The Genesis Gap Revisited

Book Description

This book was written to emphasize the uncanny ability of Gods Word, the Bible, to answer the difficult question and highlight the deep truth of creation and the creative process. It shows that there is abundant reason to trust, without reservation, the whole Word of God. In these End Times and days of false teaching, the Genesis Gap: Revisited intends to refresh and reignite your faith. It will also equip you to encourage the credible and meet the confused, the critic, and the credulous at the gates.

The Genesis Gap of Creationism Revisited

Book Description

There is an area of theology that many Christian Bible teaching Ministries seemingly refuse to address to any reasonable length, regarding "Young Earth Creationism" versus "Old Earth Creationism" and that is a teaching called "The Genesis Gap" (sometimes also called "The Gap Theory of Creation" and "The Ruin-Reconstruction Theory"). Some specific areas of the teaching that I reference in this book, are not often being addressed in the detail they should be by most ministries that teach Bible creationism, in regard to the role of "fallen angels." This is an extremely important area of theology, as it relates both directly and indirectly to the biblical creation events, to include the original creation of things and judgments that fell from God the creator, upon some of his creations that became perverted due to purposeful rebellion from his will. This would also include information regarding Satan himself as it relates to a past dispensation that he and other angels were involved-in, that resulted in their fall from a holy heavenly realm, following their own rebellion against the authority of God their creator. While these subjects may not at first glance, appear to be key elements in regard to the Ruin-Reconstruction Bible teaching, they are in fact very key to it. It is my hope to demonstrate their importance in regard to this essential doctrine of Old Earth Creationism. (NOTE: While I have other titles available on this subject, this one contains additional perspectives and views and is not a repeat of my previous works. This book is approximately 6,193 words in length.) CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE: Why am I Writing This -- My Third Book on the Genesis Gap? CHAPTER TWO: Angels in Heaven Who Rebelled Against Their Creator CHAPTER THREE: Depriving Our Youth of Sound "Old Earth" Creationism Teaching CHAPTER FOUR: Straddling the Fence between Creationism and the Theory of Evolution CHAPTER FIVE: Bypassing the Spiritual and Intellectualizing Creationism CHAPTER SIX: Did Angels Exist before Mankind was Created? CHAPTER SEVEN: Does God Allow the Temptation of Evil? CHAPTER EIGHT: The First and Second Adam: Death and Life Brought to Mankind CHAPTER NINE: The Genesis Gap is both Logical and Scriptural

The Genesis 'gap Theory'

Book Description

The interpretation of Genesis 1:1-2 has taxed the minds of exegetes for many years. The controversy has centred upon whether or not there is a chronological gap of unspecified duration within the compass of what, at first glance, seems to be continuous narrative. This proposed gap is the basis of what might be termed theories-of-accommodation. By some the proposed gap is used to accommodate the alleged vast ages of cosmic, geological, and biological evolution, and has certain similarities with the theory that views the days of Genesis 1, not as literal days representing but one complete rotation of the earth upon its axis, but as entire epochs, during which the earth was subject to profound, but extremely slow evolutionary change. This is a view frequently advocated by so-called Theistic-Evolutionists, who seek to harmonise Scripture with human wisdom in the form of evolutionary dogma. The facts are that; [1) the six days of Genesis 1 are each defined as comprising but one 'evening and morning' (verses 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, and 31), ] [2) Exodus 20:11 and 31:17 state that the basis of the seven-day week which regulates our calendar still, is the hexameron, or six days of creation followed by the Sabbath rest, ] [3) death did not exist before Adam, and came through Adam (Romans 5:12), ruling out the possibility of millions of years of plant and animal deaths before man, and, ] [4) the concept of the history of the events of Genesis 1, being greater in duration than all the rest of Scripture history taken together, and of it outlasting it by a truly prodigious amount which the adoption of an evolutionary time-scale would demand, is absolutely contrary to the conceptual basis of the Word-of-God.] The desire to accommodate entire epochs such as are suggested by evolutionists within a chronological gap to be located within Genesis 1:1-2 then should not be a serious consideration for sincere students of the Word. But the proposed gap is used also to accommodate the Luciferic Rebellion and Fall. It is taught by believers in this view that the original creation was marred, if not ruined altogether by this rebellion, or by a Divine Judgement which fell upon the earth as a consequence of it, and that the hexameron details the actions of God in restoring the, by then, ruined earth. Finally, there are those who see such a gap accommodating both evolutionary epochs and the Luciferic Rebellion. What the sincere student of God's Word needs to know is; whether or not there is any real basis in the Scriptures themselves for the existence of such a gap, or whether the proposal is based only upon human speculation.

