The Genera of Araceae

Book Description

Every genus is described and illustrated with one or more plates of line drawings by the botanical artist Eleanor Catherine, and distribution maps. Topics covered include their economic value, phylogenetic relationships, fossil history, cultivation, anatomy (by J.C. French) and chemistry (by R. Hegnauer).

The Genera of Araceae

Book Description

... The first complete taxonomic treatment in English of the Araceae, a large plant family of 105 genera and over 3,300 species.

The Araceae of Peninsular Malaysia (Penerbit USM)

Book Description

A review of the Araceae of Peninsular Malaysia, including its off-shore islands, is presented as a precursor to revising the family for the Flora of Peninsular Malaysia project. The aroid flora of Peninsular Malaysia comprises 28 genera and ca 140 indigenous (of which17 provisionally accepted) with 25 species (ca 17%) endemic. Peninsular Malaysia has no endemic aroid genera. As compared to Thailand with 29 genera, ca 200 species of which 62 species (ca 30%) are endemic, and Borneo where 38 genera (of which are 10 endemic), and currently 670 indigenous species of which more than 40% are undescribed and about 95% are endemic. An historical review of Araceae research in Peninsular Malaysia, and keys to higher taxa are provided. Most genera are illustrated. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia

World Checklist and Bibliography of Araceae (and Acoraceae)

Book Description

In all, Araceae contains 106 genera and 2,823 species, with a range that extends through the wet and dry tropics and north and south into temperate lands. While many genera - Anthurium, Caladium, Dieffenbachia, Monstera and Philodendron - are well documented, this extensively illustrated book represents the first full account of the entire family to appear for nearly 100 years.

Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons

Book Description

When Rolf Dahlgren and I embarked on preparing this book series, Rolf took prime responsibility for monocotyledons, which had interested him for a long time. After finishing his comparative study and family classification of the monocots, he devoted much energy to the acquisition and editing of family treatments for the present series. After his untimely death, Peter Goldblatt, who had worked with him, continued to handle further incoming monocot manuscripts until, in the early 1990s, his other obligations no longer allowed him to continue. At that time, some 30 manuscripts in various states of perfection had accumulated, which seemed to form a solid basis for a speedy completion of the FGVP monocots; with the exception of the grasses and orchids which would appear in separate volumes. I felt a strong obligation to do everything to help in publishing the manuscripts that had been put into our hands. I finally decided to take charge of them personally, although during my life as a botainst I had never seriously been interested in monocots.

Early Events in Monocot Evolution

Book Description

Tracing the evolution of one of the most ancient major branches of flowering plants, this is a wide-ranging survey of state-of-the-art research on the early clades of the monocot phylogenetic tree. It explores a series of broad but linked themes, providing for the first time a detailed and coherent view of the taxa of the early monocot lineages, how they diversified and their importance in monocots as a whole. Featuring contributions from leaders in the field, the chapters trace the evolution of the monocots from largely aquatic ancestors. Topics covered include the rapidly advancing field of monocot fossils, aquatic adaptations in pollen and anther structure and pollination strategies and floral developmental morphology. The book also presents a new plastid sequence analysis of early monocots and a review of monocot phylogeny as a whole, placing in an evolutionary context a plant group of major ecological, economic and horticultural importance.

The Genus Arisaema

Book Description

Biological Control of Tropical Weeds Using Arthropods

Book Description

This book discusses the biological control of weeds using arthropods, providing ecological management models for use across the tropical world.