The German Labour Market in the Year 2030

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What will be the shape of the German economy and its labour market in 20 years time? Beyond combining qualitative scenarios and mathematical methods in a professional forecast, the report raises the questions how politics and the labour force.

The German Labour Market in the Year 2030: A Strategic View on Demography, Employment and Education

Book Description

Hauptbeschreibung Wie sehen Arbeitsmarkt und Wirtschaft in 20 Jahren aus? Der Bericht kombiniert nicht nur qualitative Zukunftsszenarien und mathematische Verfahren zu einer qualifizierten Prognose. Er stellt auch die Frage, was Politik, Unternehmen und Arbeitskräfte tun müssen, um sich dem demografischen Wandel zu stellen und im internationalen Wettbewerb zu bestehen. Mit einer Unterscheidung zwischen 44 Wirtschaftszweigen, 88 Berufsgruppen und 27 Fachrichtungen der beruflichen Bildung weist er eine Detaildichte auf, die weit über vorliegende Prognosen hinausgeht. Die Ergebnisse z.

Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2010

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This new UNEP Report focuses on the global trends in sustainable energy development, covering both the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. This report shows that in spite of the global economic downturn, investment in sustainable energy is still strong. Resilience To The financial downturn taht was hitting all sectors of the global economy and frustration that, while the UN Climate Convention in Copenhagen was not the big breakdown that might have occured, neither was it the big breakthrough so many had hoped for. Yet, also determination on the part of many industry actors and governments (especially in rapid developing economies) to transform the financial and economic crisis into an opportunity for greener growth.

Women and elderly on the BSR labour market - good practices' analysis and transfer

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Analysis of macroeconomic data carried out by the authors indicated that the employment rate among women and older people in Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway is much higher than in other EU countries [Eurostat, 2012]. Thus the idea was born to identify and transfer of best practices from the Northern European countries to selected countries of the Baltic Sea Region (Poland Germany, Lithuania and Latvia). The first part of the book is devoted to the description of the criteria that helped the authors select best practices and make characteristics of chosen practices. The second part of the book deals with conditions of the best practices transfer. In the last part of book the transfers of best practices to the four BSR countries are presented. The authors from the Gdansk University of Technology focused on the one hand on the complex, and on the other hand, on a practical approach to analyse the problem of low activity of women and older people on EU labour market.

Human Resource Management in a Post COVID-19 World

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This book presents a novel viewpoint in HR management: in addition to the macroeconomic factors (demographic development, industry 4.0, digitization, etc.) and its micro-political counterparts (shortage of skilled workers, an aging workforce, shortage of MINTs), personnel policy in the highly developed economic regions of the world can increasingly be seen from the third point of view, which is the ego-perspective. The complexity of the economic world 4.0 is manifesting itself for the employees in a working world of unlimited possibilities, offering almost limitless freedom of choice, especially for younger people. Due to this shift in the balance of power, the influence of the employers decreases and is often reduced to countering the pronounced self-confidence of the employees in asserting their expectations with corresponding company incentives. The author emphasizes that dealing with the challenges of this extremely fragile world of work - currently exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic - must by no means be left solely in the hands of overburdened personnel managers. The contribution of the line manager or direct superior is becoming increasingly important. And it is only through close and clearly defined cooperation between the two that the opportunity for effective human resources management lies. This book aims to illustrate this process of division of labor in the individual phases of personnel management.

A `Social Turn’ in the European Union?

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Social Europe is a key topic in the construction of the EU and its institutions. This volume examines the current state of, and perspectives for, Social Europe, as well as key issues in European social policy, including the posting of workers, the impact of the free market and regulations on social convergence, work automation, digitalisation, taxation and democracy in the workplace. The aim of this volume is to identify a course to be followed in integrating the EU’s social policies and point to areas in which co-operation between member states is likely to produce best results. While a Social Europe was previously seen to be a natural consequence of political and economic integration, it is now viewed as a separate area that requires active policies to preserve the European project. The EU’s big question today concerns the level at which this policy should be pursued: the volume’s contributors outline difficulties with harmonising social policies across the Union, but they nevertheless argue that, owing to the common challenges faced by Europe, the idea of a Social Europe must not be abandoned and requires specific action. The volume consists of 11 chapters written by a variety of expert authors, analysing the idea of a Social Europe and proposing ways in which it could be put into practice. Social policy can no longer be seen as derived from economic policy but rather as a separate driver of development that could be of interest to the northern, southern and eastern states of the EU. Jacek Kubera, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Tomasz Morozowski, PhD candidate, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and analyst at the Poznań Institute for Western Affairs.

Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2010

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This book offers insights into important trends and future scenarios in the global tourism and travel industry and analyses current challenges in the aviation and hospitality industry, destination management and general travel behaviour. Well-known notabilities share their points of view. For example, Norbert Walter, chief economist of the Deutsche Bank, writes about the financial crisis and its impact on the tourism industry. Top executives of international operating airlines like C. Karlitekin (Turkish Airlines), J. Hunold (Air Berlin) and E. Sims (Air New Zealand) have much to say about the future of airlines and aviation management. Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the top themes to-be and therefore a focus of this book, offering the perspective of the UN Foundation and the social inclusion concept of RUHR.2010, European Capital of Culture. The articles are based on presentations and panel discussions presented at the world ́s largest tourism congress, the ITB Berlin Convention.

The German Economy

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First book in English to provide a comprehensive account of the German economy German social and economic policies are extremely topical as they are influencing the rest of Europe Controversial in that it disputes the Thatcherite/Reaganomic approach to reform

Managing an Ageing Workforce

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Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Germany s population, and consequently its workforce is ageing. Fewer young people will enter the workforce and employers will be pressed to draw from an expanding pool of older people. As a consequence the working age population is projected to decline significantly; while the numbers of organisations depended on them will rise. At the same time, baby boomers are moving towards retirement and can not be replaced by middle-aged or younger workers. Facing impending talent shortages and a substantial loss of knowledge and experience, companies might have little choice but to implement new employment strategies. Primarily based on secondary research and supported by available data from various research institutions, this paper considers relevant variables and approaches related to challenges from a German perspective. This is done regardless of specific industry conditions and circumstances. The paper covers selected peripheral issues like attitudes and retirement intentions of older workers and the myths and stereotypes about them. It provides an overview of the German labour market, specifically the situation of older people, and how public policy has been responding to improve related conditions. Finally, minor and major interventions are presented to adapt human resource methods, work arrangements, and framework conditions. Recognising that an effective response to the demographic changes requires a broader perspective, i.e. considering all working generations, the proposed initiatives primarily focus on the attraction and retention of older people. International and more specific German demographic projections clearly indicate that age management is essential. Organisations have to be prepared to cope with the impending labour and skill shortages resulting from a declining population and a likely mass exodus of the baby boom generation from the workplace. Future competitiveness of businesses increasingly rests on the performance and productivity of older people. Hence understanding, retaining and utilising them becomes crucial. Considering characteristics of the older workforce segment, this paper shows that older workers are ready, willing, and able to stay employed. Medical advancements and other quality-of-life factors lead to people live longer and healthier. Myths and stereotypes about older workers are not upheld by available evidence and replaced by convictions to be a valuable resource for employers and capable [...]