The Global Health Cost of PM2.5 Air Pollution

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According to the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study, air pollution from fine particulate matter caused 6.4 million premature deaths and 93 billion days lived with illness in 2019. Over the past decade, the toll of ambient air pollution has continued to rise. Air pollution’s significant health, social, and economic effects compel the World Bank to support client countries in addressing air pollution as a core development challenge. This publication estimates that the global cost of health damages associated with exposure to air pollution is $8.1 trillion, equivalent to 6.1 percent of global GDP. People in low- and middle-income countries are most affected by mortality and morbidity from air pollution. The death rate associated with air pollution is significantly higher in low-and lower-middle income countries than in high-income countries. This publication further develops the evidence base for air-quality management through up-to-date estimates of air pollution’s global economic costs. The analyses presented here build on previous cost estimates by the Bank and its partners, as well as on more comprehensive air-quality data from monitoring stations in many cities across the world. By providing monetary estimates of air pollution’s health damages, this publication aims to support policy makers and decision-makers in client countries in prioritizing air pollution amid competing development challenges. Its findings build a robust economic case to invest scarce budgetary resources in the design and implementation of policies and interventions for improving air quality. Such investments will deliver benefits for societies at large, and particularly for vulnerable groups. This publication builds a strong case for scaling up investments for air pollution control in low-and middle-income countries.

The Global Health Cost of Ambient PM2.5 Air Pollution

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Air pollution is a major cause of death and disease. 'Ambient air pollution' refers to contamination of outdoor air; 'household air pollution' refers to contamination of indoor air. Ambient (or outdoor) air pollution is the world's leading environmental risk to health and the cause of morbidity and mortality from diseases such as ischemic heart disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, and pneumonia. Most deaths related to air pollution are caused by human exposure to fine inhalable particles or fine particulate matter, also known as PM2.5. An estimated 4.1 million people died prematurely worldwide in 2016 due to exposure to outdoor PM2.5. About 90 percent of those deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. This report provides an estimate of the global, regional, and national costs of health damage-that is, premature mortality and morbidity-from exposure to ambient PM2.5 air pollution in 2016. Using the estimates of mortality and morbidity from ambient PM2.5 published in the Global Burden of Disease 2016 study, this report estimates the global cost of premature mortality and morbidity from exposure to ambient PM2.5 air pollution to be USD 5.7 trillion in 2016, equivalent to 4.8 percent of global gross domestic product in the same year. Global health crises further highlight the need for continued action in addressing a global and cross-cutting challenge such as air pollution. The current global COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of reducing air pollution through preventive and abatement measures. People who contract COVID-19 and have underlying medical problems such as heart disease, lung disease, and cancer, which are also associated with air pollution, are at a higher risk of developing serious illnesses that could lead to death.

The Economic Consequences of Outdoor Air Pollution

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This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the economic consequences of outdoor air pollution in the coming decades, focusing on the impacts on mortality, morbidity, and changes in crop yields as caused by high concentrations of pollutants.

WHO global air quality guidelines

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The main objective of these updated global guidelines is to offer health-based air quality guideline levels, expressed as long-term or short-term concentrations for six key air pollutants: PM2.5, PM10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. In addition, the guidelines provide interim targets to guide reduction efforts of these pollutants, as well as good practice statements for the management of certain types of PM (i.e., black carbon/elemental carbon, ultrafine particles, particles originating from sand and duststorms). These guidelines are not legally binding standards; however, they provide WHO Member States with an evidence-informed tool, which they can use to inform legislation and policy. Ultimately, the goal of these guidelines is to help reduce levels of air pollutants in order to decrease the enormous health burden resulting from the exposure to air pollution worldwide.

From Jobs to Careers

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An oft-cited strategy to advance economic development is to further integrate developing countries into global trade, particularly through global value chains, bolstered by the expansion of female-intensive industries to bring more women into the formal labor force. As a result, a frequent debate centers on whether the apparel industry--the most female-intensive and globally engaged manufacturing industry--can be a key player in this strategy. In recent decades, the apparel industry has shifted production to low-wage developing countries, increasing the demand for women, closing male-female wage gaps, and bringing women into the formal labor force from agriculture and informal work. But is an apparel-led export strategy sufficient to induce a broader transition from jobs women do to survive to careers promising stable employment and a sense of identity? 'From Jobs to Careers' answers this question by focusing on seven countries where apparel plays a vital role in their export baskets--Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Vietnam. It finds that the apparel industry indeed can serve as a launching pad to bring more women into the labor market. For this approach to work, however, complementary policies must tackle the barriers that hinder women's pursuit of long-term workforce participation and better-paid occupations. Key policy recommendations include increasing the participation of female production workers in export-oriented apparel manufacturing and associated industries, upgrading within manufacturing-related industries, boosting access to education, and breaking glass ceilings. The report also seeks to shift the paradigm of how we think of women in the labor force by stressing the importance of their transition from jobs to careers--the so-called 'quiet revolution.'

The Cost of Air Pollution

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Outdoor air pollution kills more than 3 million people across the world every year, and causes health problems from asthma to heart disease for many more. This is costing societies very large amounts in terms of the value of lives lost and ill health. Based on extensive new epidemiological evidence since the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study, and OECD estimates of the Value of Statistical Life, this report provides evidence on the health impacts from air pollution and the related economic costs.

Outdoor Air Pollution

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"This publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk to Humans, which met in Lyon, 8-15 October 2013."

WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality

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Built on existing WHO indoor air quality guidelines for specific pollutants, these guidelines bring together the most recent evidence on fuel use, emission and exposure levels, health risks, intervention impacts and policy considerations, to provide practical recommendations to reduce this health burden.

Air Pollution as a Risk Factor Affecting Human Health and Economic Costs

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According to the World Health Organization air pollution is one of the most important environmental risk to health, influencing the burden of disease such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer but also chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. For years, WHO has also been alarming about the enormous number of premature deaths that are attributed each year to exposure to air pollution. It is estimated that air pollution is responsible for over 7 million human lives, of which over 4 million are attributed to the exposure to ambient (outdoor) air pollutants. Therefore, it is a leading factor determining the global scale of morbidity and mortality not only due to serious diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems or neoplastic diseases, but also significantly affects the reduced quality of life, usually associated with disability caused by chronic disease.

Cleaning Pakistan’s Air

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The harm to Pakistanis’ health, economy, and environment from urban air pollution is among the highest in South Asia, exceeding several high-profile causes of mortality and morbidity in Pakistan. This report details a broad spectrum of research on Pakistan’s air quality management challenges and presents concrete steps to achieve improvements.