The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context (IAU S254)

Book Description

The paradigm of a dark energy- and dark matter-dominated Universe, with the hierarchical merger scenario for the formation of galaxies, has scored impressive successes in matching the observed Universe. However, the theory fails to explain the difficulty in generating ordinary disk galaxies such as the Milky Way, suggesting that some important physics must be missing in current models. IAU Symposium 254 was organized to address this question, gathering researchers from an unusually broad range of fields, from cosmology to interstellar matter, and the formation and evolution of stars. High-class reviews, lectures and posters combine to define the frontiers in the field and point the way to new avenues of research. This volume presents a unique set of succinct overviews illuminating the full range of topics in this very active field. It also honors Danish astrophysicist Bengt Strömgren (1908-1987), who laid much of the foundation for this entire field.

Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh General Assembly Rio de Janeiro 2009

Book Description

A complete record of the formal organisational and administrative proceedings of the XXVII General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union.

Information Bulletin

Book Description

Introduction to Planetary Science

Book Description

This textbook details basic principles of planetary science that help to unify the study of the solar system. It is organized in a hierarchical manner so that every chapter builds upon preceding ones. Starting with historical perspectives on space exploration and the development of the scientific method, the book leads the reader through the solar system. Coverage explains that the origin and subsequent evolution of planets and their satellites can be explained by applications of certain basic principles of physics, chemistry, and celestial mechanics and that surface features of the solid bodies can be interpreted by principles of geology.

The History of Modern Astronomy in Japan

Book Description

This book considers the history of modern astronomy and astrophysics in Japan by comparing with the development of astrophysics in western countries. Astrophysics essentially arose in three separate fields: astronomical spectroscopy, stellar structure, and survey of celestial objects. This book introduces readers to the state of astronomy back to the Tokugawa era (18th – 19th centuries), when the chief task of astronomers was limited to the calendar making. With the so-called Meiji revolution (1868), the situation drastically changed. The Meiji Government promoted the modernization of Japan by hiring numbers of foreign instructors in political, social, and cultural affairs, including Construction of Observatory and University. Then the foreign studies of Japanese researchers lasted for many years. After the Second World War, Japan experienced great social and economical growth allowing the constructions of large optical, radio, and space instruments. With this background astrophysics progressed and eventually flourished. The book ends by highlighting Japanese contributions to international collaboration up to the early 21st century. Readers of this book will understand how astrophysics has grown into one of the major sciences in Japan, and how the works of individual astronomers are contributing to the global advancement of knowledge of the universe.

Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

The term “chemical evolution of galaxies” refers to the evolution of abundances of chemical species in galaxies, which is due to nuclear processes occurring in stars and to gas flows into and out of galaxies. This book deals with the chemical evolution of galaxies of all morphological types (ellipticals, spirals and irregulars) and stresses the importance of the star formation histories in determining the properties of stellar populations in different galaxies. The topic is approached in a didactical and logical manner via galaxy evolution models which are compared with observational results obtained in the last two decades: The reader is given an introduction to the concept of chemical abundances and learns about the main stellar populations in our Galaxy as well as about the classification of galaxy types and their main observables. In the core of the book, the construction and solution of chemical evolution models are discussed in detail, followed by descriptions and interpretations of observations of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way, spheroidal galaxies, irregular galaxies and of cosmic chemical evolution. The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to students as well as to amend our present ideas in research; the book also summarizes the efforts made by authors in the past several years in order to further future research in the field.

History of the IAU

Book Description

This History has its origin in a suggestion, made in September 1990 by former IAU General Secretary Derek McNally, who felt "that a 75 year history of the Union was needed before the col lective memory of those who knew the Union before the Second World War vanished. It would then be a preparatory volume to a centennial history in 2019. " Indeed, of those who knew the Union that long ago, few are still with us. Six years ago, at Baltimore on August 2, 1988, listening and reminiscing at the Inaugural Ceremonies of the Union's 20th General Assembly, I realized that it was almost exactly half a century ago that, at the age of 24, I attended the Inaugurations at my "first" Assembly: on August 3, 1938 in Stockholm. Now, in 1994, this is almost 56 years ago, three quarters of the Union's age. Only vague recollections - no better than that -lead me back to this event, just before World War II. And so, this is not a history based on recollection, far from it. Recollection was helpful in that it allowed me, better perhaps than a younger author, to appreciate circumstances under which the letters and reports which form the basis for this History were written. The account is largely based on archival documents, collected from a wide variety of sources.

Geometric and Ergodic Aspects of Group Actions

Book Description

This book gathers papers on recent advances in the ergodic theory of group actions on homogeneous spaces and on geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds presented at the workshop “Geometric and Ergodic Aspects of Group Actions,” organized by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, in 2018. Written by eminent scientists, and providing clear, detailed accounts of various topics at the interface of ergodic theory, the theory of homogeneous dynamics, and the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and advanced graduate students in mathematics.