all countries eligible to obtain concessional financing from the Fund. It updates the previous version of the Handbook that was published in February 2016 (IMF, 2016d) by incorporating modifications resulting from Board papers and related decisions since that time, including Financing for Development—Enhancing the Financial Safety Net for Developing Countries—Further Considerations (IMF, 2016c), Review of Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust – Review of Interest Rate Structure (IMF, 2016b), Eligibility to Use the Fund’s Facilities for Concessional Financing (IMF, 2017a), Large Natural Disasters—Enhancing the Financial Safety Net for Developing Countries (IMF, 2017b) and Adequacy of the Global Financial Safety Net – Proposal for a New Policy Coordination Instrument (IMF, 2017c). Designed as a comprehensive reference tool for program work on LICs, the Handbook also refers, in summary form, to a range of relevant policies that apply more generally to IMF members. As with all guidance notes, the relevant IMF Executive Board decisions, including the terms of the various LIC Trust Instruments that have been adopted by the Board, remain the sole legal authority on the matters covered in the Handbook

2018 Review of Facilities for Low-Income Countries

Book Description

The Fund is facing strong demand for financing from low-income countries (LICs). Commodity price shocks and loose fiscal policies have contributed to rising debt levels and financing needs in many countries. Several developing states, especially smaller ones, are also increasingly vulnerable to large natural disasters. At the same time, many LICs less dependent on commodity exports have enjoyed robust growth in recent years, with more contained vulnerabilities.

Update on the Financing of the Fund's Concessional Assistance and Debt Relief to Low-Income Countries

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"The Fund is adapting its framework for providing support to low-income countries (LICs) amid rising vulnerabilities. Despite a global economic upswing, many LICs continue to face difficult fiscal and external positions, aggravated by increasing debt levels and natural disasters in many countries. In this context, the Executive Board approved in May 2017 higher annual access limits under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) for balance of payment needs arising from large natural disasters and in May 2017 decided to keep the list of Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT)-eligible countries unchanged notwithstanding rising per capita income levels. A comprehensive review of PRGT facilities is underway to consider potential adaptations of program modalities and access policies. PRGT demand in 2017 was above the historical average for the third year in a row. New commitments totaled SDR 1.7 billion, the highest level since the global financial crisis. Demand is expected to moderate somewhat in 2018. Longer-term demand estimates are broadly unchanged from last year’s update, and remain generally consistent with the self-sustaining PRGT financing framework adopted in 2012. Loan resources have been successfully replenished, while subsidy contributions remain somewhat below pledged amounts. The 2015 fundraising round mobilized slightly more than the initial target of SDR 11 billion in new loan resources from 15 PRGT lenders, which should provide adequate loan resources into the next decade. By contrast, progress has been limited in collecting the remaining pledged resources for subsidizing the interest on PRGT credit. The PRGT self-sustained capacity remains intact. The PRGT’s self-sustained long term average annual lending capacity is estimated at SDR 1.31 billion, broadly unchanged from last year’ estimate. While capacity estimates are sensitive to a variety of factors, they remain relatively close to the target of SDR 11⁄4 billion under a number of shocks. The Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCR Trust) remains underfunded. Funding is below the original targeted amount of new bilateral contributions totaling US$150 million, and the gap is more sizeable when considering the increase of members’ quotas under the 14th General Review of Quotas. To meet funding needs for future qualifying catastrophe relief, it is important that countries with outstanding pledges fulfill their commitments and for additional countries to come forward. Additional financing would be required to provide debt relief to members with protracted arrears. Debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Counties (HIPC) Initiative is winding up, with only two potentially eligible countries left with outstanding Fund credit. These are the protracted arrears cases of Somalia and Sudan. Additional resources would be required to finance the Fund’s participation in debt relief when these countries are ready to undertake the HIPC Initiative process"

A New Architecture of Facilities for Low-Income Countries

Book Description

This paper proposes a new facilities architecture for Low-Income Countries. It is based on "Option 2" set out in the framework paper discussed by the Executive Board on March 20, 2009. The new architecture provides a unified facilities framework for LICs under a new Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT). The facilities are distinguished primarily by the duration of the financing and adjustment needs and the conditionality standard.

Green Infrastructure Finance

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The report estimated that ...