Canon Revisited

Book Description

Given the popular-level conversations on phenomena like the Gospel of Thomas and Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus, as well as the current gap in evangelical scholarship on the origins of the New Testament, Michael Kruger’s Canon Revisited meets a significant need for an up-to-date work on canon by addressing recent developments in the field. He presents an academically rigorous yet accessible study of the New Testament canon that looks deeper than the traditional surveys of councils and creeds, mining the text itself for direction in understanding what the original authors and audiences believed the canon to be. Canon Revisited provides an evangelical introduction to the New Testament canon that can be used in seminary and college classrooms, and read by pastors and educated lay leaders alike. In contrast to the prior volumes on canon, this volume distinguishes itself by placing a substantial focus on the theology of canon as the context within which the historical evidence is evaluated and assessed. Rather than simply discussing the history of canon—rehashing the Patristic data yet again—Kruger develops a strong theological framework for affirming and authenticating the canon as authoritative. In effect, this work successfully unites both the theology and the historical development of the canon, ultimately serving as a practical defense for the authority of the New Testament books.

The Genesis Flood Revisited

Book Description

Modeled after the 1961 ground-breaking book The Genesis Flood by Drs. Whitcomb and Morris, this detailed work builds on that classic volume with new insights from decades of work by the author, Dr. Andrew Snelling, and numerous colleagues. This recent revolution in geology and the explosion in geological research have established an even firmer basis for understanding the biblical Flood with a God-honoring foundation — the absolute authority and inerrancy of God’s Word. Examine details of the Creation Week as it builds a solid scriptural case for the Flood’s catastrophic nature and global extent. Find decisive answers to many questions about the Flood and Noah’s Ark, its construction, and the animals taken onboard. Delve deeply into astonishing geological details that unfold from the early chapters of Genesis, including the Creation Week and the pre-Flood world. Explore detailed evidence and a concise, informative 30-page color section with diagrams, maps, and more! Dr. Snelling jettisons the faulty evolutionary-uniformitarian assumptions used by most geologists and instead, interprets compelling new geological and observed field data within the biblical framework for the earth’s history. He also demonstrates that fossils were catastrophically buried in sedimentary layers being deposited rapidly on a global scale on the continental plates derived from the violent rifting apart of the original supercontinent. His work demolishes radiometric dating, the icon of the millions of years dogma, and builds a thoroughly powerful case for a young earth that explains many geological features such as varves, evaporites, coal, oil, chalk, granites, and more that biblical skeptics sadly have used to scoff at God’s Word. Discover the powerful truth behind the earth’s most enduring mysteries!

Genesis Revisited

Book Description

• Was Adam the first test-tube baby? • Did nuclear fission destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? • How were the ancients able to accurately describe details about our solar system that are only now being revealed by deep space probes? The awesome answers are all here, in this important companion volume to The Earth Chronicles series. Having presented evidence of an additional planet as well as voluminous information about the other planets in our solar system, Zecharia Sitchin now shows how the discoveries of modern astrophysics, astronomy, and genetics exactly parallel what has already been revealed in ancient texts regarding the "mysteries" of alchemy and the creation of life. Genesis Revisited is a mind-boggling revelation sure to overturn current theories about the origins of humankind and the solar system.

Genesis Revisited - the Creation

Book Description

Those individuals who believe God created only two people in the garden of Eden may be surprised by the authors viewpoints expressed in this book. The author uses the Bible as the foundation to explain what could be possiblethat God did create more worlds, more planets, and more people in His likeness, allowing them to migrate through space travel to different worlds. Some of these other-world individuals may be present among us today.

