The Globalization of NATO

Book Description

Spawned by the Cold War, NATO�s existence was justified by Soviet threats to Western Europe. That raison d�être is long gone with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Still NATO globalized relentlessly, moving from defensive to offensive under pretexts of humanitarianism, starting with Yugoslavia, then East Africa, Afghanistan, and most recently Libya, acting as an arm of the Pentagon. The danger to global equilibrium is a growing NATO being expanded further by American and British ambitions into a monster military force of world proportions, way beyond any Atlantic or European alliance. NATO expansion, intrusive military hardware, such as cyber technology/interference and the murderous capacity of drones is threatening North/South peace. The creeping NATO expansion into Asia, the attempt to surround Russia, China and others can only end badly for the billions of human beings involved. The recent mini-US occupation of Australia, the interference in the ASEAN countries by US arms dealers and naval forces, the menacing presence of US aircraft carriers in the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca should remind historians of just why the Japanese considered it necessary to attack Pearl Harbor to end the US naval strangle hold imposed upon them.NATO as it expands today is absolutely not what the world of struggling economies and deprived populations require. It is nothing, but a negative force. "I hope this book will be read by very, very many who can turn this morbid fascination with violence into constructive conflict resolution." �Johan GALTUNG, Professor Emeritus of Peace Studies and Sociology at the University of Oslo "Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya�s prolific writings give us a comprehensive understanding of the character of the military thrust and it�s all out, no holds barred STRATEGIC plans and moves to invade, occupy and plunder the resources of nations, inflict unprecedented barbaric acts on the civil populations. He is one the prescient thinkers and writers in contemporary times who deserves to be read and acted upon by people with a conscience and concern for humanity�s future".�VISHNU BHAGWAT, Admiral and Chief of the Naval Staff of India (1996-1998): Mumbai, India. "This book is a must read for those committed to reversing the tide of war and imperial conquest by the world�s foremost military machine". �MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY, Professor Emeritus

The Globalization of NATO

Book Description

This book examines NATO’s transition from a Cold War mutual defence organization into a global alliance, and puts the recent crisis over the Afghanistan mission in the context of long-standing debates over out-of-area interventions. Originally, NATO bound the western allies together for the purposes of mutual defence as defined by Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which declared that an attack on the territory of one ally was to be considered an attack on them all. However, Article 4 of the Treaty invites the allies to consult with each other on a less formal basis whenever their 'territorial integrity, political independence, or security' was threatened, without the automatic commitment to a shared response. During the Cold War, the allies consulted both formally and informally on issues beyond mutual defence in debates that were, more often than not, extremely contentious. After the Cold War, these out-of-area missions became the primary focus of NATO’s military missions. The allies had to debate the scope of co-operation for every mission they considered undertaking collectively. This book argues that NATO’s identity has changed from a Cold War mutual defence organization to a global alliance in the course of debates over how to respond to the changing circumstances of its security environment. This book will be of much interest to students of security studies, international organisations, contemporary history and IR in general.

Globalisation and Insecurity in the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

Discusses the impact of globalisation on security in the West and in particular the way it has changed the nature of NATO as well as its security agenda.


Book Description

The purpose of NATO: From Regional to Global Security Provider is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Alliance’s new vision (the new Strategic Concept) and common security impact – associated tasks to be undertaken within a short and longer term time horizon. The book serves as a relevant and timely study of the most pressing issues facing NATO today – including recent lessons gained. It provides recommendations for consideration and further discussion (i.e., the “what” and the “how” regarding future policy options for the North Atlantic Alliance). The intended audience includes international security policy-makers, government officials, elected leaders, academics, interested professionals, civil society and members of the public. Specifically, the book focuses on six topic areas. Part I, the Introduction, relates to conceptual and organizational changes, membership expansion and enlargement. Part II consists of emerging security challenges, including terrorism, piracy, homeland threats, cyber defense and information warfare, energy security, non-proliferation and countering WMD. Part III incorporates national and regional challenges such as the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan/Pakistan, the Horn of Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. Part IV deals with military and non-military assets. It integrates capability development, burden sharing, common funding, ballistic missile defenses and the phased adaptive approach, non-strategic nuclear weapons, and a broad-based comprehensive approach to security. Part V covers multifaceted collaborative relationships between NATO and various governmental, inter-governmental, and non-governmental bodies. This section incorporates outreach and engagement with Russia, India, Pakistan, and China, as well as with other non-NATO countries, the Mediterranean Dialogue (MD), and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI). Formal and informal linkages with the EU, OSCE, and the UN are also essential features of such a cooperative activity. Additionally, the expanding participation of civil society and growing involvement of new key NATO interlocutors (e.g., NGOs, academics) have created new international partnering opportunities as a means of bolstering global security through innovative public-private partnerships. Part VI includes a Summary and Conclusions.

