The Genesis Flood

Book Description

Over fifty years ago Henry Morris and John Whitcomb joined together to write a controversial book that sparked dialogue and debate on Darwin and Jesus, science and the Bible, evolution and creation -- culminating in what would later be called the birth of the modern creation science movement. Now, fifty years, forty-nine printings, and 300,000 copies after the initial publication of The Genesis Flood, P & R Publishing has produced a fiftieth anniversary edition of this modern classic. - Back cover.

Grappling with the Chronology of the Genesis Flood

Book Description

Understand this highly debated flash point for scientific debate, academic criticism, and common confusion with this unique presentation. Delve into the technical aspects of the chronology, historicity, and significance of understanding this landmark event, including what we can learn from the Hebrew words used to describe it. Examine the numerous geological, geophysical, and paleontological indications pointing to the reality and global scope of the Flood. Learn how and why the authors' exhaustive research began, putting forth objectives, criticisms they would address, and identifying obstacles to be resolved. The Flood as described in the Book of Genesis not only shaped the global landscape, it is an event that literally forms our understanding of early biblical history. Now an experienced team of scientists and theologians has written a definitive account of the Genesis Flood with detailed research into the original biblical text and evidences unlocked by modern science and study. Often recounted and discounted as just a myth or children's story, what we find with deeper study is instead a cataclysmic event, one that truly wiped out life on our planet with the exception of those preserved through God's plan. The devastation the Genesis Flood wreaked upon a rebellious world remains an important part of the biblical narrative we should understand for what it was - a divine act of judgment on a sin-immersed world.

Noah's Flood

Book Description

Basing their research on geophysics, oral legends, and archaeology, the authors offer evidence that the flood in the book of Genesis actually occurred.

Noah's Flood

Book Description

An exploration of the origins, development, and varying interpretations of the ancient story of Noah's flood, and an assessment of its impact on the history of ideas. It includes accounts of the scholars and theologians who have endorsed or rejected the flood story.

Science and the Bible

Book Description

Study scientific data and biblical truths in five chapters: Science in the Bible, The Theory of Evolution, Science and the Flood, The Bible and Ancient History, and Fulfilled Prophecy.

The Genesis Flood

Book Description

The Rocks Don't Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah's Flood

Book Description

How the mystery of the Bible's greatest story shaped geology: a MacArthur Fellow presents a surprising perspective on Noah's Flood. In Tibet, geologist David R. Montgomery heard a local story about a great flood that bore a striking similarity to Noah’s Flood. Intrigued, Montgomery began investigating the world’s flood stories and—drawing from historic works by theologians, natural philosophers, and scientists—discovered the counterintuitive role Noah’s Flood played in the development of both geology and creationism. Steno, the grandfather of geology, even invoked the Flood in laying geology’s founding principles based on his observations of northern Italian landscapes. Centuries later, the founders of modern creationism based their irrational view of a global flood on a perceptive critique of geology. With an explorer’s eye and a refreshing approach to both faith and science, Montgomery takes readers on a journey across landscapes and cultures. In the process we discover the illusive nature of truth, whether viewed through the lens of science or religion, and how it changed through history and continues changing, even today.

The Lost World of the Flood

Book Description

The Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for centuries. But what might the biblical author have been saying to his ancient audience? In order to rediscover the biblical flood, we must set aside our own cultural and interpretive assumptions and visit the distant world of the ancient Near East. Walton and Longman lead us on this enlightening journey toward a more responsible reading of a timeless biblical narrative.

Earth's Catastrophic Past Vol 1 & 2 Set

Book Description

Major revision of: The Genesis flood (1961), by J.C. Whitcomb and H.M. Morris.

A Flood of Evidence

Book Description

There are hosts of books and resources on the Flood and Noah’s ark in the creation movement. But there has been a glaring problem in this area for 50 years. There isn’t one basic laymen book on the Flood and ark to give answers to those questions asked all the time. Most books are too shallow, too specific, or too technical for the average Christian to read or get much from. Most people in pews could use a book like this to give them the basic answers they need about the Flood and the ark, then they will be prepared to go into further technical books or specific books from there. Answers the top questions Answers in Genesis receives about the FloodAddresses issues in a way that should be easy to read and yet still gives the reader some meat to chew on.The perfect “starter” book for those interested in learning more or for believers wanting share the truth with non-believers Most people in the pews could use a book like this to give them the basic answers they need about the Flood and Noah’s Ark. After reading it, they will be prepared to go into further technical or specific books from there.