The Fundamental Physical Constants and the Frontier of Measurement,

Book Description

Fundamental physical constants are used throughout the world by scientists and technologists in the course of every kind of theoretical and experimental research work. The book examines the present state of the measurement arts, and gives indications of likely future developments. This comprehensive and stimulating volume will certainly become a standard reference work in the field of measurement science for physicists, metrologists and workers in other physical science disciplines where a high accuracy of measurement is required.

Metrology at the Frontiers of Physics and Technology

Book Description

The spectroscopy of trapped ions or laser-cooled atoms offers the prospect of visible frequency standards to match or even exceed the accuracy of the caesium standard. The development of satellite methods for time comparisons has improved by more than an order of magnitude the accuracy with which national laboratories can routinely compare their clocks. Mechanical metrology has not been left behind. Driven by the need to improve manufacturing technology, major advances have taken place in computer control machining and mechanical measuring systems. These, and many other fascinating developments in the field of metrology are presented in this book.

Measurement Science for Engineers

Book Description

This volume, from an international authority on the subject, deals with the physical and instrumentation aspects of measurement science, the availability of major measurement tools, and how to use them. This book not only lays out basic concepts of electronic measurement systems, but also provides numerous examples and exercises for the student.·Ideal for courses on instrumentation, control engineering and physics ·Numerous worked examples and student exercises

Modern Measurements

Book Description

This book is a collection of chapters linked together by a logical framework aimed at exploring the modern role of the measurement science in both the technically most advanced applications and in everyday life Provides a unique methodological approach to understanding modern measurements Important methods and devices are presented in a synthetic and easy-to-understand way Includes end-of-chapter exercises and solutions


Book Description

Physical Methods, Instruments and Measurements theme is a component of the Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources which is part of the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), an integrated compendium of twenty Encyclopedias. The Theme provides a complete survey of the present status of our knowledge of modern physical instruments and measurements. It is organized in the following main topics: Measurements and Measurement Standards; Sources of Particles and Radiation, Detectors and Sensors; Imaging and Characterizing – Trace Element Analysis; Technology of Physical Experiments; Applications of Measurements and Instrumentation which are then expanded into multiple subtopics, each as a chapter. These four volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College Students, Educators, Professional Practitioners, Research Personnel and Policy Analysts, Managers, and Decision Makers and NGOs

Handbook of Metrology

Book Description

Metrology is the study of measurement. It includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement and may be divided into three subfields: Scientific or fundamental metrology concerns the establishment of measurement units, unit systems, development of new measurement methods, realization of measurement standards and the transfer of traceability from these standards to users in society. This handbook contains articles dealing with general topics of measurement and articles on particular subjects in mechanics and acoustics, electricity, optics, temperature, time and frequency, chemistry, medicine and particles. The contributions of the first part are sumamrized as follows. Introduction Units Fundamental Constants Fundamentals of Materials Measurement and Testing Measurement of Mass Desnity Measurement and Instrumentation of Flow Ultrasonics Measurement of Basic Electromagnetic Quantities Quantum Electrical Standards Metrology of Time and Frequency Temperature Measurement Metrology in Medicine

Recent Advances in Metrology and Fundamental Constants

Book Description

The exchange between physics and metrology is always fascinating and exciting. Many are the open problems in physics that call for extremely precise standards, many are the advances in metrology made possible by a deep and assiduous study of the underlying physics. One has just to think of the enormous sophistication required in the measurements of some absolute quantities such as the Avogadro, the gas, or the gravitational constants. It is also worth noticing that not only the units of a metrological system are interrelated through the fundamental constants, but also the latter find their full significance when they are determined through the most exacting metrological experiments. Over the past decade many improvements took place and these are discussed in this book; from one side the old caesium SI second definition has found a new realisation, with the “fountain” approach, replacing the classical thermal atomic beam. The use of “cold” atom techniques, in which bunches of inert atoms are collected, slowed down, and cooled, has opened a number of new and unexpected avenues for metrology and fundamental constants; one of these possibilities being the atom interferometry. Another important “quantum jump” was the demonstration of the possibility of performing a direct frequency division in the visible, using ultra short femtosecond pulses. In addition, the possibility of “counting” electrons or photons gave a fundamental support to the development of single-electron capacitance standards and to new scenarios in the absolute calibration of photo-detectors.

Twentieth Century Physics

Book Description

Twentieth Century Physics, Second Edition is a major historical study of the scientific and cultural development of physics in the twentieth century. This unique three-volume work offers a scholarly but highly readable overview of the development of physics, addressing both the cultural and the scientific aspects of the discipline. The three volumes deal with the major themes of physics in a quasi-chronological manner. The first volume covers the early part of the century while the second and third volumes discuss more recent issues. In each case, the development of the theme is traced from its inception to the present day. The list of contributors includes Nobel laureates, fellows of the Royal Society, and other distinguished international physicists. Where appropriate, specialists in the history of physics have written their own commentaries, providing a valuable counterpoint to the physicists' perspectives.

Frequency Standards and Metrology

Book Description

Since the previous Symposium, several exciting new developments and advances have occurred in the field of frequency standards and metrology. These include the first results on the long-tenn stability of a millisecond Pulsar, for which data 14 integrated over several years now show a stability of around 10- . Improvements in the understanding of various biases in Cesium beam standards promise accuracies in the low 14s for primary standards and in the low 13s for short commercial tubes, for which long tenn stabilities in low 14s have already been shown to be obtainable by accuracy improvement. Beams using optical pumping for state selection and for detection have been operated with excellent results, and more are being realized. Other new frequency standards which have appeared include a macroscopic rf trap with Mercury ions, which perfonns in the low 15s in one day, the sub millimeter metastable Magnesium beam, which has shown a short tenn stability 19 in the low 12s in one second and promises an accuracy of 10- , and the cold Hydrogen masers, which have such high stabilities that they cannot be measured with existing local oscillators. Prospects for future developments include laser manipulation of neutrals and spectroscopy of single ions at rest in a trap. Both these groups of techniques have great potential for unprecedented accuracy and short-and long-tenn stability, and new superior frequency standards are expected to be realizable in this way in the not too distant future.