Nato--the Next Thirty Years

Book Description

The survival of NATO as a viable alliance is currently challenged by a shift in the strategic balance of power, as well as by global events and contingencies that extend far beyond NATO's boundaries. In the face of these challenges, existing institutional mechanisms are proving inadequate to respond effectively. The distinguished contributors to this volume draw on their vast political and diplomatic experience to identify and analyze the problems confronting NATO for the remainder of the twentieth century. They make clear the need for a trans-Atlantic communication network among policymakers, scholars, and others-a network that will allow an ongoing process of analysis and assessment of NATO's strategic, economic, and political problems, along with the identification of appropriate reactions.

Political Leadership In Nato

Book Description

This unusual history of the first four secretaries-general of NATO and their importance in the post-war politics of Western defense is a study of diplomacy–of individuals and the impact of their personalities on international events. It can perhaps best be described in terms of what it is not. It is not, for example, exclusively a book on NATO, nor is it a text on international organization. It is neither a history of European politics nor an analysis of East-West relations. It is not a specialized study of nuclear politics, and it does not pretend to be a record of the political interplay between the United States and its European allies. Yet all of these themes appear in the work. In the course of preparing this book, Dr. Jordan came to know the four secretaries-general, as well as many other individuals involved in NATO since its inception. While his analysis is objective and he has thoroughly documented his observations, there is also a valuable personal element in his assessment of the impact the persons who occupied this relatively little known but very important office had on the institution they headed and the international political environment in which they operated.

NATO and the Future of European and Asian Security

Book Description

"This book offers perspective on the difficult geopolitical and geostrategic conditions and review how new type of warfare - Fourth Generation War - has drastic impact on the Alliance military and defense doctrines contributing to the understanding of the transformation of regional security environment in aegis of the Euro-Atlantic Community"--

The Future of NATO

Book Description

The conclusion of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) operations in Afghanistan in 2014 closes an important chapter in the history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In this volume, European and US experts examine a range of perennial issues facing the Alliance, including relations with Russia, NATO’s institutional organization and command structure, and the role of the United States in the Alliance, in order to show how these issues shape today’s most pressing debate—the debate over the balance between NATO’s engagement in security operations globally and traditional defense within the North-Atlantic region. The volume’s contributors propose that NATO can indeed find a viable balance between competing, but not inherently incompatible, strategic visions. A theoretically informed, empirical account and analysis of NATO’s recent evolution, this volume will appeal to both security scholars and practitioners from the policy community.

Ares, Janus, Globalization

Book Description

War and human life have been coupled since before antiquity. Ares, the Greek god of war, wielding fist and sword, battled with immortals and mortals alike. In more recent times, as economies and politics become increasingly interdependent or, globalized Janus, the Roman deity of doorways and passageways, who watched in two directions at once, has begun to take center stage, looking at both international stability and security. This study examines globalization from the perspectives of three interlocking stakes: international military and commercial investment; dual-use technologies; and export control. As a primer on these stakes for the rising military leader within the North Atlantic Treaty, the study elucidates the issue of cooperation vs. competition intrinsic to NATO and the European Union as together they seek to increase transatlantic security. The enormous potential of dual-use technologies is examined, with a focus on the angst of military leaders about the increasing dependence on technologies that are widely commercially available to both friend and foe. Last, the competing demands of openness of markets and of international security involved in both those stakes lead to consideration of the economic instrument of export control of technologies.

NATO 2030

Book Description

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is the world’s largest, most powerful military alliance. The Alliance has navigated and survived the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the post-9/11 era. Since the release of the 2010 Strategic Concept, NATO’s strategic environment has again undergone significant change. The need to adapt is clear. An opportunity to assess the Alliance’s achievements and future goals has now emerged with the Secretary General’s drive to create a new Strategic Concept for the next decade—an initiative dubbed NATO 2030. A necessary step for formulating a new strategic outlook will thus be understanding the future that faces NATO. To remain relevant and adjust to new circumstances, the Alliance must identify its main challenges and opportunities in the next ten years and beyond. This book contributes to critical conversations on NATO’s future vitality by examining the Alliance’s most salient issues and by offering recommendations to ensure its effectiveness moving forward. Written by a diverse, multigenerational group of policymakers and academics from across Europe and the United States, this book provides new insights about NATO’s changing threat landscape, its shifting internal dynamics, and the evolution of warfare. The volume’s authors tackle a wide range of issues, including the challenges of Russia and China, democratic backsliding, burden sharing, the extension of warfare to space and cyberspace, partnerships, and public opinion. With rigorous assessments of NATO’s challenges and opportunities, each chapter provides concrete recommendations for the Alliance to chart a path for the future. As such, this book is an indispensable resource for NATO’s strategic planners and security and defense experts more broadly.