Protector Somerset

Book Description

Part of a series aiming to identify themes and topics which extend beyond the studies of professional historians, and written in a form appropriate for A-level students, undergraduates and the general reader. This volume discusses the Protector Somerset.

Tudor King in All But Name

Book Description

The first full biography of Edward Seymour, kinsman of Tudor royalty, from Lord Protector of England to the block

Popular Politics and the English Reformation

Book Description

This book is a study of popular responses to the English Reformation. It takes as its subject not the conversion of English subjects to a new religion but rather their political responses to a Reformation perceived as an act of state and hence, like all early modern acts of state, negotiated between government and people. These responses included not only resistance but also significant levels of accommodation, co-operation and collaboration as people attempted to co-opt state power for their own purposes. This study argues, then, that the English Reformation was not done to people, it was done with them in a dynamic process of engagement between government and people. As such, it answers the twenty-year-old scholarly dilemma of how the English Reformation could have succeeded despite the inherent conservatism of the English people, and it presents a genuinely post-revisionist account of one of the central events of English history.

Rebellion and Riot

Book Description

"The short reign of Edward VI was a turbulent one, even by Tudor standards. In addition to such perennial problems as religious change, inflation, poor harvests, and war with Scotland and France - and to some extent as a result of them - the kingdom was threatened by widespread unrest, riots, and rebellions among the common people." "The riots and rebellions were, of course, put down, and their history was recorded by the educated ruling class. In this study, Barrett L. Beer looks at these dramatic events from the viewpoint of the rebellious commoners. Drawing on a variety of contemporary manuscript sources, he analyzes the themes of discontent that motivated them, the radical demands that challenged the social order, and the acts of repression and reform by which the government responded. Above the clamor of the streets and countryside runs the intricate story of the interaction and often confusing relations among the commoners, the gentry who controlled local government, and the king's councillors in London." "Rebellion and Riot provides insights into the critical mid-Tudor period in England. The discontents these riots reflected helped shape the direction of later history."--BOOK JACKET.

The Zurich Connection and Tudor Political Theology

Book Description

Should students of Tudor political thought be interested in a feisty Swiss republican who hardly set foot outside his home canton of Zurich, and a Florentine aristocrat who spent just five years of his career in England? This book presents the case for including two leading lights of the Schola Tigurina—Heinrich Bullinger and Peter Martyr Vermigli—among the chief architects of the protestant religious and political settlement constructed under Edward VI and consolidated under Elizabeth I. Through study of selected texts of their political theology, this book explores crucial intellectual links between England and Zurich which came to exert a significant influence on the institutions of the Tudor church and commonwealth.

State and Commonwealth

Book Description

In the history of political thought, the emergence of the modern state in early modern England has usually been treated as the development of an increasingly centralizing and expansive national sovereignty. Recent work in political and social history, however, has shown that the state—at court, in the provinces, and in the parishes—depended on the authority of local magnates and the participation of what has been referred to as "the middling sort." This poses challenges to scholars seeking to describe how the state was understood by contemporaries of the period in light of the great classical and religious textual traditions of political thought. State and Commonwealth presents a new theory of state and society by expanding on the usual treatment of "commonwealth" in pre–Civil War English history. Drawing on works of theology, moral philosophy, and political theory—including Martin Bucer's De Regno Christi, Thomas Smith's De Republica Anglorum, John Case's Sphaera Civitatis, Francis Bacon's essays, and Thomas Hobbes's early works—Noah Dauber argues that the commonwealth ideal was less traditional than often thought. He shows how it incorporated new ideas about self-interest and new models of social order and stratification, and how the associated ideal of distributive justice pertained as much to the honors and offices of the state as to material wealth. Broad-ranging in scope, State and Commonwealth provides a more complete picture of the relationship between political and social theory in early modern England.

Mercy and Authority in the Tudor State

Book Description

Using a wide range of legal, administrative and literary sources, this study explores the role of the royal pardon in the exercise and experience of authority in Tudor England. It examines such abstract intangibles as power, legitimacy, and the state by looking at concrete life-and-death decisions of the Tudor monarchs. Drawing upon the historiographies of law and society, political culture and state formation, mercy is used as a lens through which to examine the nature and limits of participation in the early modern polity. Contemporaries deemed mercy as both a prerogative and duty of the ruler. Public expectations of mercy imposed restraints on the sovereign's exercise of power. Yet the discretionary uses of punishment and mercy worked in tandem to mediate social relations of power in ways that most often favoured the growth of the state.

The Age of Elizabeth

Book Description

This famous book was the first up-to-date survey of its field for a generation; even today, when work on early modern social history proliferates, it remains the only general economic history of the age. This second edition, substantially revised and expanded, is clear in outline, rich in detail, stressing continuity as well as change, balancing the glamour of privilege with the misery and privation of the poor, and dealing with the dark side of Tudor life -- vagabondage, starvation, superstition and cruelty -- as well as its heroic achievements.