The Genesis Gap - A Comprehensive Biblical Study

Book Description

This book combines three previously published titles: 1. "PreAdamic Creation-Genesis Gap" 2. "The 'Genesis Gap' - Ignored and Misunderstood" 3. "The 'Genesis Gap' of Creationism Revisited" This resource is comprehensive from the biblical perspective, on the subject of an earth created by God that predates the one that was later created to be Adam's domain. This teaching which is derived from many passages of both the Old and New Testaments is one of ongoing controversy however; many who study the Holy Bible are very interested in knowing what it actually reveals in regard to God's creation and the age of the earth and universe. In many cases, those who disagree with this well-substantiated doctrine have not actually heard or read a detailed presentation of it or they are mistaken regarding the basic aspects of it (i.e. it is confused with the "day-age theory," it is thought to be a compromise of the scriptures to compete with "the theory of evolution" or that it is scripturally out-of-context). This book resource covers all important aspects of this intriguing Bible subject, with each point of truth being solidly confirmed by the Holy Scriptures. The attentive reader will find that scriptural-backing for each aspect of the teaching is not taken out-of-context but agrees completely with what God's Word actually reveals in regard to His awesome creation. SECTION ONE: Title: "Pre-Adamic Creation-Genesis Gap" Subtitle: "The Ruin-Reconstruction Biblical Doctrine" CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE: What is the Genesis Gap? CHAPTER TWO: Where Did the Dinosaurs Go - Biblically Speaking? (Did Noah Have Them On The Ark?) CHAPTER THREE: Old and Young Earth Creationist Views (Which View Holds 100-Percent Correct Interpretation?) CHAPTER FOUR: What Sin Caused Lucifer to Become Satan? (Was It His Tempting of Adam?) CHAPTER FIVE: Genesis Gap - a Doctrine of Debate for Many (Is it Scripturally-Backed?) CHAPTER SIX: The Genesis Gap Does Not Agree with the Theory of Evolution (Mankind - a Direct Creation in the Image of God) CHAPTER SEVEN: The Intelligent Creator CHAPTER EIGHT: My Reply to an Anti - Genesis Gap Proponent (My Answer to Someone Who Expressed Disagreement with a Pre-Adamic Creation) CHAPTER NINE: In Summation SECTION TWO: Title: "The 'Genesis Gap' - Ignored and Misunderstood" Subtitle: "The Battle between Good and Evil Revealed" CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE: Misconceptions about the Genesis Gap CHAPTER TWO: Did Death Exist on Earth before Adam Sinned? CHAPTER THREE: The Fallen Angel Aspects of the Genesis Gap Teaching CHAPTER FOUR: Questions Anti-"Genesis Gap" Creationists have not Answered CHAPTER FIVE: My Reply to a Young Earth Creationist CHAPTER SIX: My Book Review of "In The Beginnings" by Steven E. Dill SECTION THREE: Title: "The 'Genesis Gap' of Creationism Revisited" Subtitle: "The Biblical 'Ruin-Reconstruction' Event" CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE Why am I Writing This -- My Third Book on the Genesis Gap? CHAPTER TWO Angels in Heaven Who Rebelled Against Their Creator CHAPTER THREE Depriving Our Youth of Sound "Old Earth" Creationism Teaching CHAPTER FOUR Straddling the Fence between Creationism and the Theory of Evolution CHAPTER FIVE Bypassing the Spiritual and Intellectualizing Creationism CHAPTER SIX Did Angels Exist before Mankind was Created? CHAPTER SEVEN Does God Allow the Temptation of Evil? CHAPTER EIGHT The First and Second Adam: Death and Life Brought to Mankind CHAPTER NINE The Genesis Gap is both Logical and Scriptural


Book Description

What has been called the “Gap Theory” was a popular and consistent explanation of the first chapter of Genesis among fundamental, evangelical Christians up through the mid 1900s. With the rise of Young Earth Creationism, the gap theory was simply pushed to the background and ridiculed as a past effort to satisfy the claims of modern evolutionary science. In effect, the new teachers buried this doctrine with the debris of Noah’s flood deposits. However, we shall see in this study that the YEC effectively left the literal Biblical record of Genesis 1 and leaped into the realm of pseudo-science to claim that Noah’s flood deposited all the various sedimentary strata of the whole earth. In addition, they pontifically assert that the whole heavens and earth are only about 6000 years old. This study is going to prove that the YEC are the very ones who do not take the Scriptures literally. This study will prove conclusively that Moses did not make the blunder of either stating or inferring the earth is only 6000 years old. There is an abundance of biblical evidences that the Gap is not a theory, but a fact! In this study you will find that certain of the prophets and an apostle were inspired of God to look back in time, even to the “backside of earth’s history,” We shall be surprised to find that the past is as captivating as the future. In fact, as we better understand the past, we shall better comprehend the future. The cover picture is from two pages of the Jewish Sarajevo Haggadah, as seen in the Saravejou museum in Spain. This work was done in 1400 CE. The pictures on each page are to be read in the Hebrew manner from right to left. The pictures graphically depict the six-day activity of God in preparing the earth of man’s habitation. Two things are to be noted: first, these six days are preceded by a scene of the earth in a chaotic condition as described in the second verse of Genesis 1 (first fame, upper right hand corner); second, on the first day light was made and nothing else ( third verse of Genesis 1, second frame). Obviously, this six hundred year old work was not influenced by modern scientific theories, rather it represents a long standing interpretation in Judaism.

Gleanings in Genesis

Book Description